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    Where Do You Guys Find Cheap Tank Decor?

    Head to a park or stream and find some goodies abosuletly free! Just make sure they are super clean before putting them in your tank
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    you got it, there are 3, but i don't think they are swordfins. The neons are all around them, so i guess baby neons. This is so fun
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    I can't wait for my wife to get home to see it. I hope no one finds him, eveyone in my tank is friendly so i hope he can just hang on
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    Hi everybody, So there is was doing a water change, near a cluster of plants i see debris. So i go to siphon it out, but thank god i didn't. Upon closer inspection a tiny little baby fish! I'm thinking its a baby swordfin, but not sure. It is the cutest thing. I had no idea anyone in the...
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    Water Circulation?

    Hi all, I have a large 6 foot long rectangle tank 100gal. I've had it running for 8 -9 months now. My fliter didn't come with a manual so i've been figuring out on my own. What is the best way set up filter, currently i have the output along the top of the water pushing across the top of the...
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    Cloudy Water Revisited

    that would make sense then, so how would i go about it. Is there a way to piggyback to filters if i wanted or is it best to just break down and buy 1 that gets the job done?
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    Cloudy Water Revisited

    My tanks been up for about 10 months now...The water stats are dead on, ph is a little low due to driftwood. My tap stats are ideal as well. The only time my tank gave me an issue was when i removed too much water from it about 4 months ago, it had to re bloom, but other than that its been...
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    Cloudy Water Revisited

    OK, another dumb question....Is there a such thing as too many water changes?
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    Cloudy Water Revisited

    So I've been annoyed with my water looking cloudy. Well after numerous water changes with no result, i think i figured out the problem. The glass under the lighting is cloudy. I have wiped and wiped it but the glass isn't getting any better. So what is the best type of glass i should get to...
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    Natural Dechlorination

    according to the directions a small amount goes along way! I just checked my tap water stats. PH 7, PHhigh 7.4, everything else are 0's. How would one test for hardness or metals?
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    Natural Dechlorination

    i purchased some water conditioner...better safe than sorry. thanks again
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    Natural Dechlorination

    Thanks for the knowledge AL
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    Natural Dechlorination

    i think my LFS said that all i need to do is let my water set out a while for it to naturally dechlorinate. Is this true and how long? Thanks... i love this board :D Allan
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    Big Tank ?

    Yeah, water out isn't the problem, its water in. How are you getting water into your tank and R U treating it before hand?
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    Big Tank ?

    I 've been reading the boards and it seems like a weekly water change is appropriate. I have 100 gal tank. 20 gallons a change isn't too easy i only have a 5 gallon bucket. So should it be weekly, or being that a larger tank is more self sustaining perhaps bi weekly or monthly. Thanks Al
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    Grrr Ph Issue

    I have some driftwood in the tank, however, the ph was dropping prior to them being in there. I'm going to check the tap ph and see that is my problem. Thanks
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    Grrr Ph Issue

    I have a 100 gallon tank. My ph is around 6.4. It used to be higher, i had issues with the tank, but it has recovered. I've been using the PH raiser powder to get it to 7. It only has risen slightly. it was at 6.2, any suggestions on how to raise PH or should i just leave it be. My water...
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    Cloudy Water

    I too have the same issue. My tanks been running for 9 months and still has never been crystal clear. I feel awkward about putting chem's in but then again if it doesn't hurt i'll give it a go.
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    How Many People Live In The U.s.

    New Jersey ...checkin in :alien:
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    Snail Infestation!

    Just to give the peeps a follow up, I was killing about 20 snails a day for weeks and now my clown loaches have cleared them all up in about a week. clowns = best snail solution. Now that i've rid myself of snails, a question, will they attack a large snail that i want from my LFS?
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    Snail Infestation!

    I'm currently fighting the good snail fight, just found these little buggers in my filter. I recently bought 2 Clown loaches i hope they can take care of business for me. :flex:
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    Missing Fish....

    As i found out, mine got stuck in the decorations....Hopefully it was a good death :rip:
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    Now that i've destroyed all my decorations from my tank. (see found missing fish thread) I'm thinking of a nice piece of driftwood, i do like that look. Any tips and more importantly recommendations on where to purchase a nice large piece. I have 100 gal tank ....72x18x18. Thanks again AW
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    Anwsered My Disappearing Fish Problem

    Information is power, I wish you and your fish all the best, I'll keep you posted when new developments arrive
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    Anwsered My Disappearing Fish Problem

    Hi all, This is a great site and full of useful information. From time to time i had fish that were disappearing without a trace. I just started blaming my pleco, because he's the only one that's big enough to disappear anything. I bought some clown loaches yesterday and put them into my...
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    Not Sure If Anything Is Going On...

    Your all right about me screwing things up. So here's what i found out replacing 1/3 of a 100 gal tank too much and plus i've vacuumed too well so now the tank in essence is currently recycling. The acididy pretty much has brought the brunt of my problems. So now onto repairing the beast...
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    Not Sure If Anything Is Going On...

    My PH is almost off the chart meaning my water is too acidic and the Nirate is at 100 way too high. My water was so good before the water change....grrr. 2 plecs 2 platys 1 guppy 2 catfish 5 neons 3 tetras 1 columbian I'm off to work, I should be back in about 12 hours...thanks....that...
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    Not Sure If Anything Is Going On...

    Ok, Just noticed the other platy has a ulcer looking thing by its face. its a big red hole eating away at them...please help
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    Not Sure If Anything Is Going On...

    Hi everybody, We've had our 100 gal. tank running for 6 months now and everything was going smoothly. One of our Balloon Mollies died and the other went soon after, so vacuumed the bottom and did a 1/3 water change (which took forever) Suddenly i've just started noticing the Fish Poop floating...
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    How long should i wait

    Thank you very much for all the suggestions. I especially enjoy the friendly banter, I was all ready to lay down big bucks for a 55 gal tank, luck for once in my life was there! Once we get everything going I'll snap some photos. Thanks again AW
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    How long should i wait

    Thanks for the info any recommendations on a cohesive fish community for my tank?
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    How long should i wait

    I've read up the cycling posts...thanks, so the rule is don't add unless tank is at zero for ammonia and nitrites...I'm out to buy a kit tommorrow...thanks
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    How long should i wait

    First off- what a great place, thank already for some helpful info! My wife and I have 100 gal tank (this is my first, she had a tank as a kid) We started a fresh water tank. The tank was practically given to us(spent 100.00 for tank, filter, lights, heater, rocks, the works) We filled it...