Starting Fresh With A Pleco

Akasha72 said:
Perhaps we need a pinned post on the forum with a list of fish that need to be avoided unless you can provide the tank sizes they will need?
What a lively discussion this has generated! It goes to show what research should go into buying and keeping fish.

As long as my tank will handle this little Pleco, I'll try to keep him happy. 
If we can go back to my original question:
He seems to be munching quite happily on the algae. Is that enough for him? Or should I drop in some flakes to give him some variety and nutrition?
Thanks again, everyone, for participating in my education.
He seems to be munching quite happily on the algae. Is that enough for him?
No. He will need food.
Here is a list of some suitable food sources for plecos: *I have not including the many types of sinking pellets and flake food, because although a useful addition I dont believe them to be as useful as fresh or frozen foods such as those below and would never use them as a main diet, but merely supplement.
Meat/Protein based foods:-

  • Worms- bloodworms, blackworms, nightcrawlers etc (a side note, i've never had a young carnivorous plec refuse bloodworms)

  • Mysis

  • Beefheart

  • Prawn

  • Shellfish- mussels, cockles etc

  • Squid

  • Silversides

  • Spirulina

  • Brine Shrimp

  • Crustaceans

  • Other Insect Larvae

  • Fish Eggs

  • Krill

  • Daphnia

  • Chicken Liver
Vegetables (remember to wash all veggies of unwanted bugs and blanching veggetables isn't necessary- it takes away nutrients)

  • Cucumber

  • Zucchini

  • Potatoes (I would soak these for a long time and wash thoroughly as they contain a lot of starch that is bad for water quality, although otherwise a great food source)

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Shelled Peas

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots

  • Lettuces

  • Cabbage

  • Courgette

  • Yams

  • Parsnips

  • Squash

  • Suede

  • Spinach

  • Beans

  • Melon

  • Bogwood

  • Mango

  • Apple

  • Kiwi

  • Rotting Leaves (or live)
Please add any feeding tips or techniques here to help squash the myth of “plecos eat algae”. Cheers
WyldFya Don't forget pumpkin! My plecs went NUTS over pumpkin.
Ya you should feed him some cucumber i feed mine it but he is full size one so I think your little one would like small pieces.
All this talk of pleco's, I found a video of a big common on youtube...freaking monster!
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Speaking of pleco's, This is how friendly they can get.

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