Missing Fish....


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
manchester, uk

I recently aqcuired a tank, set it up etc (details in another thread). It's currently cycling with 6 pink danio's...however...I seem to be missing one. I noticed a couple of days ago and counted...there were 5. I sat there for about half an hour counting and recounting (i thought maybe they might have confused me in their movement) and still only five. I thought maybe I couldn't see him, he was hiding, so I left it, then yesterday...still only 5, and today only 5. I had a look around to see if I could spot him, maybe if he was dead and caught somewhere but I can't see him anywhere (and he definately ain't floating at the top).

Is this normal? Is it possible the others...ate him? They have been fed regularly 3 times a day...I just cannot fathom where he might have got to. Any ideas?

It'squite possible that the others ate him if he did die - fish tend to do things like that!
As Gada said, its not at all uncommon for other fish in the tank to eat one that has died, and to do so before you've even noticed (its worse when you find them just nibbled on, personally I'd prefer if the others finished him off). Another possibility is he could have sucked up into your filter after he died.
Awh. I still had hope for the little guy. But I guess your right. I'll check the filter...and if he ain't there, well, I guess he was dinner.

Hi. Unfortunately these things do happen. Another place to look is outside of the tank. If your aquarium doesn't have a tight lid, fish can easily jump out through the small spaces. Danios are jumpers. You might find him behind the stand on the floor. I hope that you find him alive and well. Sorry if you don't.
Still not found him. Not had a chance to check the filter yet though. My moneys on the filter - or being eaten. He has probably died - they are enduring a cycle after all.

I doubt he jumped out, it's a new Fluval tank and I have difficulty taking the lid off - it's not exactly gappy - pretty solid and a good fit.
No they meant like the openings where the filter is because they could fit through it and jump out, thats what they mean by a tight fitting lid that doesn't have gaps in it.
Thats a good point. I mean theres not much coming through - only a few power leads...but now you've said that I'll have a good look on the floor. :( Dreading this now, a three day old shrivelled fish.
Found him. He had died, floated into a plant and got lodged there. He was there for at least a week and had a *cloud* of mold growing around him - he looked ethereal. Very strange.

Is this something I should be worried about? Will his 'rotting' have effected the water badly?
A decaying fish will leech high levels of ammonia into the water.. so test for that and do water changes as need be.
thanks. i did a water change yesterday. i will do another today just to be safe.

i don't have a testing kit yet. i was going to take a sample to the lfs next weekend for testing.

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