This Is A Joke... Right?...

That is one of the worst things I've ever seen! For fish that is.
Why would you WANT one??
Those must be the worst thing to live in. Like living in one corner of your smallest room all your life...with hardly any air!
It is very true and a few years I saw them for sale at the trafford centre in Manchester.. it was horrible.. all these little cubes stacked up.. its such a shame..
Wow, thats horrible. The only thing i would put in there is live blackworms to culture them.
**^*%^%$£><@*&^ *anger* :grr: :eek:sama: ???? :rip:
Me and a number of other local petitioners had the Aquababies stall banned from the Trafford Centre after we educated the people in charge there and made them realise just what kind of pure cruelty they were allowing on their premises.

Still makes me sick that these things still exist at all.
ive seen those 8 years ago at walgreens for 10 bucks, i never knew they were still around. i remember wanting to get one with the zebra danio inside. good thing my mom didnt let me buy one back then. i guess they never caught on in my area so they stopped selling them
Just an fyi for everyone - new EU legislation brought intoi effect in rome has actually banned goldfish bowls as being suitable for goldffish. Theyve also, thankfully, banned goldfish from being given as prizes in carvinals and fairs. The look of the legislation is that its been widely accepted and is set to spread over sympathetic EU countries...

unfortunately introduction of legislation like this is difficult at the best of times and will probably take years even before its considered by other countires.

Those bowls are awful but there are worse things out there - theres a "fashionable" range of bags that come with little bubbles that you can put a betta in and I kid you not.

I say can... I of course mean cant. Things like this make me sick :/
You mean this picture???


It has to be the worst piece of slash and dash photoshopping atrocity that I have ever seen! hahaha

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