2 dead Amano shrimp


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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Hi- the morning after a water change, i found 2 dead shrimp. One was recent the other looked dead a longer time. I have a test kit. Which of the tests should i do first? I 'm thinking if it's ammonia trouble i have a product for that condition.
Since may i've had medical issues- feeling better now, but didn't get things done( around the whole house).2 special plants died. I have over a dozen birds. And this spring i am raising 4 different wild birds brought to me by my vet. People bring birds to her , but i have a lot more time and take care of the babies. Ok enough whining- what's sad is not feeling well and pets dying because I've struggled with getting things done. I'm 74- i won't buy any more birds. It's striking to realize i'm too old to have more pets or doing water changes more often😥ironically it's the pets that give me a reason to wake up every day. Whoever called being old called it the golden years 😡
Do you have any pictures of the shrimp?

Basic tests after a fish or shrimp die include pH, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate. Chances are if the fish or shrimp is small and it only died in the last few hours, it won't make any noticeable ammonia readings due to the filter picking up the ammonia.


What sort of birds do you have?
I used to keep Australian finches and small parrots but that was a long time ago.

There's nothing nice about getting old and it certainly isn't the golden years people claim. It's horrible, painful and unpleasant and really sucks. Regular daily exercise including weight lifting can help keep people's muscle mass up and improve their health. Socialising helps stop you going nuts, and having pets is one of the reasons I used to get up. The other being I needed to go to the loo (another drawback to old age). :(
There's nothing nice about getting old and it certainly isn't the golden years people claim. It's horrible, painful and unpleasant and really sucks. Regular daily exercise including weight lifting can help keep people's muscle mass up and improve their health. Socialising helps stop you going nuts, and having pets is one of the reasons I used to get up. The other being I needed to go to the loo (another drawback to old age). :(
There is that saying that I learned is true: "Growing old is not for sissies." or "Growing old is not for the faint of heart.". Exercise is definitely the key to keeping one's health in check. We have to keep exercising. Being retired myself, my full-time job is trying to stay healthy mentally and physically. It is challenging, to say the least. I learned I have to take every day one step at a time.

Old age sucks.

I turned 76 this year and I am getting rid of many fish and tanks because I am no longer able to keep up. Also, I have a few tanks I need to be on a small ladder to be able work in them. I know that ladders and old age are not a good mix. So, I am needing to let both of my 6 foot tanks go. The 125 gal, is now empt. I am even spending a fair amount of cash to have my in-wall space redone. I will remove the 30B under tank entirely. Then I will have the 75 gal over it lowered by at least a foot or a couple of inches more. That way I am able to work in it standing on the floor. The cost for doing this will be a bit over $1,000. *sigh*

I need to lower the in-wall 75 to the height of the75 under the window


I used to be 5'5" tall. I have been shrinking though and I was just checked at the doctor's office on Wednesday and they put me a tad under 5'3". I think they measured wrong and I am at 5'3" or a nano-inch taller.
There is that saying that I learned is true: "Growing old is not for sissies." or "Growing old is not for the faint of heart.". Exercise is definitely the key to keeping one's health in check. We have to keep exercising. Being retired myself, my full-time job is trying to stay healthy mentally and physically. It is challenging, to say the least. I learned I have to take every day one step at a time.
Hi Colin- it's comforting to know that i'm not the only one who thinks getting old stinks.😉
My mother' s words still ( from the grave) stick with me. 'If you don't have cancer, you can't complain' of course i am very grateful i don't have cancer.
But this year ii've had a few old age related issues. I have this condition where leg veins aren't circulating blood arouund. So i had to use a cane for awhile until the dr. gave me some medication. That wasn't expected 🙄
I have a Moluccan cockatoo, an umbrella cockatoo , a blue and gold macaw. I have house finches, a starling a lovebird named Emma. Her fitting name should be Jaws! That sweet littlebird has never stepped up on my arm and bites every time she's out. Seriously she continually bites, not just one nip. I got her as a young bird- recently weaned. the young man said she's been had fed, but i don't think she was socialized. It was a breeder, nor a pet store. I guess not all lovebirds are loving. Lol
I have 2 house sparrows ( legal here). They are 10 years old. Umbrella just turned 28. I've had them since chicks. Years go so fast it seems.
Thanks for the shrimp advice. 😊

Old age sucks.

I turned 76 this year and I am getting rid of many fish and tanks because I am no longer able to keep up. Also, I have a few tanks I need to be on a small ladder to be able work in them. I know that ladders and old age are not a good mix. So, I am needing to let both of my 6 foot tanks go. The 125 gal, is now empt. I am even spending a fair amount of cash to have my in-wall space redone. I will remove the 30B under tank entirely. Then I will have the 75 gal over it lowered by at least a foot or a couple of inches more. That way I am able to work in it standing on the floor. The cost for doing this will be a bit over $1,000. *sigh*

I need to lower the in-wall 75 to the height of the75 under the window

View attachment 345435

I used to be 5'5" tall. I have been shrinking though and I was just checked at the doctor's office on Wednesday and they put me a tad under 5'3". I think they measured wrong and I am at 5'3" or a nano-inch taller.
Your tank set up looks great! I too have taken 2 aquariums down. As for height, i used to be 5'4". Now am 5'2". My husband said put a pillow on the driver's seat so i could see better. Even though i don't go out much, the thought of an old people pillow to sit on?! Oh that's right- i'm an old people 😉this year my cockatiel died at 29. Even though that's a long life for his kind, it's hard for me. I cry every time one of my pets dies. I had him cremated. putting his previously cheerful little self in the dirt- just couldn't.
Take care. No ladders is a good rule to follow. My 81 year old husband still insists on climbing on a ladder to clean gutters !ugh 😉
I have 2 house sparrows ( legal here). They are 10 years old. Umbrella just turned 28. I've had them since chicks. Years go so fast it seems.
Thanks for the shrimp advice. 😊
When you are a kid you can't wait for Easter, Xmas and other holidays, and it seems to take forever before they roll around. Then as you get older the days just disappear and before you know it Xmas has come around again, and hang on a sec, wasn't Easter last month? Nope, that was 4 months ago. I hate it. Days go by so fast now I have to check the computer clock just to know what day it is and I don't comprehend the months like I used to. These days I see July and it doesn't mean anything until the next time I look and it says October and I wonder what I did during that time. :(

I like Moluccan cockatoos, lovely birds but not available here :(

I had a young pink and grey galah (cockatoo) years ago and it was a character. It was hand raised and thought it was human. It sat on the kitchen table picking food off everyone's plates. This continued until we set a plate of food for it. Then the bird sat on the table eating the food off its own plate. You could never leave a drink unattended because it drank out of a cup. My brother in law found that out one day when he was sitting on the couch watching tv and he had his drink on the ground. He went to grab his drink and the bird had its head in the glass drinking. My brother in law freaked and pulled his hand away. The bird pulled its head out of the glass and shook fruit juice over him. It was hilarious. They are characters though :)
What a relief to know that i'm not the only one who thinks days go so quickly. My life is pretty much day to day and i have to look at my phone to know month, day. My umbrella recognizes- even after she's covered for the night- the refrigerator open, cookie jar too. She says " are you a good birdy?so if i can share a food i'll give her a bite. She seems to understand- no this is chocolate. She gets quiet. But sometimes i have to show her my coffee or glass of water so she sees she is not being ignored. They are characters!
What a relief to know that i'm not the only one who thinks days go so quickly. My life is pretty much day to day and i have to look at my phone to know month, day. My umbrella recognizes- even after she's covered for the night- the refrigerator open, cookie jar too. She says " are you a good birdy?so if i can share a food i'll give her a bite. She seems to understand- no this is chocolate. She gets quiet. But sometimes i have to show her my coffee or glass of water so she sees she is not being ignored. They are characters!

What a relief to know that i'm not the only one who thinks days go so quickly. My life is pretty much day to day and i have to look at my phone to know month, day. My umbrella recognizes- even after she's covered for the night- the refrigerator open, cookie jar too. She says " are you a good birdy?so if i can share a food i'll give her a bite. She seems to understand- no this is chocolate. She gets quiet. But sometimes i have to show her my coffee or glass of water so she sees she is not being ignored. They are characters!
Hi Colin- it's comforting to know that i'm not the only one who thinks getting old stinks.😉
My mother' s words still ( from the grave) stick with me. 'If you don't have cancer, you can't complain' of course i am very grateful i don't have cancer.
But this year ii've had a few old age related issues. I have this condition where leg veins aren't circulating blood arouund. So i had to use a cane for awhile until the dr. gave me some medication. That wasn't expected 🙄
I have a Moluccan cockatoo, an umbrella cockatoo , a blue and gold macaw. I have house finches, a starling a lovebird named Emma. Her fitting name should be Jaws! That sweet littlebird has never stepped up on my arm and bites every time she's out. Seriously she continually bites, not just one nip. I got her as a young bird- recently weaned. the young man said she's been had fed, but i don't think she was socialized. It was a breeder, nor a pet store. I guess not all lovebirds are loving. Lol
I have 2 house sparrows ( legal here). They are 10 years old. Umbrella just turned 28. I've had them since chicks. Years go so fast it seems.
Thanks for the shrimp advice. 😊
btw - ammonia level in shrimp tank was .25ppm
Nitrates were 10. Ppm
I treat once with API Ammo Lock.
I had that on hand. Nitates? water changes anything else?
Ph was 0
Are you sure you read that correctly? pH testers don't usually read below 6.0.
I didn't write it down for some reason. The other numbers i did write down. Thanks for spotting the error. I'll recheck today. :)

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