Search results

  1. T

    Advice On Transitioning My Tank

    Wow, thanks for the detailed reply.   I'll give your suggestion a try probably in  a few weeks, after letting the filter re-establish itself.  I'm using a hang off the back with a bio-wheel, which really seems to work well.   Yes I was thinking of a dwarf gourami, sorry for not specifying.  I...
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    Advice On Transitioning My Tank

    Hi,   As the title says I am looking for advice on transitioning my tank.   Currently I have a 25G tank with 1 platy and lots of java fern.  This tank has been setup and going for the past 6 years and originally had about 5 platys and 5 neon tetras.  Nothing too crazy but it looked nice...
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    Betta Not Eating

    The only other fish I have are 5 platties in a 10 gallon. I'm hoping to setup a larger tank soon, but I've been in the middle of moving/new job so I haven't had time to get things really going in the fish-keeping area. I'll see how things go. He seems to be eating flake food but what he...
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    Betta Not Eating

    Thanks, I think he just needs some time to get used to the new env. I might pick up some frozen stuff, however they come in such huge packs and I only have one betta. I guess I might as well think about getting a few more :).
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    Betta Not Eating

    Hi, All Sorry if this has been answered before but the search function is not working for me. I just got a new betta, on Monday afternoon. He is healthy, and alert. I don't see any visible problems. I have him in a 5 gallon tank, with no other fish. There is one fake plant and some...
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    Looking For Some Advice

    My concern is less on how to deal with the equipment. I'm more worried how to deal with the fish.
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    Looking For Some Advice

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank filled with 5 red-wag platties, and I have a few java ferns. The tank has been setup for over 3 years now and is very stable, I have not had any problems with it for about 2 years now. So now onto the problem I'm facing. I'm going to be starting a new...
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    Will My Cat Terrorise My Fish To Death?

    Initially the cat didn't realize that there was anything in the fish tank. It took it about a week to realize that there were fish in there. Once that happened she started to paw at the fish whenever they would come to the front of the tank. Recently, she has figured out that her efforts are...
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    Test Kit Instructions

    I'm sorry but being in Canada I have no access to Aqua One products, hence I do not have the instructions for you. I'm curious if you have tried contacting Aqua One and asking them if they would mail or potentially email you a copy of the instructions for the test kit. Another option would be...
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    Good Deal?!

    Wow, that's a good deal, if it comes with a hood. I once got a free 15gal from a friend but it didn't come with a hood. I looked around and the cheapest I could find was around 50 CAD. There is always the option of making your own hood as well. For those wondering 1 CAD = 0.85 USD.
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    Feeding On Holiday

    IMHO, if you have a friend that knows what he/she is doing or if you show your friend how to feed the fish that is the best option. If you don't, then the feeder is the next option but, I would test the feeder for at least a week before I trust it to feed my fish. I have heard stories both...
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    Hanging Fish Tank

    Greetings to all... I was just web-surfing and found a link to a hanging fish tank and I thought that I would share. Haning Fish Tank I just realy like this idea, though it is a bit expensive. What do you think?
  13. T

    Apple Snail with attitude

    To the best of my knowledge the Apple Snail will eat just about any kind of veggie. Mine takes lettuce, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers and algea pellets. If you want more info this site is really good
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    Best wattage lighting for a 55 gal?

    Sorry, I cannot be of any help since I have no clue with respect to lighting but I thought I would mention that you should try posting in the hardware section of the froum they may be able to respond to your question. hardware forum
  15. T

    Equipment Needed

    hmm... from what I have read you are looking to put a betta with some guppies, bettas don't get along very well with guppies. The cories should be okay, though it's always a question mark whith bettas. This is because some bettas are more agressive than others. For just starting out the...
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    Cleaning Duties

    From what I have read you are doing just fine. I think the problem is that your fish are not used to thier new environemnt, and believe me once they do the second the food touches the water they will be there eating it. FYI: I do weekly gravel cleans that also act as my water change. The food...
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    Slugs and snails

    Your query seems to be very general but I will try and answer it. I would also like to state that I am a beginner and not an expert in anyway. About snails I have one and well... I got it initially to deal with an algea problem. After reading abit more I realized that my snail needed more...
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    Platy Concern

    Many thanks, Tokis-Phoenix. I will see what I can do.
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    Platy Concern

    I can head to the store and see how much things cost and if I can afford to get the treatments. Just wondering what you would use to treat this? The only meds I have on hand are aquarium salt and jungle ick guard (active ingredients: victoria green, nitromersol, acriflavine). Also should I...
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    Platy Concern

    For meds I can get all the name brands, especially since there is a petsmart not far from my house. I just don't know which one, to get. Also unless they cost less than $10 CAD it's going to be tough for me to purchase them. I am a student and well... I know it's not fair but buying food for...
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    Platy Concern

    I am sorry to say that at the momet my last test chemicals have been depleted and I do not have the money to purchase a new ones until the end of august. But the last time I checked (early july), the stats were as follows. Ammonia: 0 NitrIte: 0 NitrAte: 14 ph: 7.4 Just to note I do weekly...
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    Platy Concern

    I have a 10 gal US tank, that contains 5 red wag platties, which has been running for about 4months with no problems at all. Of the 5 platties 1 is male and the rest are female. Now this is my problem: 1 month after having the platties in the tank (yes it was cycled before adding the...
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    anyone got anything bad to say about aquaplus dech

    I have only used aquaplus and have had no problems. I have never used aquasafe since the store I bought my fish from said they use aquaplus. And I assumed if they are using it then it can't be that bad.
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    thanks all for the advice. Yes this friend is pretty awesome and a big plus is that he also lives in the same house as me (student housing :) ) . He has looked after my fish before when I was gone for shorter periods of time. This is my plan. I have three tanks but only one that isn't...
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    actually you can have a cycled tank without a filter, since the bacteria will grow on the ornaments, the gravel and even the walls of the tank. The filter only acts to more efficiently run the water through a bacterial culture as well as removing large waste particles from the water. Though...
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    ahh.... that makes more sense, well... I wasn't going to buy a filter anyways. Thanks for the clear up. hmm... that would be a good idea, and on the positive side when I get back I would have three new bowls for three new bettas :D . That would be pretty sweet. I will have to think about...
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    ? I am confused :S . Well just to clear up anything, all my tanks are mature the newest is about 2months now. So I can hopefully safely assume that it is cycled since I used some gravel from a already cycled tank to seed it.
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    Bathroom Water

    I think it depends on how your pipes are done. At my house we have a water softener that removes the minerals found in the water to make things easier to clean and stops the mineral build up in the pipes. So in the kitchen there is a pipe that takes water that hasn't been treated from the...
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    double post, sorry
  30. T

    Vacation: Water Changes

    I could put him in the 5 gal with my other beta. I have fasioned a divider for it. It's just things weren't working out when they were in the divided tank. Alot of flaring and almost no eating. Now that they are separated everything is fine.
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    Thanks for all your suggestions, I will ask my friend see how he feels about doing the water changes. I am curious though, what is this bowl filter?
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    Vacation: Water Changes

    First of all, I have done an intensive search throught the fish forums and haven't seen an answer to my question. I have read about fish going for a week or two without food but my question is more a concern about water quality. I have a betta in a 1gal (US) without a filter, and I am going...
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    the worst news ever

    sorry about your loss... :-( I think that cat needs to be diciplined or at least kept far away from your bettas.
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    Dumb Question

    I think this page should clear everything up for you: LINK
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    What do fish do after lights out?

    when the lights go out on my tank, and I mean this is when it is nice and dark. They all just go to the bottom of the tank and I am assuming go to sleep since they stay quite still. I have actually observed them. :nerd: But the second I do something, like turn on the light, make large...
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    Hello - I'm new!

    Hi, and welcome... I think I am fish mad as well, though don't have enough money to be fish rediculous. :D :hi:
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    New to this Forum

    welcome, I like the brief history. I think you will enjoy your time here, I know I do. :hi:
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    Can I get a Catfish?

    Thanks for the heads up about the sensitivity of the oto's. I will keep a good eye on them until I am happy they will "live long and prosper". :P I was planning on getting algea pellets as well as suplimenting their diets with some zuchini and cucumber, since that's what I have read they...
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    MY APACHE!!!

    Sounds like you are quite excited. Congratulations that is one very stunning fish. Also I had my beta in a 10gal for a while. He just loved all the room.
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    Can I get a Catfish?

    Thanks for the advice. Unless someone can give me a good reason not to :o . I am going to look into buying 3 oto's for my tank :D. I will pick up some algea wafers as well. Yay, more fish, this is always exciting. :D