Dreadful Tank For Sale At Tesco

Jayjay you just want to turn it into an argument.
I think more of fish to put it in that thing.
Time you put gravel in and plants not much room left.

:good: Right again

I would never put ANY fish 'drinks-bottle tank' (i.e. something under 5 gallons!) - just not right.

So you have a nice river size tank handy? Do you need gravel or sand into a tank? No I'm not turning this into an arguement I'm saying that saying a tank is too small etc. when it's not for many things is wrong.

WTF!! A fish doesn't live in the entire river system! Just a small part!!

I know you will never be able to re-create the room they have in the wild but at least give them a chance..

But I guess everyone has their own ideas
Wow a 5g drinks bottle. I would put any species that can live it's fulll life well in a 5g in a 5g.
Thanks for your assistance guys, if you want a peeing contest, take it to PM's.

However, i'm not gonna argue because everyone's opionions are different
Same here.
There are hundreds on species that can. Doesn't even need to be fish, inverts would be ok aswel. A few species I'd put in a tank 5g or under - a betta, everglades pygmy sunfish, Scoloplax empousa, killifish, a red claw crab a dwarf puffer, Shrimp, snails, adf's, bumblebee goby, micro rasboras, pygmy cories, oil catfish, peacock gobies, white cheek gobies. There are hundreds more.

The idea of the forum is too voice views, I voiced mine on the tank.
I think volume is supposed to be 1 USG, but having seen one in real life (I've seen them in the Remmington shop before...) I'd have to say it's more like somewhere between a half and a quart.

EDIT- Just to point out, I see no one flaming those legions who signed up for a PFK Aquacube. That's about 5g, and what are people going to keep in there? Many planted folks I've seen are going to have a group of tetras or harlequins, plus a load of amanos.
Just like to say feeshy thats completly differnet because PFK dont say its ok for a goldfish the also supply filteration and a light. They also follow all the de-chlor rules. :D
It says its not suitable for children under 3. How would a child of 4 fit in that !!!!

Only joking sent off an email!!!
The PFK one also is £40 or so, along with the magazines. This is only £10 odd.

Even pet stores like pets@home say that there small tanks are ok for goldfish, tesco aren't going to be that knowledgable either.
Just like to say feeshy thats completly differnet because PFK dont say its ok for a goldfish the also supply filteration and a light. They also follow all the de-chlor rules. :D

No silly, I meant comments such as 'Yeah but what I mean is I don't believe any fish can live it's full life in a 5 Gallon.'.
Whereas, on the PFK thread for a 5g tank, the same person said 'It's a really good offer! If I didn't already have too many tanks then I would re-subscribe!!'

Nothing personal, I'm just saying how some people should think about what they say...
The problem with this tank isnt the size but the instructions of use and the lack of equipment that comes with it. If it came with basic but good fish keeping instructions and advised people to get the right filtration, heating and lighting set up then its actually pretty cute. I think it looks cool - not to my taste and Id never get one but still nonetheless cool. Every fish keeper started somewhere, with me it was a 9 liter PetPals blue plastic tank.

You can also buy 5g plain glass tanks (and smaller) from fish shops everywhere that dont come with a hood or heater or anything... the difference is that these tanks arent marketed as a complete kit like this one is. Lets not forget that the reason this tank is bad is because it claims to be suitable for things its not suitable for and not because its small!

Whether or not a fish would like to be stuck at the office all day every day is a different issue :p

Ive mailed them my concerns too, lets hope its worth something.
If i ran a petshop i wouldn't sell tanks under 5gals and certainly not tanks like that "Office Tank". If you've ever seen what a 1 or 4 gallon tank looks like, you'll understand what i mean. Not to mention that the vast majority of fish that are sold as pets are unsuitable for 5gallon tanks. I always hate it when you see advertising like the office fish tank saying things like "suitable for goldfish", its no better than seeing things like;


..with a load of goldfish stuffed into a tiny, suffocating tank.
For those of you who are as lazy as me; I thought I'de copy this in...

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am contacting you regarding the "Office Fish Tank" you sell under catalogue number: 100-2596 on Tesco Direct.

I would like to voice my disapproval of such a product; and would appreciate any action you could take to withdraw such a product from sale.

Due to the tank's size, it would provide a very unhealthy, limited and confining space for most species of fish to live in. What I find particularly worrying is that you advertise such a tank as "Suitable for goldfish, guppies & tetras etc."; when quite clearly a tank of less than 4 liters in volume is ghastly for a goldfish. Not only, the lack of heating and filtration in the tank would prove deadly to any living aquatic creature put in such a tank.

Secondly, you advertise the tank as "Tank rinses off & refills under the tap.". I feel that a mention should be given to water treating agents, as no species of fish would be happy to be "rinsed off" in tap water; or to live in tap water; which contains mortal doses of Chlorine and Chloramines (and possibly other heavy metals, depending on the area).

Finally, as a loyal Tesco customer, I would like to emphasize that I find it highly concerning that a company like Tesco would willingly and willfully advertise a product which is responsible for the stress, distress and death of many of our friendly aquatic friends. I find it highly worrying that Tesco would attempt to target a market of customers without thinking of the dire consequences of their actions.

I would appreciate if you could re-evaluate your position on the sale of such a tank; and if not withdraw it from sale, at least ensure that it comes with the proper equipment and instructions to keep a fish alive and healthy. Nominally, some information on cycling the tank; realistic information on stocking levels; a filter; a heater and some warning that living creatures are NOT toys.

I thank you in advance, and eagerly await your reply.


Might help more people contact tesco...


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