Who Is Fin Nipping?


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Hi guys,

i have a new but established 8 gal tank with 4 cardinals, 2 yoyo loach and a female platty along with a freshwater shrimp. one cardinal- the largest one has had a significant amount of his tail nipped but im not sure who is doing it and what to do about it.

if i were to make a guess judging on their behaviour i would say its the cardinals that are doing it as they chase around a bit but not so much as would make me expect them to be boysterous,

any ideas would be greatfully recieved.


It may be one of the other cardinals, especially if they all like to chase each other around a lot. I don't think it would be the shrimp as for the fish would have to sit still near the bottom or on a plant so the shrimp could get it. It may also have been one of the loaches, but I don't think the loaches would have gone after the fins, usually the body is the easiest.
thanks for the replies guys,

the shrimp does have little pincers but to be honest he only holds them up if the fish come to bother him. dont think he would have the strength in them to nip fins either.

also i would think that if the shrimp was grabbing them, having watched how they act together, it would be the front of the cardinal that would get it! they come noseing in- he holds up his little pincers and they swim off quicker than he can react- is the usual routine.

so, i think it may be the other cardinals as they seem the only ones interested or even capable of nipping fins. would adding another to make a shoal of 5 help do you think?

TBH I don't think adding just one more would make any difference. Could you swap the Platy for two or three Cardinals?. Cardinals, like most Tetras, prefer a group of half a dozen or more. Any chance of a bigger tank?.
probbably not till we move to a bigger house.

i have a 300l/ hour filtration system as well as a 4inch airstone. as im now quite attached to the platty ill have to keep her. would i be pushing it getting more than 1 cardinal?
In a tank that size, you really don't want to push your luck. When things go wrong in a small tank, they go wrong very quickly and very badly. If it were me, attatched or not to the Platy, my head would have to rule my heart - I just don't think four Cardinals is enough. I have eleven in my 4ft and even then, they can get a bit bolshie amongst themselves. Not often, but I've seen it happen.

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