Can I get a Catfish?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
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Well... here is the deal. Currently I have a 10 gal with 5 platties in it. The tank has been running and stable for over 6 months now. Also it's a gravel substrate.

I would like to get a catfish, I don't mind type or species I just think they are all really neat.

Here is my query:

1. Do you think that my tank can take more fish?
2. If so, what catfish would you recommend?

Thanks for your help.
1) Yes you have a couple of " left.
2) Depends what you want to achieve - i.e. what do you want them to do

If you want them to be more visible and playful then I'd recommend cories (they're bottom scavengers that'll clear the waste food from the other fish).
If you want to clear algae then I'd suggest oto's.
If you want a common pl*co - DON'T :rofl:

Stocking is a tough one, it's basically down to the volume of water yes, but the vital part is how much surface water there is and if you can make the surface displaced (turbulant) then that will increase your stocking level a bit - also the type of filter you use makes a big difference and also whether you have a sump.

The 1"/gallon rule is a general rule of thumb and is a good idea to stick to - if your filter is more than adequate and you have good water displacement then I would suggest 3 oto's OR 2-3 dwarf cories - if it were me I would go for oto's as they remain small but are out cleaning most of the day - definately get more than 1 as they like to stay in groups.
Well the main 2 types of catfish you could have is either a plec or some corys- they are very few plecs commonly available that would fit in your tank, but it wouldn't be difficult to fit some corys in your tank.
A group of 3 panda corys(taking in consideration they are not very hardy) or 4 pygmy corys would be good :) . Corys prefer sand or very fine gravel substrate the best and need it very clean as they can get eroded barbels otherwise and need their diet substituted with catfish pelets and/or algae wafers.
boxman said:
2) Depends what you want to achieve - i.e. what do you want them to do

I don't really have much of an algea problem, but I do get a bit once in a while. So would cories eat algea?

So you are saying that I could fit about 2 or 3 of them in my tank? Would they be happy in a group of 3? I have checked the LFS for Ottos but I can't seem to find them. Cories on the other hand are there but I haven't seen any dwarf cories.

I will go and look for them.
As tokis said panda cories would be fine but aren't overly hardy.

Oto's aren't called oto's, their names are otocinclus - see

Cories are really nice but the barbel thing is a concern with gravel. Have you considered khuli loaches? They can be interesting but aren't as practical as otos.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
A group of 3 panda corys(taking in consideration they are not very hardy) or 4 pygmy corys would be good :) . Corys prefer sand or very fine gravel substrate the best and need it very clean as they can get eroded barbels otherwise and need their diet substituted with catfish pelets and/or algae wafers.

hmm... I don't know if I am experienced enough to take on a panda cory seeing as they aren't that hardy. The pygmy cories sound good, but I don't really have the ability at the moment to change substrates. Will the do okay with a gravel (it's the generic stuff)?

And yes, I will pick up some pellets and/or wafers for the fish.
boxman said:
Have you considered khuli loaches?

I don't think I have enough space for loaches don't they get big and need to be in shoals?

Also I knew the proper name for Ottos, it's just I can't find them, and I have checked three stores. May I will ask if they can get some in for me.
Kuhlis only get around 4" but they do need to be in shoals of 5 or more. The more the better as it makes them more sociable. Not all loaches get as big as Clowns do. I can't think of that many really who do.
Thanks for the advice.

Unless someone can give me a good reason not to :eek: . I am going to look into buying 3 oto's for my tank :D. I will pick up some algea wafers as well.

Yay, more fish, this is always exciting. :D
imo ottos are great, the only thing to be aware of is that intially they can be a bit delicate, you might find you lose some of them early on...

the algae pellets are a great idea plus mine like to eat cucumber weighed down with a plant weight :)
Yeah, Otos can be very sensitive fish sometimes and just die for no reason (no signs of disease, stress, parasites, etc). But once they've lived for about three months without deaths, you should be in the green.
Thanks for the heads up about the sensitivity of the oto's. I will keep a good eye on them until I am happy they will "live long and prosper". :p

I was planning on getting algea pellets as well as suplimenting their diets with some zuchini and cucumber, since that's what I have read they like to eat.

Also I think the veggies will be good since my platties also like to munch on algea pellets and from what I have read oto's don't like the competition for food.

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