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    New 10G Tank What Fish

    Sorry um my tank is a 15gallon It's been cycling for 2days
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    New 10G Tank What Fish

    Hey I just got a 10g tank I want to no what fish would go good in my tank my temperature is 76d and ph is 8.0
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    Easy Aggressive Fish To Take Care Of

    Put dose anyone have any more fish in mind
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    New 100L Tank - What Fish?

    I hand feed my dwarf so I make sure he gets food Frog
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    Easy Aggressive Fish To Take Care Of

    I don't now yet bc never got the tank yet but what tank would be the best for aggressive fish for aggressive fish plus I don't like barbs there like semi aggressive right and there are no pet stores that sell piranha in my area
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    Easy Aggressive Fish To Take Care Of

    50gallon but I am upgrading to 150 when then they get big
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    Easy Aggressive Fish To Take Care Of

    I am getting new tank and I want aggressive fish in it .I want to now what are the best ones that are not that hard to take care of .And most coolest and most aggressive.
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    New 100L Tank - What Fish?

    Not ture my dwarf dose great and gets food and I have other fish with him
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    New Tank Stocking Options

    Dwarf frogs will go good in your tank and some mollys plus guppies.and spme algae eaters,black kuhli loach
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    Going From 25L To 200L Any Advice Please

    you should not get a new led light bc my tank came with one and still working great
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    How Big Filter You Need_

    bio wheel is great system to use I have one for my 75g tank works great
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    New 100L Tank - What Fish?

    Tiger barbs would go good to
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    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    You could put them in a divided tank. but it could make them get stress out. but I would say yes you could
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    New 65 Gallon

    Cool really nice
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    New 100L Tank - What Fish?

    Dwarf frogs to they would go nice with your tank
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    New 100L Tank - What Fish?

    You could have some neon tetras in the tank
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    Rate of growth for knife fish?

    Mine grow about 4in in about 6 mouths but I gust feed mind pellets .
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    Starting Fresh With A Pleco

    Ya you should feed him some cucumber i feed mine it but he is full size one so I think your little one would like small pieces.