Good Deal?!


(\/)4R'/... betta freak
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
I finally found a great deal on a fishtank!
A 20 gallon, with filter, heater, and fake plants! Only 35 dollars!
Now, let's hope my mom agrees on buying it, it's near our house, and I have been trying to convince her that a fish tank would look stunning in the living room! My dad said yes, but only if my mom agreed so let's hope she does!
BTW, do you think it's a great deal??
Here is the link:
Is this 35 american dollars? or euro dollars or what? Im not sure where you are, cause if its american dollars its a pretty good deal, would be a great deal if a lid/light was included
I'm in Canada so Canadian dollars.
But I did get my 10g for about 100 dollars so it's a good deal for me. I'm not sure if lid/ light is included put it would be great if it was.
Good luck on getting your mom to approve and let us know what it comes with and please post some pictures when you get your new tank and get it sit up!

Thanks again!
If you do buy it, get rid of the fake plants and fill it with the real thing.
Wow, that's a good deal, if it comes with a hood. I once got a free 15gal from a friend but it didn't come with a hood. I looked around and the cheapest I could find was around 50 CAD. There is always the option of making your own hood as well.

For those wondering 1 CAD = 0.85 USD.
AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :S :S :S :S :S :S :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :X :X :X :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:

My mom said "I don't want to buy somebody else's garbage! I don't care if it's twice the size of yours and less than half the price. We might get one some other time at the store (translation=when you have your own house)

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