My Snails


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2007
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i grabbed 2 snails out of my tank about 2 weeks ago now, they are now in a small cold water tank so they can hopefully breed

anyone know how long it takes snails to reproduce?

and how big they need to be before they reproduce?

my 2 are nearing 1cm long now, and ive read of people who have been absolutely bombarded with little snails after finding one or two

i only have 2 :(
not sure what type of snails they are TBH

i found 2 within a few days of having my tank up and running, and seperated them to a different tank, and havent seen anymore since
right, just went and had a look at my snail tank and there is jelly like blobs now decorating the sides of the tank, look like they have little air bubbles in them

im guessing that this is the point in which i end up with 100's of snails??
Would not have a clue, though you can try and change the environment for them, e.g less lighting, and i think theres these special plants that give them space to breed or what-ever. And if theres jelly blobs, i think you have hit the bingo.

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