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    What Can I Have In A 4 Foot Tank

    I think I'll go with a congo puffer
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    What Can I Have In A 4 Foot Tank

    Porbably best having just one oddball, easier to maintain. I used to have Brackish Ceylon Puffers in a Juwel 180 but gave them away because I couldnt be bothered looking after two tanks anymore, they were quite annoying, all the did in the day while the light were off was lay on the bottom and...
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    What Can I Have In A 4 Foot Tank

    Currently have 4 Discus in a Juwel 240 which is around 50 - 52 gallons. Thinking about getting rid of them for something different. Whats the weirdest looking fu**ed up freshwater thing that can go in a 52 Gal?
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    Eye Bulge

    it was acting a little more docile than usual or it probably wont have got caught on the intake. would putting the temperature to around 32 help? I heard above 30 it kills bad bacteria
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    Eye Bulge

    The intake guard/shield fell of my external filter intake pipe and I found one of my discus fish stuck to it by its eye. Now its eye is bulging way further out than its other. Will this go down, will it be permanent or will it die? Anything I can do?
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    Freshwater Puffer

    a 4 foot 52 gallon tank is big enough for a Fahaka Puffer which can grow 17 inches (43 cm)??
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    Freshwater Puffer

    sorry, I mean 240 litres, which is around 52 gallons
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    Freshwater Puffer

    I suppose a 240 gallon tank is too small for a nile or mbu puffer, but what else is there of a decent size & freshwater....dont want figure 8's or dwarf there any fresh puffers that grow to around 6" or so?
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    Freshwater Puffer

    Would a Nile Puffer be ok in a 4 foot tank?
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    How Do I Remove Internal Juwel Filter

    Got rid of my Ceylon Puffers because I couldnt be bothered maintaining two tanks anymore, so Im just concerntrating on my Discus tank. Going to put the External from the Puffer tank in my Discus tank so I need to remove the Juwel Filter, two externals should give it excellent water quality...
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    How Do I Remove Internal Juwel Filter

    How do you safely remove it without doing damage to your tank. Are they suction pads that hold it to the glass or some kind of glue?
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    What about one turbo snail on a diet of algae wafters
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    Could any kind of Invertebrate survive in a small 1½ foot tank with no lighting or filtration.
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    My Ceylon Puffer Video

    What can I feed them to keep their teeth down? People say you can cut yourself, sounds a little harsh on the fish.
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    My Ceylon Puffer Video

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    Puffer Teeth Trimming

    Been using snails which have been breeding in my Discus tank to trim down my puffer's teeth, pretty big ones. But it seems like its not quite enough. Is there anything else you can use to trim down their teeth? I heard that they will bite on Cuttlefish Bone :blink:
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    Ceylon Puffers

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    Ceylon Puffers

    Do you think a 40 gallon is big enough for two of them even when they're fully grown? It's big enough for all of them at the moment, but if they do get to 5" or 6" then i'd have a problem. I was thinking about getting rid of my Discus and just having two of them in there since its around 52...
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    Congo Puffer

    Any pics of it?
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    Ceylon Puffers

    I've had ceylon puffers for about a year now and I've been building up the salt level for around the last 6 months, its currently at around 1.004. I heard that once they get older you have to have them in full marine conditions, is that true? They're around 3" to 3½" now, so what would be the...
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    Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence At Home

    The goal of SETI@home is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. SETI@home searches for possible evidence of radio transmissions from extraterrestrial intelligence using data from the Arecibo radio telescope. Anybody can participate in SETI@home by running a free of charge program that...
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    My Two Tanks

    Discus tank is about 250 Litres with 6 Discus, 2 died from a disease bought in by a discus I bought which already had white spot or something. Puffer tank is 180 Litres with 4 Ceylon Puffers but they were sold to me as Figure Eight Puffers so I thought I'd have room for 4 since i think figure...
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    My Two Tanks

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    Ceylon Puffers.
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    Fighter In Discus Tank

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    Juwel Structured Background

    I didnn't like the black juwel backgrounds, but now i've seen a nicer brown one by juwel. But my tank is a established ceylon puffer brackish tank, would it be safe to drain all the water out into a spare tank and buckets and put the puffers in the spare for a day or two while the glue sets on...
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    What Could Live In This Tank?

    Which small fish could live in there with no filtration and with just natural light out of freshwater & brackish, perhaps marine?
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    [20g] Tropical Community

    I had 2 red claw crabs in my 50 gallon but after a while they climbed out dried up and died. I wouldn't recommend crabs in a community tank because they need to be out of the water at times which is why they constantly look for a way out. they need to be in a specialized tank or you shorten...
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    Are Snails A Sign Of A Dirty Tank

    The snails are living on algae, the back of the tank was totally covered in it, I was going to buy two ottos to sort it out but then I got a snail infestation.
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    Are Snails A Sign Of A Dirty Tank

    My discus tank is infested with snails, you can even see snail eggs in there. Im just wondering if its a sign of dirtyness. I do around a 30 - 40% water change every week and run a external filter that is suited for a much bigger tank and also the juwel built in filter, water is very clear...
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    Is Melafix Safe To Use On Puffers?

    Theres nothing wrong with them but im just wondering if its safe for such a delicate fish such as a puffer. The bottle says it can be used on Discus which is also a delicate fish, and even said it can be used on Discus fry.
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    Ceylon Puffers & Feeding

    40 gallon with four Ceylons but they were sold to me as Figure Eights and then I found out otherwise. Planning on getting rid of two since they grow to around 6 - 8 inches, maybe eventually get rid of them all together when they get too big for the tank and replace them with two figure eights.
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    Ceylon Puffers & Feeding

    My Ceylon Puffers eat any frozen fish foods that I give them, bloodworm, discus mix, krill, cichlid mix & brine shrimp. I give them snails once a week to keep their teeth down too. Im just wondering it im giving them a good diet or is there something else better for them?
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    Discus & Feeding

    My Discus seem to be going off their forzen foods, bloodworm, discus mix, shrimp, krill, & cichlid mix. They will evenutally eat it off the gravel but they dont eat with as much eagerness as they used to. What else could I try feeding them?
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    Id For This Puffer.

    Looks like a Ceylon to me, because of its spotted sides, like mine in my sig. Go rescue it :fish: :ninja:
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    Discus Eggs

    The orange Disucs to the right of my picture has laid eggs twice in the last 3 weeks and looks like its a pair with the biggest most colourful one in the picture which must me a male but it doesn't seem to be doing the fertilisation part. After about 2 days they just dissapear gradually and one...
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    Salt For Freshwater Diseases

    I've heard of people adding some salt in their tanks when a fish has a disease, One of my fish looks like its got cloudy eye, lost its colour & looks like its gone blind from the way its bumping into things. Only treatment I have is Anti fungus & fin rot which I have put in. Should I add some...
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    Dying Discus

    Everything but nitrates were fine, nitrates were yellowish/orange, did around 40% water change yesterday. I change around 30% every 5 days, tank is 52 gals and I run the Juwel internal filter and an external filter which is suitable for 150 gals so water quality is good.
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    Dying Discus

    One of my discus is in a bad way, looks like its got cloudy eye or whatever its called, lost all its colour and is swimming weird. Im getting some melafix tomorrow, but all I have now is Anti fungus & fin rot which I have put in. Will this be any good? is it infectious to other fish?
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    Marine Salt

    I have four ceylon puffers in a 180 litre (40 gallon) tank and have been adding about 8 table spoons like every 5 days but my hydrometer doesnt go up at all, how much salt should I add? I have red sea salt, it says 2 kg, 60 litres on the bag. Does that mean you have to use the whole bag to...