Search results

  1. P

    I Want To Buy A Laptop - Please Advise!

    Wow... how wrong was I. So let it be written, I was dead wrong here.,39 I can't believe it has been so long since I checked the price of monitors! This is one of my regular suppliers and even these guys have got !7 inchers for £80... a £50...
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    I Want To Buy A Laptop - Please Advise!

    If given a choice between a single or a dual core, then get the dual core. Dual core CPUs are the best on the market (actually, quad core are, but multiple cores = good). Basically, instead of one CPU doing everything, a dual core chip has one CPU piggybacked on top of it, so when its doing...
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    Computer Giving Me Aggro

    Finally finished a "short" reply ;) Hope it helps!
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    Computer Giving Me Aggro

    Hey Ive got a loooooong list of things you can do to speed up your machine. The fastest relief is most often given by following this: - Go to Start - Run - Run: "msconfig" (no quotes) - Go to the Startup Tab Here you will see a long list of things that are starting on your machine. These are...
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    I'm gonna chime in with a clearly off topic: the Wii is in a league by itself and its awesome, and as such has much less to fear from its competitors :D Back on topic, I hope Sony do get their act together soon, because a world without Playstation is like a world without Sega consoles. Sonic on...
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    Anyone Using Vista Yet?

    Bloatware: the consequence of lazy programming. Should Vista really need a whole gigabyte of memory? NASA landed people on the moon with less memory than a modern pocket calculator. This is the phrase that defines it best for me: "Windows XPs new memory management features require more memory."...
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    Search Engines

    Yeah, I have it as my homepage too. I used to use Yahoo! for a homepage, and AltaVista for a while, now its just the page that I generally need to use first when opening a browser.
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    Search Engines

    Actually, there isn't. Yahoo! uses Google developed technology now and has done for the last few years. The only true @competitor@ is Ask, and they use software, though developed by themselves, that is actually incredibly Google-esque. There are ostensibly better web crawling robots, capable of...
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    Anyone Using Vista Yet?

    nMonks: You're right, Mac OS was, back in the day, based on Unix. The similarities in the kernels are still very apparent, but in desktop apps the similarities have all but gone. Mac OS is awesome, UNIX is still essentially a command line surrounded by weak-bearded sys admins... I'm allowed to...
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    Anyone Using Vista Yet?

    I used it solidly for the last two weeks. Last night saw the re-installation of Windows XP and I am very angry with myself for changing to Vista. I should have known how it would end, because it has always ended this way. I'm a web developer and I recently forced myself to choose an OS -...
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    Anyone Have A Wii?

    I'm with this idiot ^^^^^ :P Nintendo have always lagged behind in the areas that the competitors are still focusing on - principally graphics but also game libraries. You don't need to have the absolute best graphics and a library of 10,000 games to have a successful console. The Wii delivers...
  12. P

    Hosting Recommendations?

    Sorry for the overload.. I get carried away ;) Have you considered buying hosting for yourself and re-selling to your friend? They wont have access to a cPanel control panel, but they can have whatever they need for their site - FTP accounts, email addresses, web stats, IIS (for Frontpage)...
  13. P

    Hosting Recommendations?

    Out and out the best host on the Internet is for this kind of service. I can say this with confidence, Ive been a pro webmaster for eight years and you get 2 terrabytes of bandwidth per month with 200 gig storage for $5.95 a month - those figures are accurate. Theres also 100...
  14. P

    Cleaning The Outside Of A Tank

    White Spirit... to clean the outside of the tank... Well, it certainly will clean the tank! Pouring salt on an open wound will make it likely to heal faster too, and removing someones heart is a sure way to ensure they never die of a heart attack... point being you will reach you goal but there...
  15. P


    'lo weebl :P There are updates for Firefox in the Ubuntu update manager thingie, try those. Failing that use a proxy, its likely that if the site pings but wont load then your IP has been blocked, check your PMs ;)
  16. P


    I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 right now. It just took me an hour to make room for the installation in Windows by moving files around. It then took 45 minutes from reboot to install Ubuntu 6.10 in the space. Theres a few things to know though, and you will really want to write these down: If you dual...
  17. P


    I can trump simple theft... I used to get PC hardware delivered to my from my supplier by CityLink - used to is the focus there. I had a shipment of a dozen or so DVD burners that I was going to re-sell and the entire lot came covered in honey. Yes. They were, for some reason, delivered in an...
  18. P

    Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco

    Does anyone remember those bags that had a "bubble" in them to keep a betta in? *shudders* The things people will produce to make a few £ scare me. Scarier still is that people actually buy them... how much common sense does it take to realise that this is bad? Sadly, more than many people...
  19. P

    Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco

    The problem with this tank isnt the size but the instructions of use and the lack of equipment that comes with it. If it came with basic but good fish keeping instructions and advised people to get the right filtration, heating and lighting set up then its actually pretty cute. I think it looks...
  20. P

    What's Your Claim To Fame?.

    I can trump the Titanic one because I was on the Titanic
  21. P

    Birds And Bugs

    Im pretty sure Ive seen some of those somewhere before... Nice pics :D It also wouldnt suprise me even slightly if the Texan starlings were just meatier. Everything is meatier there, especially the meat :D mmm... steak... nowhere does steak like Texas and I want one!
  22. P

    I.e. Vs Firefox

    Samba = godlike. Heres how good it is: If you load samba at startup (theres a checkbox option when you run samba) then it will do the following: Check all ETH0 devices for networks Register the networks through Samba Get access to the networks where possible Configure both Linux and MS TCP/IP...
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    Online Casino Brigade

    Thats a very good way of publically not getting into a subject. Perhaps the reason why the mods seem to simply dwell on the outskirts is because they do their job well? I know that theres a few scripts available that have long lists of websites that shouldn't be linked to and stop the links...
  24. P

    Vive O Portugal!

    Typical sportsmanship rules dont apply to Holland Germany games... you know that :P I think that Portugal played a fairly clean game against England... I also think that exactly the same type of game was played when Portugal played against Holland. Again, it all comes down to whats seen by the...
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    Vive O Portugal!

    Amen to that. You can tell a players intentions by looking at their face and watching their line of sight in the slow motion replays. Watching Rooney (which I did several times) I saw absolutely nothing wrong with what he did at all, he was just trying to stay upright and, if anything, the...
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    Vive O Portugal!

    ^^^ What she said. In all fairness, Portugal played really well, but Rooney did absolutely nothing to get that red card, and even when England was a man down for 45+ minutes, Protugal still didnt put one away and didnt even look like they were any closer to getting one in than they did for the...
  27. P

    3 'new' Additions To The Family

    --Edit-- Just noticed I'm logged in as my other half. Posted by Erised ;) Last year we lost our cat and dog, both due to liver problems and old age. Now, a year later Joyce (my other halfs mum who we live in with) has decided it's time for new pets again. So about a month ago we introduced Rex...
  28. P

    It's A Mystery No More!

    *inhales* AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Nice one :D Looks like it was a larf, and the Dutch are great people. Theyre like the english without the complain module installed.
  29. P

    Who Loves School?

    Lovely planted tank there :D Im not jealous... actually, ill be cutting fglass this evening in all likleyhood :D Wood + free glass + glass cutter = many cut fingers + splinters + fish tank I can do maths me!
  30. P

    This Is A Joke... Right?...

    Just an fyi for everyone - new EU legislation brought intoi effect in rome has actually banned goldfish bowls as being suitable for goldffish. Theyve also, thankfully, banned goldfish from being given as prizes in carvinals and fairs. The look of the legislation is that its been widely accepted...
  31. P

    Anyone Got Sky+?

    You can get the Sky without the phoneline but Im not sure if you can order programs and such without the phone connection... Id definately recommend getting it too. There was a mixup here when we upgraded to Sky+ and we had the Sky+box in our bedroom for week :D Its so useful, a real pain to...
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    Live Action Simpsons!

    I just read about this :P Somehow I expected Bart to look a lot diferent, and Lisa is ginger? And wheres the blue hair wash for Marge?
  33. P

    Chat Events Suggestion

    Having a "whos online" button is likely to encourage less people to join - if the chat is empty and you dont have to join to see then it will stay empty because no one will join an empty room if they want to chat. The key is to have idlers in the room that are partially active. Enough people...
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    How To Euthanize... :(

    Anything that stops the brain functioning either quickly or painlessly is a good method of euthanasia. Each to their own, done properly, blunt force trauma to the head and brain is an instant death.
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    Rogues Gallery

    It could be worse... see :P
  36. P

    How To Euthanize... :(

    Theres a wide range of opinions when it comes to euthinasia and, unfortunately, it tends to generate a lot of friction between opinion givers too :P Like Bloo said - to each their own. All the methods end suffering and its a question of what youre comfortable with more than anything. I...
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    That poll scares me...
  38. P

    Chat Events Suggestion

    Durb, the way youre going in chat im surprised youre not banned already. How does this sound for a setup: A bot with ops is permanatly in the chat. Its scripts, settings and such are easily accessed by a list of ops. The ops (forum moderators) set the rules and can safely leave the bot...
  39. P

    What Screen Resolution Are You Using?

    I try to design my sites to be size-adaptable. Its more difficult to get your images correct and youll need to use spacers, but it gives a better experience for everyone if the site fits the screen perfectly no matter what resolution you use. You can still have size restricted areas where you...
  40. P

    Chat Events Suggestion

    Not that I want to put a damper on this, but Ive tried to do this kind of thing hundreds of times... I used to work as a Community Manager and Webmaster for a Swedish media company based on eSports and online gaming. We had weekly tournements with $5000 first palce prize for the winners. Chats...