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  1. F

    Brown Algae

    Mine started out the same way, now I have brown algae on a ton of my plants, I can't get it to go away. Maybe some otos?
  2. F

    New dimension to my aquarium..

    20" x 12" x 12" Btw, just did a nitrite test, readings = zero. Tank is cycled now!
  3. F

    Help moderators..

    I hit resend validation on top, didn't see that was there... then I got an email.
  4. F

    Help moderators..

    never mind...fixed!
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    New dimension to my aquarium..

    Also, will aglae help consume nitrates in the water?
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    Help moderators..

    k, thanks!
  7. F

    Help moderators..

    I'm almost at 30 posts and been here a month and I haven't got an email or anything, how can I become a member!? Help pleeze! :/
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    New dimension to my aquarium..

    I used the tank calculator and it says I have a 12.47 Gallon tank. Isn't 20" a bit long for a 10G anyway?
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    New dimension to my aquarium..

    Well.. taking the zebras back isn't an option for me. I already stated I will remove the tiger barb. The tank is almost cycled but I won't add anything more until it is. I've been told by several sources that zebra danios in a 10 gal is fine. Also to keep a trio or 5+. According to several...
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    New dimension to my aquarium..

    I would like to house something a bit different maybe in my tank, I have it set up (as in my sig) and will probably remove the tiger barb. My tank is almost fully cycled now and in a couple of days will be able to stock it fully. Have a few questions.. 1. I hear of a lot of people housing...
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    Whats on my plants?

    Oh I see it on the gravel now.. thanks. None on glass yet.
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    Whats on my plants?

    It is only appearing in the plants not the glass or gravel (from what i can see). I have a flouroescent light that is turned on about 8 hrs a day. I don't believe I'm getting nitrates yet, my nitrite levels seem to be spiking now though. I'll do another water change and leave the light on...
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    Whats on my plants?

    I don't have real plants and I'm getting these brown spots on them, not just on one plant but on several. Algae? Mold? :( Is this going to harm my fish? Thanks! :D
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    I agree with this, I've heard this is a much more accurate way of stocking an aquarium from several sources. ;)
  15. F

    A Tank Question

    If you leave tap water sit for 24 hours typically all the chlorine gasses leave. But if you also have chloramine put into your local water, only a bottle of water treatment will help with that. Also, carbon does clean up the water clarity as well as help with the smell. I've heard you don't...
  16. F

    Vertical Guppy Swimmer

    What's the tank size? Are there other fish in there as well? If its only been 24 hours since any fish were put in there, I seriously doubt there would be an ammonia/nitrite spike in that short of time.
  17. F

    Water change or not?

    Don't rinse your filter in tap water, it will kill all the beneficial bacteria (among others) you've been working so hard to accumilate. Rather rinse it in tank or treated water with no chlorine/chloramine. Spring water should work too. That probably explained the nitrite spike.
  18. F

    20" 10G tank suggestions

    In that index, digitals review said 2.5 - 3" max... for what its worth :rolleyes: I've heard anywhere from 2-3" . ;) Also, pardon the ignorance... what's an otto?
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    Wow, just now found that thanks. Anyone have Malaysian trumpet snails?
  20. F

    20" 10G tank suggestions

    Katchan, would I be able to put the tetras, pair of dwarf cichlids, and a catfish all in there? I did some research (apparently not enough) beforehand and several sites said tiger barbs reach 2" in length typically. Also, do you have any catfish recommendations? I know cories should be kept 3...
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    Sorry about all the recent posts here, but I'm anxious to learn. :) What are the benefits of adding snails to your aquarium? Disadvantages? I've heard they burrow in the substrate too, do they prefer sand over gravel?
  22. F

    20" 10G tank suggestions

    bump.. :whistle: Also, these fish chase each other constantly, is this normal behavior for these fish? Esp. the smallest one. :(
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    Leftover Eaters

    A small shoal of cory cats should do the trick, I think they prefer sand though. They're generally peaceful from what I've heard..
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    A new 10 G tank

    I got mine for $50 US. 10G, Tetra 10 whisper filter, tetra water treatment (forgot what its called), cover and flourescent light.
  25. F

    20" 10G tank suggestions

    Hello all, I have so far in my 10G 4 tiger barbs. They range in 1.25 - 1.5" long. I would like to add a few more fish if possible. I'm looking at some tetras, specifically some lemons, glolights, serpae or black neons to go with the barbs. I'm told told the lemons are swift swimmers and...
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    Well, I went out and got 4 tiger barbs. I also posted in beg. forum, prob wont do neons now. Maybe some lemon tetras or some rasboras? I have a 20" long 10G tank.
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    Tiger Barbs

    What are some fish that go well with tiger barbs. I have 4 barbs now in a 10 G tank. I'm thinking of some tetras and/or a couple of cory catfish. I'm thinking of some glolight, lemon, or possibly neon tetras. I may get 1 or 2 more barbs if fin nipping becomes a problem. Any opinions?
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Apparently they are supposed to be pretty hardy as well.
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Well, today I went out and got 4 tiger barbs. I really liked the color of these fish. Will probably rethink the neon idea now, lol.
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Not a big fan of danios. Btw thanks for the help.
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Ok scratch the guppies then, what about the more hardier tetras or rasboras?
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Woops, Looks like I will be cycling with fish then. I only had access to a 2 G betta bowl.. I know cycling with tetras or rasboras isn't the best of ideas, but are there any "hardier" ones than others? A couple of guppies may be my only option otherwise..
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    Adjusting the filter

    How is a whisper tetra 10 adjusted?
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    Just got a 10G tank. Getting back into fishkeeping. Am looking into keeping a school of neon tetras along with a few other fish. I will pour some established water in ahead of time. Any other ideas of fish that go well with neons? Other tetras? Rasboras? Any other I can fit in this 10G...
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Any opinions on good starter fish with neons in a 10 G? Also, If I pour some established tank water into my tank before I add any fish, will this accelerate/start the nitrogen cycle?
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    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Should I cut a slit in the top of the bag, empty the contents, then repack? Would that be the best way to do this?
  37. F

    Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.

    Hello all, Just got a 10 gal tank kit and set everything up except put fish in. I have several questions... The only filter I have is the one mentioned with an activated carbon bag, will this provide enough biological filteration for the tank? I know it wont have the survace area of an UG...