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  1. Avinitlarge

    For Sale - Digital Ph Meter

    1 left now
  2. Avinitlarge

    The Filter/heater Sliding Down No Matter What! Help Please

    I agree. My aquaball kept on slipping down, fitted new suckers and it hasnt budged since
  3. Avinitlarge

    Disgusted With P@h

    Ive given up on all of my LFS inc P@H. I buy all my fish from private breeders and suppliers, they have always been good quality and Ive not had a single one die.
  4. Avinitlarge


    Discus are easy to look after if you have the time IMO, Deffo not a beginner fish though. Ive been keeping them since April this year and found that the Key is plenty of water changes and good food. I admit I did make a few mistakes at the begining, bout a few crap fish and did loose a few but...
  5. Avinitlarge

    How Much Should I Be Paying For These Fish?!

    Sounds expensive to me, This is what I can get them for 2 x geophagus tapajos orange heads £Not sure 6 x bronze Cory £6 6 x sterbai Cory £15 20 x cardinal tetra £20 I got 10 Sterbai for £7.50 a few months ago from a breeder, They were only about 2cm though
  6. Avinitlarge

    Tds Meters With Different Reading

    I have just bought a DM1 in line monitor and I already have a TDS 3 handheld. I have calibrated both of them to 240ppm but when I check the TDS of my tap water I get 2 different readings. The handheld reads 215ppm and the inline reads 175ppm. Can anyone suggest anything??
  7. Avinitlarge

    Male Bn Plec

    My male BN has taken a liking to my Discus and a dislike to my L200a. I would like to swap it for a female BN if possible
  8. Avinitlarge

    For Sale - Digital Ph Meter

    Ive dropped a bit of a clanger. I borrowed my brother PH tester and bust it. I ordered him a new one and whilst I was at it I bought my self one. I completly forgot about buying them and I ended up buying 2 more so Ive will have 2 more than I need when they get to me. Will left them go for £12...
  9. Avinitlarge

    Hma Only Water Change.

    I use HMA only water in my Discus tank. I do a 1/4 to 1/3 water change every day. I use a gravel vac connected to a hose pipe which drains the water onto the garden and I have a pipe from my HMA connected to the tank. I have to fill the tank extremly slow as the HMA water isnt heated. I would...
  10. Avinitlarge

    In Tank Gravel Cleaning

    Ive got a gravel vac connected to a hose pipe that drains the water onto the garden. I find you can do a better job cleaning the gravel as you are not watching the bucket for overflowing. I do 3 or 4 1/4 water changes every week. I only vac the gravel I can get to without disturbing the plants...
  11. Avinitlarge

    Should Something Be Done About This ?

    Im not allowed to slag P@H off on my local forum :angry: . They are useless idiots. I bought some fish from them about 5 years ago, Ended up with a complete wipeout of my tank. I suppose on a good note, They restocked my tank for free but in the ended I ended up with a refund for everything...
  12. Avinitlarge

    Keeping Ph Down

    I keep Discus in water with a PH of 7.8. If I did everthing I read I would have never had Discus. Don't mess with the water, leave it as it is.
  13. Avinitlarge

    Tds Gone Up For No Reason

    I agree, It was the only explination. :good:
  14. Avinitlarge

    Tds Gone Up For No Reason

    You must have been typing the message as I was experimenting. I took some tank water and added a dose of octozin, The TDS meter went off the scale then gave --- I imagine that was to say "Sorry, Cant read that high" Conclusion, Octozin adds TDS
  15. Avinitlarge

    Tds Gone Up For No Reason

    I tested the TDS earlier today when I was calibrating my PH meter, I noticed the PH had dropped by 0.2 so just out of interest I tested the TDS and it was 253. I started the water change about 2 hours ago and refill the tank using water from the tap via a HMA filter, I have to trickle the water...
  16. Avinitlarge

    Tds Gone Up For No Reason

    Ive just checked my TDS and it is just over 500. It is normally 350 ish. Ive just done a water change and the tap water is only 253. Why would it suddenly go up by 150 in the tank? The only thing Ive done is removed the fake plants and treated the tank with Octozin.
  17. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    Today I stripped the tank for the 2nd time. I found why I didnt get rid of them the 1st time, There were loads of them living in the filter foam. I put a few of the larve into a cup and experimented with various ideas to see what would kill them. A soloution of 50/50 Bleach and water DIDNT kill...
  18. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    LOL, Good point. Live food on tap.
  19. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    Thats the only reason I am getting them. Im not a fan of guppies but they will my the cory tank look better until the corys are big enough to go into my Discus tank and they will help control the flies. In a few months when the corys get moved, I will sell or give the guppies away.
  20. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    Ive put the filter on full whack and lifted it up so the return is at the surface. Ive got a bag full of guppies coming in the next few days at a bargin price of 20p each
  21. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    The water is pretty still. Ive looked at that topic and nothing looks or sounds similar
  22. Avinitlarge

    Tiny Green Flies

    Ive noticed something going on in my cory tank. There are loads of tiny green flies round the lid they are about 1.5mm long. At 1st there were only a couple but now there are 20+. Any idea what there are??
  23. Avinitlarge

    What To Consider When You Are Buying An Ro Unit

    Just been and picked up a RO. I originally went to buy a HMA but I went for a 100 Gallon per day RO. It is basically a HMA filter with RO unit on the top. He put me a T off with a tap on so I can switch between RO and HMA. He seems like a nice helpful bloke. He does all sorted of RO and HMA, He...
  24. Avinitlarge

    Various Ormaments, Rocks, Corel, Wood

    I am in all day so any time is fine. I will PM the address to you I cant send you a PM for some reason
  25. Avinitlarge

    Various Ormaments, Rocks, Corel, Wood

    Ive posted this on another forum and somone mentioned the cottage cheese tub, LOL £3 for the resin slate bridge thing
  26. Avinitlarge

    My End Cap Just Fell In The Tank!

    WD40 doen't conduct. The HT lead on a car don't pass a small voltage, Its a few thousand volts. Ive wet end caps loads of times, Just dried them with a cloth and plugged them straight in. There is about 600V when the tube starts up then when its on, they run at around 100V
  27. Avinitlarge

    Wanted: Dead Coral For Mt Filter

    Ive got a couple of bits
  28. Avinitlarge

    Various Ormaments, Rocks, Corel, Wood

    If just been having a sort out in my garage. I decided to sort my fish stuff out 1st. This is what I have 2 pieces of real corel 1 piece of wood, Not sure if its mopani or bog 2 castles (SOLD) 1 small bridge 1 fake bamboo thing 1 resin hollow log root thing 1 resin slate bridge 1 shell 1 big...
  29. Avinitlarge

    Small Tank 50-55L, Possibly Juwel Rekord 60

    I need small tank, 50 - 55 L ish. It could do with having a lid too. Ive got the filter, heater etc. a 24" X 12" X 12" fits just right in the place it will be going
  30. Avinitlarge

    Royal Blue Discus

    Livestock: Royal Blue Discus Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Doesn't get on with my other discus Delivery or Collection: COLLECTION ONLY Sales price: £15 Location: Rotherham S66 near J1 M18
  31. Avinitlarge

    Fish 1St Aid Box

    Exactly :good:
  32. Avinitlarge

    Fish 1St Aid Box

    I always check the use by date. Quite a few of them don't have a use by date. I don't buy things for the sake of it but I think its a good idea to keeps some to hand just incase the shops are closed or I cant get to the shop for some reason.
  33. Avinitlarge

    Fish 1St Aid Box

    Just sorting though my box of medications. Just wondered what should be in there. Ive got salt Epsom salt Interpet 9 Anti internal bacteria esha hexamita Discus wormer plus Interpet 10 Methalene blue Interpet 6 Anti white spot Interpet 13 Swimbladder sterazin Interpet 8 Anti fin rot and...
  34. Avinitlarge

    Discus With White Spot

    40% water change every 3 days. I recon 35% of it is done with the gravel vac too. The filters are cleaned once a month. Its only the one fish that has the problem, the other 8 are fine.
  35. Avinitlarge

    Discus With White Spot

    AH, Thats why no one on any forum I posted this on gave an answer. I am still doing my water changes. I was going to leave the next one till sunday but no someone says its not white spot, I don't need to. Any idea what it is???
  36. Avinitlarge

    Discus With White Spot

    Im not sure if it is white spot but it looks like it. The temp has been at 31oC for a quite few days now, Ive added salt, Ive added white spot treatment but Its still there. The white spots are there for a few days then turn into small white patches then its all cleared up. A day or so later its...
  37. Avinitlarge

    Flesh Eating Disease On Catfish?

    In the 1st 2 pics the fish did live, I dosed the QT tank with methalene blue. The fish in the 3rd pic didnt live
  38. Avinitlarge

    Tetra 75G Containers

    No, I bought 2 x 200g bags from someone who buys it in bulk. The bags are splitting and want to put it in the proper containers. I only need one of each container.
  39. Avinitlarge

    Keeping Discus

    Im pretty new to Discus. I started in march with 2 small one, now I have 9. I couldnt stop buying them. The hardest thing Ive found are the extra water changes. My water is far from "perfect" for discus too. PH - 7.8 Nitrite 0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrate - 20 KH - 6.1dH° GH - 15.7dH° Temp 29.5oC
  40. Avinitlarge

    Smelly Tank ?

    Water gone stagnant? I presume you have the tank running as you would when it has fish in it, Air, Heat and filter?