Tds Gone Up For No Reason


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
Ive just checked my TDS and it is just over 500. It is normally 350 ish. Ive just done a water change and the tap water is only 253. Why would it suddenly go up by 150 in the tank? The only thing Ive done is removed the fake plants and treated the tank with Octozin.
maybe something in the octozin? when you say youve tested the tap water , i take it you mean since it shot up in your tank?
I tested the TDS earlier today when I was calibrating my PH meter, I noticed the PH had dropped by 0.2 so just out of interest I tested the TDS and it was 253. I started the water change about 2 hours ago and refill the tank using water from the tap via a HMA filter, I have to trickle the water in due to the temp of the water. I kept on checking the temp of the tank water using the TDS meter (it has temp too) I thought I may as well check the TDS, this is when I noticed it had gone up. I retested the TDS of the tap water and it is still the same as it was earlier in the day.
hmmm i agree that is strange. did the tds go up before or after you removed the plants and added octozin? only things i can really think of is either remoing the planst has dislodged some unseen stuff , or there is something in the octozin that has caused it. does octozin hae the blue/green dye in like sterazin and myxazin? all pure guesses of course , but there has to be a reason for it to suddenly rise.

just thought how you could either prove or eliminate the octozin . test the tds on a sample of tap water , then add some octozin and test it again . if it is higher , then theres your culprit
You must have been typing the message as I was experimenting. I took some tank water and added a dose of octozin, The TDS meter went off the scale then gave --- I imagine that was to say "Sorry, Cant read that high"

Conclusion, Octozin adds TDS
sorted , riddle solved , altho i have to admit a pure guess on my part , it just seemed the most logical explenation.
Yes it would have been the Octozin or any other chemical compound for that matter.
Salt sends it haywire LOL

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