Dropped my juvenile fish off at the LPS 😕


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
Reaction score
Packaging them up

Photos of them being acclimated at the store:


So... I talked to the owner's son and he said he could only do the amount I talked to the owner with over the phone which was $2.50 each. I definitely feel gypped.
I should have at least gotten $3.50 a piece. Although $4-5 would have been better.
Really sad to let them go. I had 3 of them named. Contemplated keeping one of them...I didn't though
Packaging them up
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Photos of them being acclimated at the store:
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So... I talked to the owner's son and he said he could only do the amount I talked to the owner with over the phone which was $2.50 each. I definitely feel gypped.
I should have at least gotten $3.50 a piece. Although $4-5 would have been better.
Really sad to let them go. I had 3 of them named. Contemplated keeping one of them...I didn't though
Dang hopefully they can go to a good home also how many did you sell?
We had a local store who would give a price on the phone. Then when you arrived expecting $2.50 a fish, you'd be offered 65 cents or so. And that was store credit - the markups were fierce. I gave them their deal once, because I had too many juvie fish to have principles. They sold out my 50 fish in a week at $9.99 each.

Nice markup. They never saw a fish from me again though.
We had a local store who would give a price on the phone. Then when you arrived expecting $2.50 a fish, you'd be offered 65 cents or so. And that was store credit - the markups were fierce. I gave them their deal once, because I had too many juvie fish to have principles. They sold out my 50 fish in a week at $9.99 each.

Nice markup. They never saw a fish from me again though.
Yah thats just messed up. I plan to go back there saturday just to see what their pricing them at.
They normally price their peacock gudgeons at 16.99 or 17.99... Soooo... Yah. Im kinda a bit upset at it.
So $25 for 10 fish. They got a good deal.
Oh definitely lol
Next time Ill be asking for $5 per fish. Lowest I'll say I'll go is 3.75 if they ask for the lowest. If they dont take it, their loss. I'll be trying to sell on OfferUp, Craigslist, ect...
Yah thats just messed up. I plan to go back there saturday just to see what their pricing them at.
They normally price their peacock gudgeons at 16.99 or 17.99... Soooo... Yah. Im kinda a bit upset at it.

Oh definitely lol
Next time I’ll be asking for $5 per fish. Lowest I'll say I'll go is 3.75 if they ask for the lowest. If they dont take it, their loss. I'll be trying to sell on OfferUp, Craigslist, ect...
well If you ever sell online lmk I would be interested in a pair
well If you ever sell online lmk I would be interested in a pair
If they ever reproduce again and I get good fry, I'll let you know!
But I'd have to ship and I don't know if I can do that. Especially all the way to the other side of the U.S with you being in WA. May be hard to ship safely (for relatively cheap) with that distance.
I'd probably only do it locally.
We had a local store who would give a price on the phone. Then when you arrived expecting $2.50 a fish, you'd be offered 65 cents or so. And that was store credit - the markups were fierce. I gave them their deal once, because I had too many juvie fish to have principles. They sold out my 50 fish in a week at $9.99 each.

Nice markup. They never saw a fish from me again though.
I couldn’t keep my angelfish (a male with rare markings) and I went to a local pet store, she said she could not give me anything for him, but she’d take him off my hands. I had no other choice, I gave her the fish and she sold him for $60
I couldn’t keep my angelfish (a male with rare markings) and I went to a local pet store, she said she could not give me anything for him, but she’d take him off my hands. I had no other choice, I gave her the fish and she sold him for $60
That must have just been infuriating
I was breeding angelfish, I had three LFS that would take maybe 15 each, but I need to get rid of 100 to 200. I did not get much money for them, best was $1.00 each. At first I was upset but then I look at the stores maintaining the tank for weeks before they would all be sold, I am sure they have deaths, returns, etc.

You can always sell the fish on your own but I don't want people coming into my home and I didn't want to be bothered packing and transporting fish. You are effectively wholesaling your fish when you take them to your LFS.
I do secretly shake my head when people with 2 or 3 tanks talk about fishbreeding for money. Unless you invest time and money into a set up, you have no chance. And maybe if you do, it's awful hard to compete with farms if you try to sell the common species.
In my story, btw, I would have sold the fish at 65 cents. He shouldn't have offered the higher price. That was my beef. His son took the store over and was a straight shooter. The son only hired people from the aquarium club, and sought recommendations as to their knowledge.
My current lfs tells me the price he pays wholesale if I offer him something, and pays me the list price in store credit. I work for food....
When I first set up a tank of my own in 2019, all I wanted was a little guppy colony tank with live plants and maybe some shrimp. But knowing what guppies are like, since my parents were in the aquatics trade for decades and had a fish then a general pet store, and always had a tank at home since I was a kid, I knew guppies breed like wildfire, so I checked with my LFS if he'd be willing to take the young ones before I brought any guppies home. Luckily he was, since most chain stores won't take fish from home breeders, especially livebearers, and not all privately owned LFS will either.

He was fine to take them once they reached around three months old, and old enough to sell. Said he couldn't pay for them since they're a cheap fish, but might be able to give some store credit here and there. Since I got into breeding them for a while, I ended up bringing in bags full of young guppies, mollies and platies pretty regularly, earned the nickname "The Guppy Girl", but built a relationship with the owners and staff over that time, chatting when I popped in, and he'd knock some money off of my bill since I'd always be buying something anytime I went in there anyway. In time he came to know that the fish from me came from healthy tanks, had nice colours and sold well, and he was happy to add them straight to the sale tanks with other fish once he'd had a lot of fish from me and knew they'd be disease free.

Once my cories started spawning and I was getting an overstock of those, he said he'd pay for shrimp and baby cories, and really wanted any pygmy cory fry I could get him, since they're popular and sell well. Said he would give me some cash for them. Not a lot, since they're not particularly expensive either, but more valuable to him than guppies/mollies/platies are. I needed him to take my overstock of livebearers much more than he needed the fish! So I never asked for money, and was just grateful for the times he did give me some store credit.

It really would be fruitless to try to breed to make money in just normal home tanks. What is very useful about doing some home-breeding and either selling or giving away the stock, is the connections you can make that way. Due to my relationship with that store, he helped me out when I needed someone to house a big batch of juvenile fish that were too young to sell, I met other local hobbyists through being at the store often, learned a lot from chatting with them and the store owner and staff, and networking with other local hobbyists is invaluable.

Through selling batches of pygmy cories and some excess live plant trimmings privately I've met several great local hobbyists, and traded for other fish and plants I really wanted to keep. Another man I met that way is an incredibly smart and connected fishkeeper who is involved in the tropical fish club for my city, so he has a lot of connections to help source other, less commonly sold fish from the people he knows, and has given me fantastic advice and become a friend.

There's no way even with rarer and expensive fish and four tanks that I could sell enough to cover the cost of running the tanks, let alone raising the fry for months, and the idea of profit is a laugh! Privately owned fish stores operate on a knife edge, are being outcompeted and shut down because of the big chains, people buying equipment and food etc on Amazon instead of local stores, and it's incredibly hard for them to even stay open now. My one that was generous has shut down now.

Breed if you want to, because it's fun and a great experience, and it's nice to at least offset the costs a little when you sell some young, since it's an expensive hobby. But also try to support your LFS where you can if they're an otherwise decent store, and try to understand how thin a margin the LFS have now. Their overhead costs are crazy and they're dying off, which would be a real shame if we're left with only soulless big box stores and uncaring massive corporations.

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