Snails under gravel


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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I changed the substrate in the shrimp tank to small black gravel.
I made change slowly and was very careful adding new gravel.
If one snail(they're all about size of jelly beans) might have been buried would they be able to get out of the gravel?
No idea what type of snail you are referring to but in my experience, most snails especially pond snails do fine. They routinely burrow into the gravel/substrate.
MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) will live in and on the gravel.
A picture of the snails might help us determine if they can or can't move about in gravel.
My guess is that they'll find their way out. Most snails roll with the punches pretty well, and nerites are no exception.
Thanks. They are busy guys- so hopefully just kept going until they got out.
.Was is the proper verb for snail movement?crawl, slime along ?🤷‍♀️
No idea what type of snail you are referring to but in my experience, most snails especially pond snails do fine. They routinely burrow into the gravel/substrate.
There are 2 kinda of Nerite snails- olive and zebra.
No idea what type of snail you are referring to but in my experience, most snails especially pond snails do fine. They routinely burrow into the gravel/substrate.
There are a lot more than two types of nerite. I currently have in my main tank a zebra nerite, a 'red onion' nerite, a wagaiensis nerite, a Clithon nerite, a black military helmet nerite, a king koopa nerite; and a Clithon nerite in my shrimp tank.
I don't have an olive nerite - yet.

I haven't used their Latin names as they vary according to which website I look at.
There are a lot more than two types of nerite. I currently have in my main tank a zebra nerite, a 'red onion' nerite, a wagaiensis nerite, a Clithon nerite, a black military helmet nerite, a king koopa nerite; and a Clithon nerite in my shrimp tank.
I don't have an olive nerite - yet.

I haven't used their Latin names as they vary according to which website I look at.
Lots of snails :) what size tank?
My zebras are more active- and younger. The olive nerites were never as active, but they seem fine. Plus the never ending supply of bladder snails. 🙄
The tank occupies 223 litres/59 gallons space (it's custom built so no official size) though it holds around 180 litres/47.6 gallons water.

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