Just Put Some Live Plants In My 15g Community Tank

Steve Adams

New Member
Jun 28, 2005
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Grand falls, Newfoundland, Canada

the lfs said to keep my lights on 10-12 hrs a day wiht the plants in tank....last time i did this without plants I got terrible alge bloom.....anything I should know? also, for lighting...I have to 4000k screw in florecents in my hood as opposed to 2 incandecent lights....should I get some new lights as well?
how powerfull in wattage are the screw ins ? :) you could go and get daylight bulbs compared to the one you have now hich is think is cool white :) it would be better for the plants
what plants did you put in your aquarium ? i would suggest getting daylight bulbs :) you migh liek the color difference it makes and its better for your plants, daylight bulbs are rated at around 6500 kelvin :)

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