other critters that could go into my 15 gal?

Steve Adams

New Member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand falls, Newfoundland, Canada
im lookin for some little critters to put into my tank, I don't want anything that will over run my tank...is there anything out there so that when people look they say, thats different.....hermit crab any good?
non- marine hermit crabs are not aquatic, but you could convert your tank into a terrarium and keep them in there.
filter shrimp, also known as wood shrimp have fans on there four front limbs and they are constantly stuffing them in there mouthes to eat the tiny food bits that they catch.

Now, you dont have your tank stats posted here, or in your profile so I'm not sure what else you have, but if its sort of a semi agressive comunity of any good size a pair of scarlet badis might be welcome.
Wood shrimp atya moluccenis would be an excellent choice; attractive, interesting and harmless.

Here's another species of fan shrimp, atya gabonensis doing the 'stuffing food into his face' thing.

thats cool...what about the fresh water fire shrimp? they seem good.....

my tank is as follows


1 bala shark,
1 dwarf gourami
5 platys
1 neon tetra
2 cockatoo red cichlids
2 german blue rams
1 common pleco

aquaclear 30 filter with a fluval 1 submerged filer. going to upgrade to a fluval 104 filter.
:crazy: idk where to start but your tank is extremely overcrowed!!!!!!! Bala sharks need at least a 60 gallon and Neons need to school. Plus that pleco will get way to big for that tank :crazy:
Ok, don't put any shrimp to that tank. They will not last long. They need relatively clean water and peaceful company. Also, they are not good at competing for food.
my tank is very peaceful actually. there are very few altercations, as for the bala and common pleco, I know they grow big, they will get new homes as they grow, from my 15 to a new 40 in my bedroom when I get it setup. water conditions are fine.

EDIT* I know the neon is a schooling fish but my dominant platy did not like them. He's settled down now since I got the shark and gourami. so out of the bunch I had this poor feller is the only one left....the rest of the platys are juvies, so he just schools with them...he's happy now. I noticed tho when I turn off the lights, He freaks for a sec or two...but other than that..no problems.
your bala needs to school too. but as it is, I'd say once the pleco and Bala are in goodhomes and you get the other neons that you should your going to be slightly overstocked
I wont be getting more neons, they dont do well with the platys, im going to return the neon I got. everyone in this tank will be going into a new 37gal soon so they will ahve lots of room then

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