My Python Sucks!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I just broke down and bought a python (figured with a couple of 30-g, a 20-g, a 10-g and a couple of small ones I could use the help). Anyway, I hooked it up and it won't hardly drain the tank at all! What's wrong with this thing??? (I re-checked the hook-up and all 4-5 times before posting to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong.)
I'm starting to feel ill about spending $35 on this thing.
Can anyone help?
Thanks. :shout:
You say it won't hardly drain at all... but it's draining some? Sounds like a water pressure issue. Are you turning the water on much as you can? How's your water pressure normally?
the suction isn't great unless the tap pressure is on quite alot...near full infact. make sure all connections are tight and not leaking air as that would result in suctio dropping.

Turn the tap up full and make sure the valve is turned and pulled down into the drain position.
We have city water, and the pressure is ok. Not great, but not real bad either. It barely pulls any water through... it will a tiny bit at first, then it stops all together. I'll recheck the tightness of the connections... maybe that's the problem.
Mine doesnt suck nearly as good as the plain gravel vacs do. As they said above to get any good suction have to have your water on full, which seems like such a waste of water.
I hooked it up and it won't hardly drain the tank at all! What's wrong with this thing??? (I re-checked the hook-up and all 4-5 times before posting to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong.)

Just a thought... but is it possible that your tank is lower than your faucet?? it wont drain easy if it is.

As they said above to get any good suction have to have your water on full, which seems like such a waste of water.

For my python i have a garden hose "Quick Disconnect" type fitting where the hose hooks to the faucet suction thing.

This way i can get the water flowing then unhook it, kink the hose and place it in the bathtub. It doesnt waste as much water that way while gravel vac-ing.
Just a thought... but is it possible that your tank is lower than your faucet?? it wont drain easy if it is.

Really? Mine's been okay and my tank is downstairs and my sink is upstairs! (granted it is a short - 5 steps - staircase...) Maybe I just have good water pressure!
Just a thought... but is it possible that your tank is lower than your faucet?? it wont drain easy if it is.

Really? Mine's been okay and my tank is downstairs and my sink is upstairs! (granted it is a short - 5 steps - staircase...) Maybe I just have good water pressure!

Hmmm. Maybe it is the water pressure. I always thought it would be hard to siphon uphill.
I have a pythone and I love it. As all of us probably did is not turn the pressur up. I was bummed the 1st two times I used it cause I had no sucking pressure. I finally turned my faucet up and wow it sucks great, also as bare bottom has asked you to make sure your switch next to the first atachment from the gravel tube is open.

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