Search results

  1. H

    My fish

    Awesome fish and pictures! I too really love the gold sevs. Beautiful!
  2. H

    the worst news ever

    I'm very sorry about the loss of your fish, but I don't at all agree with disciplining the cat for it as the last poster suggested. The cat was just following its instincts and certainly would make no connection between being disciplined and killing the fish. As pet owners, it is our...
  3. H

    true life fighting fish story

    Fascinating story bkk, and I thank you for sharing it. I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to paste it in word and clean it up as far as put some paragraphs breaks in etc. I don't mean that in any way disrespectfully, but a lot of people will skip over something that looks difficult...
  4. H

    June Pet of the Month

    That's pretty much how I vote as well. I vote on the photo, not the pet type that I like best. Though the topic title always says "vote for your favorite pet" I think of it more as voting for your favorite picture, after all you can have two pictures in the contest of the same pet from what I...
  5. H

    Black spots on body?

    Wow he's looking great Kara! Orion has a few dark blue scales scattered here and there. Your guy sure looks wonderful, so I'd guess it's colors too. Skylar's fins have really grown out from when I last saw him.
  6. H

    Best Betta Website I Know

    Those are some amazing bettas. I kept trying to pick a couple favorites but it's almost impossible. Nearly all of them make my heart thump, they are incredible! :wub:
  7. H

    Fungus Amungus

    It suddenly occurred to me that I read somewhere putting epsom salts in the water can help a bloated fish. I have no idea if it'd make any difference but I thought I'd throw the idea out there.
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    Fungus Amungus

    Well I am very amateur when it comes to dealing with fish illnesses so I really have no suggestions for you although I certainly wish I did. I feel badly for you and the little guy. Fingers crossed that he'll recover but the photos look ominous :(
  9. H

    Ideas for being creative

    Really like the cut up lilypad, great idea! :thumbs: Saving money is always a great bonus too :D
  10. H

    Lazy Dog....

    What a sweet looking boy he is :wub:. All dogs dream, and some tend to be particularly vocal dreamers, but I don't think they are always necessarily bad dreams. They might simply be dreaming of doggie things, perhaps he is dreaming of being out howling with a pack of other dogs or something...
  11. H

    This forum needs help.

    Well it does seem to have changed since I joined a few months ago. I definitely saw it change a lot towards the end of May and in June, I suspect it being summer has something to do with it. I do know that when I joined, I could easily keep up with the all the threads on a daily basis, and now...
  12. H

    Got crabs?

    I've never had hermies, but I have always enjoyed looking at them at the pet store and have toyed with the idea. Perhaps someday I'll have to try some out, thanks for the links on their care, will definitely check those out. Always like knowing as much as I can about the care of different pets...
  13. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    Well, I lied. Not intentionally but I just could not resist seeing what you had to say. I apologize if my impression of your intentions in this debate were wrong. I tend to get frustrated by board arguments (and thus usually avoid them) because it's so difficult to really address everything...
  14. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    You certainly like to compare it to any and every accepted procedure you can don't you? First vaccinations and ear piercings for humans, now spaying and neutering. There is plenty of factual evidence that it has more benefits than merely "convenience" to us. As I'm sure you know, there is...
  15. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    I'm trying to keep from commenting anymore because I feel like I've had my say and there are also plenty of articles and evidence to back up the things I've pointed out if one really wants to look into it, however, this logic is making it sound like you'd support and even encourage the docking...
  16. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    I appreciate your input and I think it's safe to say we can simply agree to disagree, I definitely feel there should be a limit on "preventative measures" and I have nothing against vaccinating my dogs and having them altered, but I personally do not believe in amputations to prevent the...
  17. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    Actually that is VERY debatable. One of my collies with naturally pricked ears had trouble with ear infections when he was younger, my golden with naturally floppy ears, and he is even wet a lot, has never had a problem. There are vets with years of experience (including in the links I...
  18. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    I'm sorry to contradict you, but that myth of "chance of increased ear infections if ears are uncropped" has been pretty much debunked. Breeders will tell you that, but studies have not shown that to be true at all. If that were the case, why in the world crop only breeds such as dobermans and...
  19. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    Here is an interesting page on both the pro-side and con-side of tail docking. I have leanings towards the con side as I said.
  20. H

    To crop & dock or Not ??

    I am HIGHLY against cropping, and do not care for docking unless for medical reasons (i.e. badly broken tail or something). Docking is not as severe and radical a procedure, not to mention not near as painful, as cropping, so I can accept it while I would still prefer it not be done...
  21. H

    My Briard!!!!

    I heartily applaud this.. wish it were the same here.
  22. H

    My Oriental - "Shaka"

    Beautiful kitty, I agree that last picture is amazing. I third the nomination, though it doesn't need a third :D.
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    I want my dog to be POTM

    Might be a miniature pinscher, he's cute :)
  24. H

    June Pet of the Month

    Woops, mine was posted at the end of June but actually got nominated in July. I would actually prefer going in the July though, especially since my picture ended up winning the May one and it looks like there are plenty of June ones already :)
  25. H

    My Briard!!!!

    He's gorgeous! :wub: I nominate the second pic for POTM.
  26. H

    The Winner for May

    Thank you for all the compliments and the votes! Me and my babies are very honored. That is one of my all-time favorite photos of them together :wub: It was taken at a local nature preserve on a warm fall day after we had been walking quite awhile and I stopped by a pond (an old filled in...
  27. H

    great little betta site

    red_devil, I don't mean to make you feel bad either. I just wanted to explain my position because I felt I was being misunderstood. There are no hard feelings here.
  28. H

    great little betta site

    I was responding to other replies in this thread, please don't single me out for being off topic when others were talking about the same thing and in fact brought it up. I personally don't blame them for bringing it up, and it is somewhat related. They went to the site with the link you...
  29. H

    great little betta site

    I didn't mean to start any argument off, I never realized it turned into an argument or that it had been closed. I read the original post, formed my opinion, said nothing, and never revisited. Post deleted. Angry emote wasn't necessary. Edit: Went back to look at the argument and my post...
  30. H

    great little betta site

  31. H

    Colloidal IS the magic juice

    Thanks BettaMomma :thumbs:
  32. H

    June Pet of the Month

    Edit: Nominations were from July, so putting my entry there :)
  33. H

    Colloidal IS the magic juice

    I just ordered some online. But I was wondering how do you know how to dose it?
  34. H

    My kitty got hit by a car

    What a shock, I am so very sorry Angel Lady :-( I cannot even imagine the pain and grief you must be feeling. I know how very much my pets mean to me and it would rock my world to lose one of them, especially so tragically :(
  35. H

    My tiel Dawn

    Dawn is actually mute, she can only make a whispered noise. She's been that way since I got her in 1998, but I wuvs her anyway :wub: Thanks for the compliments all! My personal favorite of this bunch is the one of her looking out the window :D
  36. H

    Couldn't Resist

    He's a cutie, and I think the new lids for the Stress Coat are very nice! I'm sure I'm always using too much too. :rolleyes:
  37. H

    El Shaddai's new home

    He's gorgeous! :drool: He looks quite happy too :thumbs:
  38. H

    I'm going away for a few days

    I can certainly relate, I pretty much refuse to go anywhere out of town without mine :D. It'd hardly be any use for me to try to vacation without them since, like you, I'd be thinking of them and missing them the entire time!
  39. H

    I'm going away for a few days

    I didn't see this message before you left either, but then it's gotten nearly impossible for me to keep up on all the threads here the past couple months :P. Glad you had a nice trip, though I sympathize about leaving the dog. When I was younger and we went on a trip Mom said I could only take...
  40. H

    Colloidal IS the magic juice

    I'm going to have to break down and order some of this. Definitely sounds like a good thing to have on hand :thumbs: From what I could see on a search, $30 for an 8 oz bottle is fairly typical. Perhaps the original $60 pricetag was what it was before more competition started selling it.