New dimension to my aquarium..


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
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I would like to house something a bit different maybe in my tank, I have it set up (as in my sig) and will probably remove the tiger barb. My tank is almost fully cycled now and in a couple of days will be able to stock it fully. Have a few questions..

1. I hear of a lot of people housing shrimp. What do they eat and are they compatible within a community tank?

2. What will be a good (if any) bottom dweller for this tank, taking in consideration the size and number of fish?

3. I presently have some brown algae growing in the tank. Is there any fish (or any creature) in particular (bottom dweller/sucker mouth) that would aid in this problem? Also, will algae aid in the nitrogen cycle by consuming some nitrates?

4. What are some other good ideas of fish I can add either in tetra/barb family?

Thanks a mill. if you can answer any/all of these! :D
I'm sorry to say this, as you have proberbly been misinformed but....

they are also a schooling fish and need to be in groups of 5 or more.

In all likelyhood if they are kept in that tank you will get one alpha fish
that will become so territorial s/he will kill everything else in the tank.

for more info on danios, feel free to checkout my website at wolf said more than 10gallons
2.Tiger barbs need to be in groups of around 7+to be happy.They will either be very lonley or become agressive like the danios
3.The tank is not cycled so you shouldnt really have any fish in there!!!

take the fish back.You dont have the sapce for them all.
Well.. taking the zebras back isn't an option for me. I already stated I will remove the tiger barb. The tank is almost cycled but I won't add anything more until it is. I've been told by several sources that zebra danios in a 10 gal is fine. Also to keep a trio or 5+. According to several sources, a full grown zebra danio is 2". So 3 x 2" = 6" of fish. Not even close to overstocked even on a conservative scale. A lot of people on this board tend to contradict one another, even the experienced members. What else can I do with this tank?
I used the tank calculator and it says I have a 12.47 Gallon tank. Isn't 20" a bit long for a 10G anyway?
Also, will aglae help consume nitrates in the water?
When people say that danios need a bigger tank it is because they do require a lot of swimming space due to the fact that they are very fast and active fish. I have a 20g and refrained from buying danios as I personally would rather they had more space than that.
What are the dimensions of your tank other than the length?!

The inch per gallon rule is a guideline. If I was to use this rule alone and no common sense I could theoretically put a clown loach and a couple of swordtails in my 20g but that would obviously be ridiculous!!

If I had known what I know now when I had bought my tank I would have gone for one a lot bigger but that's what hindsight does for you!!

Please reconsider the danios; surviving does not mean thriving!
20" x 12" x 12"

Btw, just did a nitrite test, readings = zero.
Tank is cycled now!
u cant go by the nitrites alone to determin if your tank is cycled (i may be wrong)i believe it should be
amonia: 0
nitrate:20 or less(ive herd 40 is ok but i may be wrong)
the others are right about the danios(i have a 10 gal w/ 3 danios, 5 tiger barbs, 3 ottos, and a cory....btw i know this is overstocked and im upgradeing soon) one of my danios has become the "king" of my tank and kinda makes everyone do what he wants....thank god there hasnt been bite missing from the tails of any of my fish.

you would be best of getting something like cories, ottos, small tetras(neon, glo lite) maybe a dwarf gourami and such....basicly calm quite fish that arent territorial and dont reguire too much swimming space

edit: u should moniter the stats for a few days to be sure its cycled and how did u cycle the tank anyway?

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