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  1. finfayce

    Disaster in shrimp tank!t

    Thanks for the reply. I did reuse a sponge from a new filter. After the disaster , I purchased a small sponge filter and a new air pump. I'll keep my eye on the levels. I feel bad the tank got into bad shape. 😢
  2. finfayce

    Disaster in shrimp tank!t

    In the last few weeks, I have lost 3 amano shrimp and a full grown Nerites snail. My sponge flitter stopped working. I had to order one from Amazon. Local Petco( the only pet store for 3 hours either way). Also i had added gravel. I rinsed it several times. It claimed to be dust free. It was...
  3. finfayce

    White. Cloud minnows

    I know. It's selfish to want a small bowl for fish. I feel like a terrible fish person:( I did order a bigger bowl. My Python cleaning system is too long to make it work in a different part of the house. I used to have a big tank at the other end of the house. It was for my north america native...
  4. finfayce

    Snails / acrylic cover

    Thanks :)
  5. finfayce

    Snails / acrylic cover

    Hi actually i started to say can a Python cleaning system be cut down? I was interrupted by parrot- shown above🥰 He started to chew my clothes and i put my phone down and lost my message. That little guy is a source of laughter and happiness, but he also knows if he's naughty- he'll get my...
  6. finfayce

    White. Cloud minnows

    I did buy a bigger bowl on Amazon. Thanks for Your help.
  7. finfayce

    Snails / acrylic cover

    Thanks- i never wanted bladder snails but i probably got some on plants i bought. They take over the tank. Not much to do about it- chemicals will kill the shrimp. I have a goldfish bowl for bow that i need to upgrade. I wanted a little table top fish bowl/ tank. My shrimp tank are in the same...
  8. image.jpg


  9. finfayce

    Snails / acrylic cover

    Hi -can i add a couple bladder snails to the white cloud minnows? The screen cover for the snail tank is rusted and i even noticed a hole in the screen. I have a clear acrylic top that will cover the tank. Will they need more air, like that a screen top offers?
  10. finfayce

    White. Cloud minnows

    I have 2 white cloud minnows in a goldfish bowl next to my chair. I looked if any fish can live in a goldfish bowl. Bettas haven't worked out - not sure why. So 1st question- can i safely add bladder snails to their environment? 2nd- the screen top on my shrimp tank is getting rusty, plus i...
  11. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    I didn't write it down for some reason. The other numbers i did write down. Thanks for spotting the error. I'll recheck today. :)
  12. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    btw - ammonia level in shrimp tank was .25ppm Nitrates were 10. Ppm I treat once with API Ammo Lock. I had that on hand. Nitates? water changes anything else? Ph was 0
  13. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

  14. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    What a relief to know that i'm not the only one who thinks days go so quickly. My life is pretty much day to day and i have to look at my phone to know month, day. My umbrella recognizes- even after she's covered for the night- the refrigerator open, cookie jar too. She says " are you a good...
  15. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    Your tank set up looks great! I too have taken 2 aquariums down. As for height, i used to be 5'4". Now am 5'2". My husband said put a pillow on the driver's seat so i could see better. Even though i don't go out much, the thought of an old people pillow to sit on?! Oh that's right- i'm an old...
  16. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    Hi Colin- it's comforting to know that i'm not the only one who thinks getting old stinks.😉 My mother' s words still ( from the grave) stick with me. 'If you don't have cancer, you can't complain' of course i am very grateful i don't have cancer. But this year ii've had a few old age related...
  17. finfayce

    2 dead Amano shrimp

    Hi- the morning after a water change, i found 2 dead shrimp. One was recent the other looked dead a longer time. I have a test kit. Which of the tests should i do first? I 'm thinking if it's ammonia trouble i have a product for that condition. Since may i've had medical issues- feeling better...
  18. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Hi- I didn't know Quick Start had wrong kind of nitrite eaters. As with many products , the on the label encourage you to use their product a lot 🤷‍♀️ I know from having pet birds since 1990 and learning from veterinarians, some products are just not necessary. Last night i found our Petco no...
  19. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

  20. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

  21. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Thanks- I appreciate your views. :)
  22. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

  23. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

  24. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Thanks- that's so interesting. They sound adorable. I'll check Petco for small tanks How long to cycle a small tank? I use API. Quick start at water changes. Would that product speed up cycling time?
  25. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Ok thank you. :) my python water cleaning system is not working again. i bought new part- still not behaving normally. Also age 74, my body can hardly walk. I get a test later today. Don't mean to whine but two small tanks are easier because i don't have to use stairs to clean tanks. Would a...
  26. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Thanks for your help.if I were purchase a smaller tank just for the frog- rather then setting up The afticsnf
  27. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Hi- i voted your frogs as contest winner!. I have a 10 gallon tank with 9 amano shrimp and 5 nerite snails. Too small to add a frog? I have a 20 and a 30 gallon tanks. I didn't want to start over with a bigger tank. I have 9 birds and they are wonderful but a lot of work.
  28. finfayce

    African dwarf frog

    Hi- after seeing the african dwarf frog as a contestant, they seem adorable. Can they go with freshwater shrimp?
  29. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    Lots of snails :) what size tank? My zebras are more active- and younger. The olive nerites were never as active, but they seem fine. Plus the never ending supply of bladder snails. 🙄
  30. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    In lieu of pics- there are olive and zebra nerite snails.
  31. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    There are 2 kinda of Nerite snails- olive and zebra.
  32. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    Thanks. They are busy guys- so hopefully just kept going until they got out. .Was is the proper verb for snail movement?crawl, slime along ?🤷‍♀️
  33. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    These are called Nerites
  34. finfayce

    Snails under gravel

    I changed the substrate in the shrimp tank to small black gravel. I made change slowly and was very careful adding new gravel. If one snail(they're all about size of jelly beans) might have been buried would they be able to get out of the gravel?
  35. finfayce

    Amano shrimp on back of larger amano

    I was having soory for duplicate reply attempts. Was having trouble with words disappearing. 😞
  36. finfayce

    Amano shrimp on back of larger amano

    Yes. And i did buy then at Aquatic arts - where the picture is from. I haven't read about aggressive behavior berween freahwater yes that's what i have. Bo yes
  37. finfayce

    Amano shrimp on back of larger amano

    🙂 Ok- thanks. My niece has red ones( not sure what the name is). She gets a lot of babies. 🙂
  38. finfayce

    Amano shrimp on back of larger amano

    Ok-i'll keep details decent ☺️would a smaller amano breed with a larger snowball amano. ? Trying to keep this clean- ummm-it didn't appear things were lined up properly-of course i can't say i've looked for "the parts ". Amanos aren't supposed to breed easily 🤷‍♀️