Tetra Whisper 10 filter, etc.


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hello all, Just got a 10 gal tank kit and set everything up except put fish in. I have several questions...
The only filter I have is the one mentioned with an activated carbon bag, will this provide enough biological filteration for the tank? I know it wont have the survace area of an UG, but it should be fine for the capacity of a 10 G, correct?

Also, I would also like to use a slight amount of peat to lower the pH of my tank water (I plan on housing neon Ts) , what is the best way to do this using this filter?

I know neons would probably not be the best fish to introduce first, what would for a community tank? I'm not a huge fan of zebra danios or livebearers. Any other tetra species?


First, welcome. Now, introduce yourself in the newbie section.

That should be an ok filter, though the carbon acts as chemical, not biological filtration. The fibers work as biological filtration. IMO, it would be cheaper and less damaging to the fish (carbon releases chemicals into the tank after time), I would suggest getting filter fiber/floss. This is pretty much the equivalent of the cartridge without the carbon, so it owuld still work as a biological filter.

As for the moss, not 100%, but I believe that you can rubber band it down...

As for fish to cycle with, the fish that are normally suggested are those two that you have turned down. Therefore, I have no real suggestions. :shrugs: Well... other than cycling with chemicals and without fish.
Tempestuousfury said:

First, welcome. Now, introduce yourself in the newbie section.

That should be an ok filter, though the carbon acts as chemical, not biological filtration. The fibers work as biological filtration. IMO, it would be cheaper and less damaging to the fish (carbon releases chemicals into the tank after time), I would suggest getting filter fiber/floss. This is pretty much the equivalent of the cartridge without the carbon, so it owuld still work as a biological filter.

As for the moss, not 100%, but I believe that you can rubber band it down...

As for fish to cycle with, the fish that are normally suggested are those two that you have turned down. Therefore, I have no real suggestions. :shrugs: Well... other than cycling with chemicals and without fish.
Should I cut a slit in the top of the bag, empty the contents, then repack? Would that be the best way to do this?
I tried that and had a hard time getting the carbon to come out. I would simply throw out that cartridge...

That should be ok, though, but filter floss lasts for a really long time and is very cheap. If you were to use this, you could save your cartidges for when you medicate (to remove the meds after your fish are better). :dunno:
Any opinions on good starter fish with neons in a 10 G?

Also, If I pour some established tank water into my tank before I add any fish, will this accelerate/start the nitrogen cycle?
Oh, I forgot to mention in your newbie thread: use old filter media if possible. The water does not have the bacteria that cycles the tank. :/

Starter fish... well, you said you are getting back into the hobby, so I take it that by starter you mean for the tank? If so, it all depends on what type of fish you will keep with the neons (or, rather, cycle with a fish you will keep). If livebearers are acceptable, then they would be the best bet. if not, i owuld suggest fishless cycling as opposed to cycling with neons.

Good luck. :thumbs:
Woops, Looks like I will be cycling with fish then. I only had access to a 2 G betta bowl..

I know cycling with tetras or rasboras isn't the best of ideas, but are there any "hardier" ones than others? A couple of guppies may be my only option otherwise..
Guppies might get nipped if kept with tetras...

I know danios will definitely work, though I am not sure if these are acceptable. Otherwise, I can't really help you. :/
Ok scratch the guppies then, what about the more hardier tetras or rasboras?
Not a big fan of danios. Btw thanks for the help.
You could try cycleing with a few glo lite tetras, they are much hardier then there neon cousins. But why not just do a fishless cycle??
Well, today I went out and got 4 tiger barbs. I really liked the color of these fish. Will probably rethink the neon idea now, lol.
Apparently they are supposed to be pretty hardy as well.
Tiger barbs need at least a 20 gallon to be happy. Also, they need to be in groups of 6 and they can reach 3". So even now u r a little overstocked. If u get rid of them how about White cloud mountain minnows? They r very hardy and a nice fish.

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