betta tanks in the uk


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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West yorkshire, UK
hi all
i love betta fish and would love to have one!! but i've found the tank situation confusing ??? i see lot's of people on here keep betta fish in tanks with no heater or filter is this ok or is this because it is hotter in parts of the usa?? also when some peole talk about betta's been sold in there lfs they say there in cups ??? is this right?? so i guess what i need to know is what to do here in the uk!!

i would like some advice on a tank sent up (do i need a heater and filter??) and were to buy the tanks in the uk?? as my lfs only have small animal tanks (£4.99) i've seen the aquaview on-line but it's not avalible in the uk whats the cheapest tank in the uk???

please help!!! i want to give the best homes for these lovely fish but i only have limited money!!! also my partner will go mad if i get another huge tank!!! lol

thanks!! xx
Hi - I have 2 male Bettas both with filters and heaters. The heaters do come on for short time even at the moment in our summer.
I've got one in a 25 litre tank and 1 in a 14 litre tank.
Bettas are not kept in 'cups' in the Uk it is an American thing. They are usually in the community tanks with other fish at the fish shops but some shops have 'betta barracks' which are individual cubes with a Betta in each one.
Hope this helps. :D
1.I Find that the Plastic Goldfish Bowls You can Find in Wilkinson for £1.50 Are a Nice Size for a betta.
2. Large Glass Vases.
3. Pen Plax Plastic Tanks from Pets @ Home.
4. Acrylic Cubes from Pound Stores.
5. Take a Look at you Plastic Tupperware Section in your Local Warehouse Shop. You can Sometimes find 5Litres +++ Cereal Drums that can Make a Lovely Tank.

There are Alot of things out there, but it takes time to find them.

Or you could just go for a Tank from any LPS LFS or Pets @ home They are Usually £9.00 Rectangular and have a Lid that a Light can be attached to. Pets @ Home sell 25watt Heaters aswell and Lighting Units Dont Cost Too Much.

As For Buying your Betta

LFS are Good but the Biggest Range of Finnage can be Found @ Shirley Aquatics Branches as they Buy in Bulk all different Shapes and Tail Types.
But if you Want Unique fish, then contact Bettaman, Who is 1 of the ONLY UK Betta Importers that get Awesome Fish In.


PS the Betta in My Sig Is Coming Via Bettaman
thanks so much to both of you!! i know i sounded dim witted but i thought best to ask!! and i'm having a look at bettamans site right now!!
sorry i dont agree with keeping them in fish bowls, you cant put heaters or filters in bowls due to them taking up to much room.
i would always say to use a filter : :p
I'd say Wilkinsons is your best bet. You can get 3g kritter keeper type things that have enough room for a heater if you want one and can be turned into a nice setup. They're about £5 each I think. There are several >5g 'goldfish' tanks around, but these come with a filter that, TBH, make too much current and are too much hassle to keep. With only one fairly small fish, its easier to do 100% water changes once a week.
OohFeeshy said:
I'd say Wilkinsons is your best bet. You can get 3g kritter keeper type things that have enough room for a heater if you want one and can be turned into a nice setup. They're about £5 each I think. There are several >5g 'goldfish' tanks around, but these come with a filter that, TBH, make too much current and are too much hassle to keep. With only one fairly small fish, its easier to do 100% water changes once a week.
I was looking on ebay for a suitable betta tank or 2, I found a few which are possible suitable at a reasonable cost too, Please correct me if I am wrong
Those tanks are just fine. Bettas' needs vary so much from other fish. They have been bred and conditioned to different things, they can survive and even thrive in water anywhere from 72 minimum to 82. Since they are such hardy fish when it comes to water, they can deal with 100% water changes every week, unlike other fish. If you need more info, feel free to ask, anyone here would be happy to help you out.
If you're wanting to get more than 1 betta and have the room, I would suggest getting a bigger tank and dividing it into smaller compartments. That way you can cycle the tank. A single betta should be kept in a minimum 1 gallon tank, but 2.5 gallon or more is preferable. I myself prefer to keep them in a proper fishtank as they generally come with a fitting hood and light, and a filter and heater can be added if you choose. If your water temperature stays constantly in the high 70's, you won't need a heater, but if it doesn't, you'll need a heater to maintain a constant temperature. Whether you use a filter is up to you. Some people like to use a filter, and others don't, and there are pros and cons for both.

You've done the best thing by coming to the forum and researching before you run out and buy a betta. There are 'sticky' posts on the top of the forum full of information and tons more available by reading the threads here. I would definately ask any questions you have, there are several very knowledgable folks in this forum.

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