help!! are my guppie fish pregnant???


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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West yorkshire, UK
please help 2 of my guppie fish have what i think are gravid spots one is bigger than the other i have managed to take some pic's of the fatter lady all she seems to do is hang around by the filter and heater and seems to be swimming slowly??? i have 4 guppies in my tank all female!!???? is she pregnant??? so could they have been pregnant when i bought them??

what do i do?

also any advice oin how to take clearer pictures of fish????

here she is!!........ is that the gravid spot or i'm i just mistaking it???


second side view she looks fatter here!!

more of the spot again

like i say my 2nd female has the same spot but is not as fat the 3rd has a small spot and the 4th has nothing and looks healthy!!

all 3 that have the spot are Red Variegated Guppies and the 4th has a yellow tail and shows no spot!!!!!?????

i do have a breeding trap should i try her in there????

thanks and sorry for the bad pictures
She certainly looks pregnant. She was almost certainly pregnant when you bought her. they can store sperm from the male for a long time and have batch after batch from one single mating.
I'd leave her and let her give birth in the tank, they can get badly stressed out in a breeder trap. If you want to save your fry you can always grab them and put them in the trap once they're born.
holy god so all three could be pregnent???? oh god!! how do i tell how long it will be till she gives birth ???

how many fry are we talkin about here????
Your looking at between 1 and 50 fry from each female guppy, however around 20 is more common. Guppies are pregnant for around 4 months.

If you want to try and save the fry, i would recommend puttin the female into a seprate tank then once she is done giving birth, but her back in the community tank. Guppies arent that hard to raise, they just need good clean water and enough to eat, you can try finely crushed flakes, hbh fry bites etc, or either live or frozen newly hatched brine shrimp.

As for what to do with all the fry once they are older, well i have a deal with my lps where i give him guppies and he gives me bags of food for my chinchilla
thanks for all your advice should i put her in the breeder tank now????

if not when will i know when too!!????

thanks again xxx
How big is your breeder tank? How long she can stay in there will depend on how big it is. You don't want her getting stressed and aborting fry!

You know when to put them in when they look like they are ready to pop, and they maybe get moody, and chase other fish away.

Do you, by any chance, know how long she's been pregnant? :)
If she is pregnant theres not gonna be more than 50 fry. Your guppies are like half the plump size as mine and all the other pregnant guppies ive seen. Or maybe she is just getting pregnant remember they could store sperm for up to 7 batches. I think thats how many take one or add one. lol :D
Thanks for posting up those piccies - I have 3 female guppies who I now know for sure are pregnant. Today when cleaning out the tank I saw one tiny little fish but I have no idea what kind of fish it was as it disappeared back into the plants and hasnt been seen since - all 3 guppies still look pregnant though - I also have I think one pregnant platy so maybe shes had some? I dunno - guess I will be watching my tank all evening hehehe.
is it a pretty new tank? cause if it is, that is quite common. that happened to all my fish, and they are perfectly fine.

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