Vertical Guppy Swimmer


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2005
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I recently bought 4 Guppys, they all doing fine except for one.

This one guppy swims "vertically". His body kinda looks like a slightly bent "U" shape.

He kinda looks bloated somewhat, but then I noticed that the other Guppys look bloated naturally.

Any ideas what is wrong with this one Guppy?
First of all I would try treating for constipation: the standard treatment is feeding peas. If he is very bloated that could affect his swimbladder. Boil a frozen pea lightly, take off the shell and crush the pea- half is probably enough for him, but you could always do it for the whole tank, IME guppies adore peas. And if they're all bloated, they might all need it.
A bent back is commonly the sign of old age - if the tail is bent down, but yours seems to be going the other way. Could it be the heavy stomach dragging him down? afraid I don't know? If he doesn't clear up, he may have some more serious swimbladder problem.

Oh hang on, bloated you said, are the scales standing out so he looks like a pinecone? If so, that's a symptom of dropsy, which is serious. Have another look and see.

Hope somebody else will have more suggestions.
I've had this Guppy for less than 24 hours. His scales are still nice and flat.

I awoke this morning to find him just sitting on the gravel. I think he's about to go to Fishy heaven soon. :-(

He doesn't even have the strength to swim around to eat the food :(
Do you know about ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and dechlorinator?
How many gallons does the tank hold and how many and what other types of fish do you have?
How long has the tank been set up for?

I would do a 40% water change right now with dechlorinator.
What's the tank size? Are there other fish in there as well? If its only been 24 hours since any fish were put in there, I seriously doubt there would be an ammonia/nitrite spike in that short of time.
Well, I got a call from my sister who was watching my tank. The guppy died.

The tank is 20gallon, cycled for a week. Have 5 diamon tetras, 2 angel fish, 4 other guppys.

All of the fish are having a blast but that one guppy just didnt make it.

The water conditions are fine.

i still have no clue why this fish couldnt stay horizontal.

Thanx for the help though.

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