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    Anyone Ever Run A Sump Filter System On Freshwater?

    After some more reading about it,  I will probably find a used 70ish gallon for my sump.  There are many many benefits to running a sump.  I think it will make my tank much better in the long run for health and clarity. 
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    Rules For Discus/angelfish/tank Mates

    anyone with any information would be greatly apprecicated.  Also,  I think from reading that the various colors of discus will school and live happily together. 
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    Anyone Ever Run A Sump Filter System On Freshwater?

    Yes,  good point,  im using mostly small community fish.  Also,  great point hiding the heaters!
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    Anyone Ever Run A Sump Filter System On Freshwater?

    I don't think I will have an overcrowding issue in 210 gallons..ha ha.  Just some extra insurance incase I want to put a few extrasextras over the 210" of fish general rule maybe use my 30gal i have downstairs now as a sump with some filter media to give it some extra filtration.
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    Anyone Ever Run A Sump Filter System On Freshwater?

    as the title says,  has anyone ever run a sump filter system on a freshwater tank?  you could effectively "overstock" your tank that way.  Because you are not really overstocking then.
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    Getting Back Into The Hobby,

    i will be keeping discus, angel fish, different groups of schooling fish like tetras and rainbows, some bottom feeders like corys a couple of gouramis, a couple of smaller plecos and some invertibrates.   Oh,  left out some rams and cockatoos.     i will keep a journal here for sure.  Moving...
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    Rules For Discus/angelfish/tank Mates

    I am starting up my planted community fish tank.  its a 210 gallon 6' long.  i want to put 5 or 6 discus, a number of angelfish, some rams, cockatoos, various tetras and minnows, either loaches or corys, some rainbows and a couple of plecos of some sort.  I know the fish are co habitual in the...
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    Getting Back Into The Hobby,

    Well,  I have been out of the fish keeping hobby for some time,  with my son being born, and having autism we had to take care of the family first. Family is always number one.  So now my son is doing great,  my family is relaxed and moving into a new home.  We have the space in our family room...
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    Continuing Stocks In My Community Tank

    I got the tetras, 1 gourami, and a trio of sherpae tetras.....the neons are soooooooooooo small compared to everyone else...i dont think they are going to make it... however the goruami i have is the most active and happy i have ever had. cross fingers that everyone will jive with each other
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    Continuing Stocks In My Community Tank

    I would rather keep what I have and not get anything else instead of getting rid of fish.
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    Continuing Stocks In My Community Tank

    I have had my tank running for almost a year now, I want some new fish..... 40 gal. right now I have 5 platys, 4 danios, 1 clown pleco, 1 redtail shark, 3 bleeding heart tetras and 2 glass shrimp. I have my tank planted and they are thriving. I have a aquaclear filter for 70 gal tanks for...
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    Recommendations For A 35 Gal.

    for the most part, all you have listed can fit in your 35 g without a problem, however, the angelfish, and the cichlid are probably going to create havoc in there. the rams are a cichlid as well...but very peaceful. I would be careful about the barbs too...they are fairly aggressive as...
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    Will Different Male Gouramis Fight?

    well, the LFS would not sell me just 2 males of different variety I bought a male and female dwarf. next up is a male and female pearl gorami...
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    Will Different Male Gouramis Fight?

    thats good to know davo! thanks...
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    Will Different Male Gouramis Fight?

    yeah Lots of real plants, and rocks, with some coreys, some boesemani rainbows, danios, cories, one red tail shark, 3 rams and a bn....
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    Will Different Male Gouramis Fight?

    I am looking at 3 different male gouramis, a dwarf, a powder blue, and a red....will these compete against each tank is a 40gal, 36" long.
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    Zebra Ottos

    smithrc, what are those white plecos in your display pic? how big do they get? they are awsome lookin little buggers!
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    Just Put Some Live Plants In My 15g Community Tank

    to tell you the truth I have no idea what plants are in there.....i just went to the lfs looking for silk, and went with real plants instead.
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    29 Gallon Tank, Aqua Clear 300 Ok?

    ok.... how should I clean my filter, I have a aquaclear 30, using the sponge on bottom, floss in the middle and biomax on top. right now, I keep the biomax in the filter at all times, toss the floss and rinse the filter about 1 time per month.
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    Fluval Underwater Filter For Water Movement....

    Im looking at putting a fluval u/w filter in for some extra filter and water using a aquaclear 30 at the moment.....this ok>??
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    Just Put Some Live Plants In My 15g Community Tank

    they are like 13w real watts, that put out 60w of light each....they are the cool white..they look good...just wondering about them for my plants! everything looks great now.
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    Just Put Some Live Plants In My 15g Community Tank

    Hi, the lfs said to keep my lights on 10-12 hrs a day wiht the plants in tank....last time i did this without plants I got terrible alge bloom.....anything I should know? also, for lighting...I have to 4000k screw in florecents in my hood as opposed to 2 incandecent lights....should I get...
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    New tank mates are at the LFS!

    I was at my LFS and the cockatoo (red) cichlids and blue ram's I ordered are ram died in transit so I will be getting 3 fish today and the ohter ram next week. I cant wait!
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    filter for 125 gallon?

    I would use a jebo/ehiem 4 canister or a filstar xp3.......either of those will be fine. im going to be running 2 of them on my 300.
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    starting my 55 gal peacock tank.

    Im picking up my new 55 gal tank soon. going to be running a filstar filter in it, putting 8 peacocks in the tank...all males. can't wait to get started.....using sand substrate with a speical granite rock that I found near a river here...its dark green/grey with white 4 point star design...
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    I am using rocks from outside, scrubed them down with a brush, let them sit in hot water for a few mins....and my tank is healthier than ever. no problems
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    just finished some tank light "mods"

    I have a incandecent light top for my 15gal, I was useing soft white screw in florecent, when today at walmart I saw cool white, and they are way better. whiter light instead of crappy yellow dull light. also i put moon lights in my tank using lightpods bought at walmart these are little...
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    Pea Green Water and Red/Orange NitrAte

    I did the blakout method on my tank to get rid of the bloom plus some uv light to help it along...Keep the waterchanges up and get some floss for your filter and keep changing that, worked great for mine.
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    I wont be getting more neons, they dont do well with the platys, im going to return the neon I got. everyone in this tank will be going into a new 37gal soon so they will ahve lots of room then
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    good to know....what do they look like? the one you posted on my other topic?
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    will the cherry shrimp do the same job as the pleco....?
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    my tank is very peaceful actually. there are very few altercations, as for the bala and common pleco, I know they grow big, they will get new homes as they grow, from my 15 to a new 40 in my bedroom when I get it setup. water conditions are fine. EDIT* I know the neon is a schooling...
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    thats cool...what about the fresh water fire shrimp? they seem good..... my tank is as follows 15gal 1 bala shark, 1 dwarf gourami 5 platys 1 neon tetra 2 cockatoo red cichlids 2 german blue rams 1 common pleco aquaclear 30 filter with a fluval 1 submerged filer. going to upgrade to a...
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    which are what? like the freshwater shrimp that drs foster and smith are selling?
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    No that won't there anything like that that can go in there with out disrupting my setup now?
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    other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

    im lookin for some little critters to put into my tank, I don't want anything that will over run my there anything out there so that when people look they say, thats different.....hermit crab any good?
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    magazines for fish freaks like me?

    the lfs here has nothing like that, i will have to contact the publisher direct and get a subscription...thanks for titles for sure...great help
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    magazines for fish freaks like me?

    are there any magazine titles out there for fish enthuasist like myslef?
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    aquaclear 30

    I could for sure use a air stone, but I was thinking that the small filter would help keep the water clean no? What does the charcoal do in the filter anyways?
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    just got my gourami

    got a gourami and bala shark yesterday for my community tank, he was the most colorfull and always has his fins flared. he's awsome pics to come. now to get my four cichlids to finish this tank. then im done with it. on to bigger things then....they will be transplanted to a full planted...