Anyone Have A Wii?

Kiiiind of tempted now I've seen you can play games from pretty much any Nintendo console on there.... After all, it's a bit of a pain to set up the N64 if I fancy a game of Zelda... I'm just not too keen on the controllers- I'd imagone they're fine for some games, and I really like the sword play action in Zelda, but... I can't help feeling I'd want something a bit bigger and more precise feeling...
That's how it is for the Cars game... I like that, very cool.
If you going to buy one ask for the nintendo wii.Don't say i want a wii :lol:
My son wants a wii for his birthday. Has anyone got one and is using the standard sort of control with it? Is it still any good. I think the wireless control may be too complicated for him :(
is the Wii HD capable? i have read that its not.
which was a suprise considering the other 2 new consoles are Hd capable. The Wii has to compete with the 360 core system which is only a little extra and upgradeable as well as hd ready.
I know the controller is a huge selling point but the Ps3 comes with one (though i find it hard at the moment). Its relatively easy to configure a controller to work like a wii if the devlopers want too.

Im not anti Nintendo at all.. i have all their consoles except the new wii but i just dont quite see nintendos logic in their new console up against the other 2.
is the Wii HD capable? i have read that its not.
which was a suprise considering the other 2 new consoles are Hd capable. The Wii has to compete with the 360 core system which is only a little extra and upgradeable as well as hd ready.
I know the controller is a huge selling point but the Ps3 comes with one (though i find it hard at the moment). Its relatively easy to configure a controller to work like a wii if the devlopers want too.

Im not anti Nintendo at all.. i have all their consoles except the new wii but i just dont quite see nintendos logic in their new console up against the other 2.
The logic is to make it simple and fun, and to get game developers working on new and interesting game play, rather than working on how many polygons per second they can squeeze out of yet another FPS.

And when you look at the sales figures, you can see it has worked. Games are far more than just nice graphics; look at how amazing loads of the old Spectrum and Amiga games were.

Look at how well the DS has sold. It was meant to be a piece of kit just to show that you can do touch screen on a hand held. Now it has sold millions.
I'm with this idiot ^^^^^ :p

Nintendo have always lagged behind in the areas that the competitors are still focusing on - principally graphics but also game libraries. You don't need to have the absolute best graphics and a library of 10,000 games to have a successful console. The Wii delivers what you want from a game console better than the others*, and it delivers enjoyment.

* Obviously the other consoles are close competitors on this note and I am massively generalizing, and we all know that generalizations are all false... I am fully aware that this is subjective to the game being played and your own personal preferences, but there is just something so cool about Wii Sports that sets the Wii out from the crowd.

It is also worth mentioning that developing games for new and top of the line hardware is hard to do. I know this from professional experience. Making something awesome for tried and tested hardware is much easier to do than making something just as awesome for brand new hardware. Nintendo, I think, have once again found a perfect balance between cost, playability, developmental ease, fun and novelty. Remember the uproar over the N64 paddles? Three handles... egads! Now remember how cool Goldeneye was for it, even though there were games with better graphics? That is the fine line that Nintendo are walking, and they are walking it by themselves.
is the Wii HD capable? i have read that its not.
which was a suprise considering the other 2 new consoles are Hd capable. The Wii has to compete with the 360 core system which is only a little extra and upgradeable as well as hd ready.
I know the controller is a huge selling point but the Ps3 comes with one (though i find it hard at the moment). Its relatively easy to configure a controller to work like a wii if the devlopers want too.

Im not anti Nintendo at all.. i have all their consoles except the new wii but i just dont quite see nintendos logic in their new console up against the other 2.

No HD but has expandable memory due to using SD cards (very attractive option if you have a few lying around). This keeps the costs down and still allow for plenty of memory. That said, I'd prefer having to pay out for a few cheap SD cards off ebay and have a free online service (and the parts that aren't free are a cheap one off charge atm) rather than a continuous monthly/yearly fee like xbox live.

Controller-wise, I doubt PS3's motion controller will have half the ingenuity, seamlessness in it's use or quality of the Wii's (Seriously, the damn things have punched holes through walls, T.V screens and all manner of other things and still worked without a hitch :lol:). The reason for this is due to the blatant bandwagon jumping exhibited after Nintendo revealed it's control.

As for their gameplan, well, they are definitely doing something right as they are still selling like hotcakes.
Oh god yes the wii is selling like crazy. We cant get any in our store for love nor oney.. when we do they are gone within a few hours.

My only thought is that if the other consoles are producing their own motion sensors then what does the wii have in its arsenal to compete against the others? The wii cnnot upgrade to become HD.. the others can produce better and better motion sensors etc. Dont get me wrong im not anti any console.. i have em al except the wii.. i nearly gotone but i stopped myself at the last moment. I just dont get em yet. Perhaps i need to play one and see for myself.

As for how cheap they are.... the 360 core is only slightly more expensive than the wii and has HD. true.. not everyone has HD yet but its a good selling point for the time when HD sets come down in price.
You are focussing too much on HD Nav. Many people don't care about HD, and are actually put off by the game companies constantly touting better graphics for their new FPS. Added to which, other people (such as myself) want truly great quality HD, so are waiting to get either a Cathode Ray HD, or the newer SED TV as they offer far greater picture quality than plasma or LCD can produce (and the SED will be comparable in size).

Nintendo has chosen to aim for the people who want really easy to play games that don't "scare" them in any way. Things that are just pick up an play. You are right that others could introduce such controllers, but Nintendo already has and enjoys the lead and a head start, and Nintendo has a proven track record of producing good games that are easy to just pick up and play.
nintendo have recently released a classic controller for the wii
is the Wii HD capable? i have read that its not.
which was a suprise considering the other 2 new consoles are Hd capable. The Wii has to compete with the 360 core system which is only a little extra and upgradeable as well as hd ready.
I know the controller is a huge selling point but the Ps3 comes with one (though i find it hard at the moment). Its relatively easy to configure a controller to work like a wii if the devlopers want too.

Im not anti Nintendo at all.. i have all their consoles except the new wii but i just dont quite see nintendos logic in their new console up against the other 2.

Ah i didn't know the PS3 also came with a similar controller, thats pretty good.
I haven't played on either console yet, but...In the past i've always primarily stuck with the playstations as my main consoles, i had a gamecube and N64 (which were both very good) and various other things like gameboys growing up, but i always found there were a lot more games/better selection on the playstations. Graphics are good, but they are definately not everything- some of the games i've stuck with the longest have had the most basic graphics (like super bust a move 2), while others had very good graphics for their time (like most of the final fantasy games).
However i'm not sure if i will get a PS3 yet or not...Its very expensive! It looks good so far, but i'm not convinced yet that the price justifies the console yet. I guess i'll see what games come out for the PS3 and what reviews they get before i make a decision- but i think it will probably be a very long time for now either way before i get a PS3 even if the games are good.

I'm very interested in the Nintendo Wii though- looks fantastic/very promising, has a suitable price tag for the console too at the moment. I'm very much into Final Fantasy XII at the moment though, so i think i'll concentrate on completing that for the moment until i invest in a new console (which will probably be Wii if i can get hold of one- although that could be many months to come considering how long final fantasy games can last).

Just curious though- is the controller for the Wii as good as its advertised? I mean, how sensitive is it to movement and can you go really far away from the screen and it still works well?

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