8000 Gallon Tank

Taht was a long video! Wow thats one big tank! So jealous....wish i could ahve one of them in my garden :rolleyes:
huge fishtank or what?
god knows what i would stock that with, just about everything at the fish store, lol.
intresting video
certainly keep you on your toes.........sharks are the best,when i was a wee nipper at school my friends father converted his cellar into a fricking huge tank where he also had sharks thats what got me into liking fish<but a weeee boy i didnt know the gallonage bla bla bla :unsure:
anyhow unluckly for me end of the school setion<juniors>his dad got a relocation offer to miami so prob out there now with one :rolleyes:
Wow, that's insanely huge. Looks like a swimming pool lol...

I will say this though, the hell if I would let those kids in that tank.
I know what I did when I was younger when I needed to go PP, and it sure wasn't getting out of the water to do it.....
My big als has got a tank..i think it's about 8000 as well or something...the glass is about 2-3inches thick aswell!
but it's got two sharks, an eel, some fat puffer..but not a puffer fish and another one, all of them are at least over a meter long.

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