Can snails live in ammonia


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2022
Reaction score
Wa state
hello I’m currently cycling I got plants a couple days ago and noticed I tiny tiny snail and it’s living it the tank chilling so does ammonia effect snails?
Yes ammonia affects snails but I don't believe it is as much as it affects fish. There are likely species differences that I am unaware of.
I'd only have pond/bladder snails in a cycling tank.
In my tank that was cycling it reached 3ppm ammonia and they were thriving!
But other snails like nerites, mystery snails, assassin snails, those should be kept more carefully
I'd only have pond/bladder snails in a cycling tank.
In my tank that was cycling it reached 3ppm ammonia and they were thriving!
But other snails like nerites, mystery snails, assassin snails, those should be kept more carefully
It’s a bladder snail at least I think who I got from said it was
If the snail hitched a ride on a plant it is probable that it is a bladder/pond snail. Personally I love the critters but can't keep in my tank as my cichlids just eat them like popcorn. Personally I find them a good 'barometer' as to tank health and wish that I could keep.
If the snail hitched a ride on a plant it is probable that it is a bladder/pond snail. Personally I love the critters but can't keep in my tank as my cichlids just eat them like popcorn. Personally I find them a good 'barometer' as to tank health and wish that I could keep.
Wait how does it tell idk you can by the shell but what Else can you tell from it
I find that 'pest' snails are bullet proof. It is said that only cockroaches would survive a nuclear holocaust, but Malaysian trumpet snails would keep them company. On the other hand, those snails we pay good money for will drop dead if you even look at them funny.
I find that 'pest' snails are bullet proof. It is said that only cockroaches would survive a nuclear holocaust, but Malaysian trumpet snails would keep them company. On the other hand, those snails we pay good money for will drop dead if you even look at them funny.
It's a bit of an aside for the thread, but after years of dealing with trumpet snail pests, they are gone here. 100% eradicated. When I moved here, I kept some of the better looking gravel in a couple of buckets and hauled it along. I was sure I was bringing the 'tank rats' and I'm sure I was. However, freezing eliminates them. Just put'em in buckets and move on a -27 day.

The pond snails got through, but probably on the protected plants. They, unfortunately, are rebounding, although my extremely soft water isn't good for their shells, and that is controlling them to a degree. Ramshorns also survived, but I welcome them. I don't consider them as tank rats like the other two types.
Interesting - there are members who have had MTS survive being frozen. But I suppose it depends on just how low the temperature reached. Perhaps just a degree or so below freezing point is survivable but lower than that- a lot lower in the case of your snails - is not.
I'm convinced that "pest" snails could live in a bucket of gasoline...
I feel like my pest snails keep dying out... I never have many in my tank and I always have empty shells... Don't know what's going on.
Their too big to be eaten by my gudgeons and I never see the gudgeons go after the pond/bladder snails, only the ramshorn. But all of my ramshorn snails are gone I'm pretty sure

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