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  1. B

    This Can’t Be Happening!

    Before I even clicked I knew what this was going to be. Enjoy your vacation. There's nothing more you can do for now, just don't think about it, enjoy yourself. Then when the vacations over hopefully you'll be refreshed and motivated to deal with the problem in front of you. Don't take it to...
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    Help with Nicrew

    I had another mess about this morning before leaving. Honestly I really don't think I did anything I haven't done before, however, for whatever reason when I got home tonight, the lights are on as I wanted! The tank is a complete disaster area after this week. Tomorrow is my only day off but...
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    Help with Nicrew

    Honestly I'm at the verge of giving up on this tank. How tf am I supposed to maintain the bloody thing when I can't even control the light. I'm furious at this point, I've been out of my home since quarter to seven every day, the tank is going to the gutter because of such a ludicrous issue. I...
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    Help with Nicrew

    I will try that, although I don't hold out to much hope. The timer isn't a fluval product.
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    Help with Nicrew

    At this point I absolutely wouldn't recommend it and it's just making me angry. However I'm hoping there's going to be a simple fix I've just not found... Please let there be a fix.
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    Help with Nicrew

    I am now back at work. I have a Nicrew Led timer fitted to my Fluval Flex. Every time I get home from work, the blue leds are on instead of the whites. I have tried ensuring the whites are the last ones switched off, no difference. Its becoming a problem and frankly its starting to really p***...
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    Fundulopanchax Gardneri

    Overdue a bit of a prune but it is yeah. Thanks.
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    Frustrated with cyanobacteria

    I'm having the exact same issues as you at the minute. Having read Byrons (I don't know how to tag) response here. I am definitely guilty on the lighting routine. I'm forgetful so the times my lights go on and off is a bit all over the place. Just fitted a timer today so we will see how that...
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    No more cherry barbs

    It seems to have subsided a little bit but there was a good few hours there where it was essentially none stop. Not remotely surprised he doesn't like his reflection, just surprised at quite how relentless his distaste was/is. Don't want him getting stressed. As I'm typing this though I'm...
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    No more cherry barbs

    Some of the blame definitely falls on me haha. The male seems to have become rather obsessed with his reflection. May have to put some black paper or something on the side I'm thinking. Nothing permanent. I wasn't expecting this level of fixation from him.
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    No more cherry barbs
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    Fundulopanchax Gardneri

    Just connected to my post yesterday. A few (terrible) pictures of the new pair.
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  20. B

    Advice on Fluval Flex Aquarium

    Just checked, at the very base the width is more like 14". Ever so slightly over.
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    cloudy tank water

    Just to add, I use that product myself. I just chuck one or two in with every water change, sometimes I forget but generally I don't. IME it's worth a tenner.
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    cloudy tank water

    Evolution Aqua Pure Aquarium. It's available on Amazon.
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    The return

    Not divorced yet, building up to it but definitely going to get started with it soon.
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    The return

    Welcome. Do you have any plans in place for the tank as of yet or undecided?
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    No more cherry barbs

    I've deleted the picture with my address, can't believe I didn't notice that hahha. I will get a pic of them tomorrow once the lights go on. Very pleased with them though. The male is beautiful. Flip side is I'd ordered a Brine Shrimp hatchery. Had to go out with my son and just my luck, missed...
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    No more cherry barbs

    Fundulopanchax Gardneri. This is to be my first real foray into killis. I get that. It's quite novel for me to only have the one tank, I doubt it will last long haha, we will see.
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    No more cherry barbs

    Please withhold judgement but yesterday I took my cherry barbs to a local LFS. This is why....
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    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Took a minute or two to consider this. I was worrying about security but then realised I'm on a dating app, that's a lot more likely to bite me on the rear end than this so here goes.
  30. B your thoughts here...

    I'm pretty appalled but yeah, i won't say anything more.
  31. B your thoughts here...

    Anytime you use force you need to be able to explain why. It needs to be a concrete explanation. Long and short of it, it needs to come down to you reasonably believed that your life or the lives of others around you was in immediate danger. If you can't honestly say that, there's absolutely no...
  32. B your thoughts here...

    No, it isn't. Rules of engagement can vary. However as a general rule, you ain't gonna fire shots until a weapon is in sight. Wherever possible you are going to give clear verbal warning. Wherever possible, if a situation is escalating you are going to fire a warning shot or two before you shoot...
  33. B your thoughts here...

    I am ex military. If we can have rules of engagement in active war zones to avoid the 'could have, should have, would have' situation there is zero conceivable reason for the police to act with such brutality. Most cops are good I agree, however, if you are incapable of seeing the problems that...
  34. B your thoughts here...

    No such thing as a 'mob cop'. The original incident was standard on duty officers. There may be some cops who are specialised as riot police, however the vast majority are normal beat police officers but given riot equipment and specific orders. Killing unarmed citizens is never the job of the...
  35. B your thoughts here...

    As a UK resident, this is relatable. I fully support the BLM movement. I am well aware there is institutionalised racism at high levels within our country and things need to change, absolutely. However, in my opinion, the protests in Britain have been far to focused on the situation in the U.S...
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    I’m Giving Up On Fish

    Don't feel bad. These are challenging times. Not a great time for additional stresses, especially when the stresses are caused by a time consuming and expensive hobby. However, im very glad to hear you've calmed down and reevaluated. If you didn't care about the tanks you wouldn't be in the...
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    PheonixKingZ Interview.

    Hearing about other people's pain and trying to compare doesn't help with your own pain. In my own experience anyway.
  38. B your thoughts here...

    I was told yesterday I'm back to work on the 15th. I have lost count of how many days or weeks I have been in lockdown needless to say at this point I am just delighted to have a return to work date.
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    Dream tank thread

    Not a possibility due to our climate here in Britain and my lack of land or unlimited money. However, seen as we're taking a trip to fantasy land... Mine would be an outdoor pond. A big tropical pond, predominantly cichlids.
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    aggressive black skirt tetras

    Is the second paragraph the observation? I'm going into this fully expecting to be wrong, I am just trying to get the proper understanding of why, like as it stands I'm struggling to make the connection between a lot of what your saying and how it's actually relevant here, at this point im...