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  1. smooth_bourbon

    Admit It Bad Idea

    At the suggestion of a local fish store owner I tried something new. I have a 80 gallon tank with black sand bottoms, and no fish at the moment due to a fishtastrify. It has 3 basic full spectrum bulbs, no CO2. Sorry :) to the point I tried potting my plants in actual pots in basic potting...
  2. smooth_bourbon

    Severum Tankmates

    Hi I lost all my fish recently, all I can narrow it down to is a drop in PH. I have left a Lepard spotted pleco in my 80 gallon. I have added some crushed coral into my filter to help buffer and for now am waiting and testing a lot. I am thinking I would like some severums when I do get brave...
  3. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    Thank you for your sympathy and suggestions. I have tested it for everything I can, was thinking of calling the company to see if they had changed anything tho.
  4. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    Ok so more fish died again right after the next water change. Not just in my 80 gallon but in my 29 gallon tank as well. :( So I waited a couple days bought Jungle Start Right which is what I used to always use, only used this Jungle ACE maybe the last three weeks. I did another water change...
  5. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    :( wow when things go wrong they go really wrong. I still havent figured out what happened, but I think something killed off my filter bacteria because the nitrate was 0 yesterday, and reads 20 today. This is with just the Dempsey, and the Pleco in the tank. I am continuing with the Stress...
  6. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    just me and mu husband in the house and I quized him first thing. I did not add the salt till after the whole problem started just cause I am so in shock I have no idea what to do.
  7. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    No its an aquarium pharmaceuticals Nitrate NO-3 test kit. I did a 50 percent water change before I went to the store. Before the change I had a very very pale amonia reading somwhere between 0 and .5, and o Nitrite. After water change o's all around. hmm I just tested my PH and its at...
  8. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    my nitrates are 0 I bought a new kit while at the store. My old one only had one bottle this one has two kinda odd. I am just in shock. I really didnt do anything different to the tank, and I have had the Pleco and some of the cats for almost 8 years now. :-( . And Jack looks so bad...
  9. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    I was worried maybe I added too much chlorine remover I am using Jungle ACE and poured in 5 caps full. But no I havent sprayed anything in or near the tank. I got some stress coat, and some Melafix thinking it might help with is skin?????? The most recent thing I added was the Ottos and I...
  10. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    Any advise or suggestions I am gonna run out to the LFS to pick up some meds but not sure what I need :( . I have had most of these fish for at least 5 years. Never had anything like this happen.
  11. smooth_bourbon

    I Dont Know What Happened

    I cam home from work and all my fish are dead or very close to it What do I do ahhhhhh. 80 gallon Jack Dempsey -- too big for hospital tank 7 cories all but two dead-- moved the two to a hospital tank 4 ottos all but one dead -- also into hospital tank 3 bala sharks 2 dead -- other in...
  12. smooth_bourbon

    Bad Week For My Fish This Week

    I am so sorry for all your trouble.
  13. smooth_bourbon

    Who Is Fin Nipping?

    Well it could be any of those fish, but my guess is the shrimp.
  14. smooth_bourbon

    My Snails

    what kind of snail are youtrying to breed? The bombarded after finding one or two is usually pond snails.
  15. smooth_bourbon

    8000 Gallon Tank

    looks like a fun swimming pool to me.
  16. smooth_bourbon

    Don't Let This Happen To You...

    My cats rip the skins off them, and then we play catch with the fake mouse skins. So fun.
  17. smooth_bourbon

    Plastic Plant Pots

    I found some little ceramic Bonsai pots at the local garden center for $2.00 a pot. I love them I have all different colors planted in my tanks. Not exactly natural look but I really like it.
  18. smooth_bourbon

    My Python Sucks!

    Mine doesnt suck nearly as good as the plain gravel vacs do. As they said above to get any good suction have to have your water on full, which seems like such a waste of water.
  19. smooth_bourbon

    Plastic Plant Pots

    what are you going to do with it? Are you gonna use it as a pot, or cut a hole and make it a cave?