Easy Aggressive Fish To Take Care Of


Mostly New Member
Nov 30, 2015
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I am getting new tank and I want aggressive fish in it .I want to now what are the best ones that are not that hard to take care of .And most coolest and most aggressive.
Why do you want aggressive fish?
How big is the new tank?
You are in the USA get piranha.
A species only tank would be required but size is definitely a determining factor.
Personally I would go with barbs.  Even if I had a huge tank and wanted to keep aggressive fish species only, a large shoal of various barbs would look amazing.
A small tank and you can have a small shoal of them.  six to ten say.
If you could give us the dimensions of the tank, and whether your water is hard or soft, that would help us give you better recommendations :)
Also; how aggressive are you looking at? If you want something really aggressive, you're probably only going to be able to have a single fish in your set up!
50gallon but I am upgrading to 150 when then they get big
If you're intending to keep fish that will outgrow your current tank, then you should get the bigger tank first. Fish can become stunted, if kept in tanks that are too small, and you won't notice until it's too late and has already affected their long term health.
Actual dimensions are more important than volume of water; fish need room to be able swim up and down and turn around comfortably.
Is your water hard or soft?
Fish can become stunted, if kept in tanks that are too small, and you won't notice until it's too late and has already affected their long term health.
I agree, When my BN Plecos bred a few weeks ago I kept 2 albino fry, 1 was placed into my 2 foot tank and one was left in the 6 foot tank, The BN in the 6 footer is at least twice the size of the one in the 2 foot tank yet they are the same age.
I don't now yet bc never got the tank yet but what tank would be the best
for aggressive fish
for aggressive fish
plus I don't like barbs there like semi aggressive right
and there are no pet stores that sell piranha in my area
Look up convict cichlids. They are one of the toughest cichlids I've ever kept in terms of being almost apocalypse proof lol.

You can keep a pair in a 50 gallon very easily and they will have babies like crazy. If you want to add more once you upgrade to the bigger tank you can.
They are also low cost fish for the most part.

Just make sure you do your reading on them before getting them as always the more you know before buying the fish the more capable you are to care for it and provide it with a good home.
Oswegofish said:
I don't now yet bc never got the tank yet but what tank would be the best
for aggressive fish
Well, there are two ways of deciding how to stock a tank.

You can buy the tank, and then search for fish that will be happy living in it.

Or you can decide on a fish you want to keep and get a tank to suit it.

You have to decide which route you want to take!

We really do need to know how hard or soft your water is though. If you don't know, you should be able to find out on your supplier's website. There's no point us recommending Central American cichlids if your water is soft.

I would strongly recommend you don't breed convicts. The babies are very hard to sell on or give away, and you could easily end up with tanks full of stunted, overcrowded fish you can't get rid of
Oswegofish said:
Put dose anyone have any more fish in mind
fluttermoth said:
We really do need to know how hard or soft your water is though. If you don't know, you should be able to find out on your supplier's website. There's no point us recommending Central American cichlids if your water is soft.
See above!

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