the worst news ever


Jul 18, 2005
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ok so i wake up this morning an here comotion down at the foot of my bed. i sit up look over there AN CHIEF IS HANGING OUT OF MY STEP MOMS CATS MOUTH!!! i jump up run over to the cat it runs off WITH CHIEF IN HIS MOUTH so i tackle the cat b4 it gets out the door. i make it open its mouth i pull out :sad: :angry: a dead apache dt that goes by the name Chief. :< :rip: :byebye: the funiral was at thursday, july 21, 2005 8:52 (2 days after my gfs bday!) i am so sad. last night i got him a buddy to sit by too. an i got him some frozen blood worms...he use to love them :(...acouple more days an he would have been in his 10gal. its still cycling! sooo depressed. :sick: ... my pastel seems to try to chear my does osco my oscar...but my tigerbarbs must not have gotten the news :(
NO that is his daddy he looked much better. :( i got him from my friends dad whos been raising/breeding bettas for over 10years an he said i could use that pic
I'm so sorry, I could tell from your posts that you really really loved that fish! :sad: And how horrible to have to see him in the cat's mouth! :crazy: I'm so sorry! :byebye: :rip: Chief
ive thinking about getting another apache...but i prolly wont. ill jus still with my dizzy pastel
im sorry to hear that alix, my cat used to get into my fish stuff too, but now he's afraid to come anywhere near it :shifty: that had to be horrible to wake up too, im really sry :sad:
I feel so sorry for you. My cats wont come near my tanks or they will get a whipping with the fly swat they hate that. Sorry about your fish..
its okay i still have osco the oscar. had him for 3 years. hes such a meany thoe kill first ask questions later. an i have my 7 tiger barbs an my new... :-( *sniff* betta *sniff*
sorry about your loss... :-(

I think that cat needs to be diciplined or at least kept far away from your bettas.
I'm very sorry about the loss of your fish, but I don't at all agree with disciplining the cat for it as the last poster suggested. The cat was just following its instincts and certainly would make no connection between being disciplined and killing the fish. As pet owners, it is our responsibility to keep tanks lidded or out of reach of other pets that might hurt them, it is not the cat's responsibility to ignore an inborn instinct and an available fish within reach (and presumably without a secure lid). I agree that it's very sad and unfortunate, but directing anger at the cat for it is not the right approach IMO.
Yeah, the only way to deter animals from behavior is to be ready right then with a deterent, like a squirt bottle of water when they get close to the tanks. Disciplining the cat now won't do anything. It's mind won't connect the two events.

I am sorry to hear about Chief.
ya im definatly not getting an apache. but i did have a lid on the tank but the was like round with a flat bottum. an i guess that cat like layed against or what ever an the tank jus rolled off my python tank an went SMASH! my pastel(with blue eyes) is in a 2.5 bow tank thing my dad let my barrow to avoid the rolling thing with my pastel. who i named the russian! :D like on rocky hes big blonde an blue eyes an hes top fin almost always sticks up :p "Spike the Russian"!
Sorry about the fishy!!!! What a horrible way to wake up!!! We do not have cats because they are so unpredictable--I much prefer fish--also my son and I do not get sick around them.--We are allergic to cats.

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