Fish 1St Aid Box


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, Rotherham, England
Just sorting though my box of medications. Just wondered what should be in there.

Ive got
Epsom salt
Interpet 9 Anti internal bacteria
esha hexamita
Discus wormer plus
Interpet 10 Methalene blue
Interpet 6 Anti white spot
Interpet 13 Swimbladder
Interpet 8 Anti fin rot and fungus
Yellow Powder
I never buy meds for the sake of it cause they have useby dates. But basically anything you already have should be in there, unless it's out of date.
So check all your expirys and chuck anything that's gone past it.
Not sure what else you would need as you've covered all the main things I think. Maybe some Melafix for torn/ragged fins caused by injury?

Also, keep an eye on the use-by dates, especially when buying them. I once bought a bottle of Melafix from my LFS, only to discover a few days later when I happened to be reading all the info on the bottle that it had expired two weeks previously! Thankfully, my LFS allowed me to return it. Couldn't exchange it as they all had the same date on! Had to swap for something else instead until they got new stock in.

Regards, Athena
I always check the use by date. Quite a few of them don't have a use by date. I don't buy things for the sake of it but I think its a good idea to keeps some to hand just incase the shops are closed or I cant get to the shop for some reason.
Yes, me too - that's always a good idea. I always make sure I've got the whole Waterlife range, plus Melafix. Even if they remain unopened and end up having to be thrown out unused eventually, it's worth the few pounds for peace of mind and knowing you're always prepared, eh?

Regards, Athena
Yes, me too - that's always a good idea. I always make sure I've got the whole Waterlife range, plus Melafix. Even if they remain unopened and end up having to be thrown out unused eventually, it's worth the few pounds for peace of mind and knowing you're always prepared, eh?

Regards, Athena

Exactly :good:

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