Angel Fish Wounded Or...


Mostly New Member
Dec 1, 2015
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Hi everybody,
I am new to this forum but I have to ask you for opinion.
My angel fish ( pterophyllum scalare ) is have something on his side. You can see it on the picture. 
Is it a wound?Or is it some infection?
I have six angels in 55 gallon ( around 200 liters ) tank, and they chase a lot around. 
How to treat it? Do you have same advice?
Thank you in advance.


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Hi, it looks like it's had a 'bite' from one of the others. Best way to treat that is with some stuff called Melafix, it's by API. It's perfectly safe for your filter and won't harm your cycle or any of the other fish. It's also safe with invertibrates as far as I know.
Just as a side note, with 6 in a 200 litre you possibly may start to see more aggression as they mature. If you should get 2 that pair off that will be the time when it could turn nasty. I'm saying 'could' as it's not certain. Some angelfish are well behaved and cause very little trouble while others can be seriously aggressive. It really is a hit and miss situation.
One way to avoid it would be to increase tank size and decrease 'lines of sight' by providing heavily planted areas. This gives them area's to hide and 'cool off' if the need arises. You may find though that you will have to move out or re-home some of them, for now see how it goes 
Hope that helps :)
Do you have anything sharp in your tank? It's possible your fish got spooked for some reason and swam into something.
Thank you for your replays.
I now that I need a bigger tank in the future. I hope that I will get one.
I also believe that  is probably bite or he bumped into something , i was just afraid that is not something else.
Unfortunately products by API are not present in my country, I was advice in shop today to use Easy life Voogle.
I will try it to see how it works.
Melafix was a good shout ... Remember to take out your carbon though
-- I can't tell you how many times I've forgot 

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