advice for rescued baby platy


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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West yorkshire, UK
today i went to my lfs and noticed a platy fry on it's own in with community fish when i told the owner about it they did not even relise it was there they just said one of the other fish would eat it and that would be that!!!

so i asked if i could buy it (they gave it to me for free) i got a floating breeding tank and now here it is!! i so want it to thrive!! any advice on what to feed it i've been crushing fish flakes anything else????? thanks!!

here's a picture of 'little bit' as i called her or 'nemo' as my 4 year old neice calls her!!

Um do u have a tank with any small peacefull fish in it? If you do i think thats your best bet. I think at his age he would be fine with crushed up flakes. Basing that on my ballon mollies fry i currently have in my tank. They already eat it and the platy u have is more develope looking. The fry thrive really well with scraps thats why i suggested putting him in with small peacefull fish. At his age i do not think he would have trouble hideing from any threats (if any). :D
i gave my babies a liqiud food from the lfs but sorry cant remember the name :/

Well done for saving it hope he/she gets on well! ;)
thanks for that!! in my tank i have 3 neons 2 platys and 4 guppies all seem quite peacefull but i did not want to tempt them!!!
neons, platys, and guppies won't eat any fry bigger than their mouths. i have to agree with wwestar, he looks big enough to make it.
If you want him to grow and be strong, alternate in some freeze-dried, frozen foods or live foods like Bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Daphnia..things like that. Just not too often, or they will become constipated of bloated.

Also, careful with the Neons, they can be nippy sometimes with smaller fish. It shouldn't be much problem, but just watch them and make sure she's not getting harrassed.
Aw so cute - we just put a swordtail fry in with our other fish. Although we have Tiger Barbs they are busy with each other and don't bother the other fish. The other fish are swordtails, glass catfish, pristellas, and cory's. They don't take any notice of the baby at all. And she seems perfectly happy pottering on her own at present. We also went with the rule that she was too big to fit in the others' mouths and it certainly worked okay for us. We also have loads of plants so if she wants to hide she can.

:wub: :kewlpics: and welcome to the baby :wub:

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