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  1. E

    betta comp (closing date for pics 09/08/05)

    hi all thought i would post another pic of neo i managed to get using some of the advice on here about taking betta pictures thanks bettaman!!!
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    betta comp (closing date for pics 09/08/05)

    wow fab bettas i know neo is not a patch on some of them but he's my baby!!!
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    buying fish in the uk

    i know there are loads for the usa but i can not find any for the uk :/ i'm really wanting a ct betta :wub: and some more usual tropical fish :hyper: i have checked out bettamans site :cool: any others that anyone fron the uk can suggest????? thanks!!!
  4. E

    my little boy is now a man!!

    woke up to a great surprise this morning neo my first ever betta who i've had for just over a week now made his first ever bubble nest last night :wub: :wub: thought i would post some pictures!! i'm sure this is his own way of saying mummy i like my new home :) he has just been moved from a...
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    please welcome neo!!!!

    sorry it's working now!!!!!!
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    please welcome neo!!!!

    hi all thanks for all your help regarding neo after i had him in a community tank for 2 days and he begain attacking my other fishes!!!! :) as promiced here are pictures of neo in his new home!!!! :wub: :kewlpics: excuse the orniments chosen by my other half!! he wanted a manly tank :rofl...
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    new betta attacks neons!!????

    thanks andie and i know what you mean about the other tank mates having a nibble! :sick: when i returned one of the platys was having a nibble and i thought it was him that had killed the neon then i noticed the second neon dead and that neo seemed to be hiding with it under "his" plant it took...
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    new betta attacks neons!!????

    thanks for the advice i'm going shopping today for a seperate tank for neo!! he is a fantastic betta i just fell in love with him!! i belived i had researched well and read that bettas can live quite well with neons and platys i belived it was guppies which should not be housed with bettas...
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    new betta attacks neons!!????

    hi there on thusday i got my first ever betta called neo!! all has been going well this morning i noticed he was flaring i ahve returned now and 2 of my neons are dead both ( sorry to be grusome) with there tails and eyes eaten!!??? could the beta have done this?? he lives with 5 neons and 2...
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    the worst news ever

    oh i'm so sorry :rip: little one :( is that him in your avatar????
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    Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

    hi their i've been folowing this thread from the start congrats to you on some fab babies!!! there soooooooooooooooo cute!!! can i ask where you got your tubs to jar the babies from???/ and how much they were thanks!!
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    Worried about my new HM..

    you can get stress coat over here in the UK jessica pet's at home sell it and most lfs do to it's just in a diffrent bottle to the US version
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    water issues

    thanks so much for your advice i will do the 20% changes daily thanks again!! edit: and i will go buy a testing kit this weekend
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    water issues

    thanks so much for your advice i will do the 20% changes daily tnanks again!!
  15. E

    water issues

    water stats are fine ( according to lfs) tank has been running for 8 weeks (with fish fish are 3 neons 2 platys 2 guppies 1 baby platy (numbers have diminished due to deaths) i'm not planning on adding any other fish untill water problem is sorted uk 10 galolon hex tank thanks for your...
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    water issues

    ok 3 day's ago 2 of my guppies died and over night the water went really pea soup looking i had the water tested and while levels of ammonia and nitrate were slightly rased it was nothing that a water change would not fix (as the tank was due a change that day) i completed a 40 % change but...
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    had to post on emergency last night

    last night while watching tv one of my guppies fish started swimming strange and was floating on it's side??????? i placed her in the breeder tank i've got and followed some advice given to me on the emergency forum i tried a pea and...
  18. E

    help!! are my guppie fish pregnant???

    she was swimming near the filter and thats the bubbles!!!! starnge how they have come out in the picture!!
  19. E

    help help help please

    thanks for all your help guys last night my guppie pasted away :-( :( and about 10 minutes later my other guppies did the same!!!?????????????? :unsure: :unsure: as of this morning the 2 remaning guppies are doing ok :) i'm going to complete a 40% water change and i'm going to my lps for...
  20. E

    help help help please

    she stil on her side i'm tryig her with the pea and i will get some salt in the morning if she's still here :-( she's eaten a very very small amount of the pea :unsure: i'll be praying all night :look: :wub: thank you all for all your help :P xxx
  21. E

    help help help please

    she's just on her side now :( i was watch tv when i suddenly saw her spinning in the tank the filter kind of pushed her and she went over and over the sunk to the bottom then floated slowly to the top on her side she seems to be making such an effoert to right herself her gills and fins are...
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    help help help please

    her scale's don't seem to be sticking out!! she can not stay upright she's on her side all the time can i feed her normal frozen peas if i thaw them??? what kind of salt should i use???? i only haev normal table salt??? will i have to take her out of the main tank thank you so much for...
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    help help help please

    about 5 mintues ago one of my guppie fish started swiming funny and is now floting on it's side in the tank it's gills are still moving there seems to be nothing on on him and the water is fine all other fish are ok the guppies eye's seem very black is she dying what can i do all fish shops are...
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    platy problem?????

    my female platy is now always laying on the bottom of the tank the male keeps harrassing her at one point we thought she might be pregnant but now all she does is hide and lay down she was a very active fish should i be worried??? thanks xxx
  25. E

    help!! are my guppie fish pregnant???

    thanks for all your advice should i put her in the breeder tank now???? if not when will i know when too!!???? thanks again xxx
  26. E

    help!! are my guppie fish pregnant???

    holy god so all three could be pregnent???? oh god!! how do i tell how long it will be till she gives birth ??? how many fry are we talkin about here????
  27. E

    help!! are my guppie fish pregnant???

    please help 2 of my guppie fish have what i think are gravid spots one is bigger than the other i have managed to take some pic's of the fatter lady all she seems to do is hang around by the filter and heater and seems to be swimming slowly??? i have 4 guppies in my tank all female!!???? is she...
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    Breeding.. Second Attempt!

    hi jessica congrats on the kiddys!! out of intrest could you post a picture of your one baby from your first breeding attempt!!!??? good luck!!
  29. E

    a lot of us "rescue" bettas

    my first ever rescue happened today!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D this is a pic of a baby platy that i rescued today!! i noticed her in a community tank and it was getting harrased by the other fishes :( i pointed it out to the lfs and they said no worries the other fish will just eat it and they don't...
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    betta tanks in the uk

    thanks so much to both of you!! i know i sounded dim witted but i thought best to ask!! and i'm having a look at bettamans site right now!! xxx
  31. E

    betta tanks in the uk

    hi all i love betta fish and would love to have one!! but i've found the tank situation confusing ??? i see lot's of people on here keep betta fish in tanks with no heater or filter is this ok or is this because it is hotter in parts of the usa?? also when some peole talk about betta's been sold...
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    advice for rescued baby platy

    thanks for that!! in my tank i have 3 neons 2 platys and 4 guppies all seem quite peacefull but i did not want to tempt them!!!
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    advice for rescued baby platy

    today i went to my lfs and noticed a platy fry on it's own in with community fish when i told the owner about it they did not even relise it was there they just said one of the other fish would eat it and that would be that!!! so i asked if i could buy it (they gave it to me for free) i got a...
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    10 gallon tank

    i posted nearly a week ago about my new tank i had some bad advice from my lfs and commited the greatest newbie sin of over filling my tank with fish!! :/ :stupid: i just wanted to thank all who posted on the "tuxedo platys will they breed?" thread i have had one death :byebye: (dave the red...
  35. E

    new tuxedo platys will they breed??

    thanks for the reply! i'd put the tank as a 7 gallon it's infact a 9 UK gallon hex tank my lfs sold me all the fish working on the inch per gallon rule. yes we cycled the tank and also had the water tested and all was well! :D the tank does not look over stocked on the contrary it looks quite...
  36. E

    new tuxedo platys will they breed??

    hi all i have a 7 gallon tank and yesterday i was finally able to introduce the fish to there new home horray!!! :D i have 4 neons, 4 guppies(all female), a red fin shark and 2 tuxedo platys and they are all very active although quite small and are eating well and i think look happy!! :D...
  37. E

    hi all needing advice!!

    i bought the kit as a set it's an hexagonal tank. the filter is a aquarline, aquarclear 1 internal power filter like this!!??!! should i contect the tubing that comes with it to the very top nozzel??? thanks for all your help!!
  38. E

    hi all needing advice

    it's an aquarline aquarclear 1 internal power filter have you heared of this there was a small tube that was in the box but i don't know where to put this!!??!!
  39. E

    hi all needing advice

    thanks!! the instuctions with the fillter were no help i have no idea where to place the fillter it only a small tank and there are loads of bubbles and the current looks really strong does the fillter have to have access to air?? it did come with a little tube and i have no clue what that is...
  40. E

    hi all needing advice!!

    as a treat to me from passing my nursing exams i bought my self a tropical fish tank it's been set up since tuesday ( no fish yet) but i know there's too many air bubbles in the tank (caused by the filter) and don't know what to do it an air filter and i have the top nozzel above the water...