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  1. Asmodaues

    Filter Replacement Debate

    Akasha, thats a nice looking filter. I cant seem to find it in the us though. Fishmanic, the ac20 i have is the same way. I have always added some water when cleaning the filter to help with priming otherwise im worried of damaging the pump running dry.
  2. Asmodaues

    Filter Replacement Debate

    Im looking to replace the AquaClear 20 on my 20gallon tank. Im wanting to replace it since its at its capacity and the pump is wearing out. I will post a pic of the tank tonight after I get home from work. The tank is stocked with neon tetra's(3) peppered cories(4) and 1 sumo loach. Yes i know...
  3. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Well, the cories stripped most the leaves from the primrose and they started to die off. I pulled the dying ones and the rest and tossed them. My anacharis look amazing. They were getting brown spots but have startes turning around since using the fertilizer twice. I will add more and try some...
  4. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    I thought I should revisit this post for an update. I had ordered the zoo-med bulb. I will be replacing the filter in the next week or two as well. I finally recieved my light, liquid fertilizer and master api test kit last night. The light was installed and fertilizer was applied. Since...
  5. Asmodaues

    Filter Upgrading This is my filter. Baggies was a poor term choice by me. Inserts would be the correct term i should of used.
  6. Asmodaues

    Filter Upgrading

    Ya, mine is a 3 part filter. Foam, carbon and biomax baggies. I always rinse and reuse sponge and replace the other 2 once a month. I clean the sponge weekly also when doing water change. Clean it off in the old water before i dump it.
  7. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    One more question before i finalize my order. I stopped at our local pet shop last night to try and get the zoo med bulb. They had no clue what i wanted. Are these the correct choices before i have my gf stop at petco tomm...
  8. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Would this be the correct one?
  9. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Are you referring to flourish by seachem? Just making sure while im checking amazon.
  10. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Im looking at api for the liquid co2, can you recommend a good fertilizer? I also have in my amazon cart. A api test kit, the Zoo Med Ultra Sun Trichromatic Super Daylight 6500K Fluorescent Bulb T8 15 Watt, 18-Inch for the plants. Im digging my timed surge strip out tonight to make sure its...
  11. Asmodaues

    Filter Upgrading

    My tank measures 24" long, 12" wide and just under 17" tall. Google shows it to be a 20 gallon high tank.
  12. Asmodaues

    Filter Upgrading

    Im not sure if this is in the correct spot. Move if needed please. Im replacing the filter on my community tank. Its barely enough for whats in it. The tank is 20 gallons. It has 4 peppered cories, 3 neon tetras, and 1 sumo loach. Live plants include 2 primrose, 1 anacharis and 1 aquatic...
  13. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    I will def keep an eye on it then. Thank you for that insight. Im starting to wish i had purchased more anacharis. I plan to order the zoo med ultra sun this week. I have seen such a huge difference in the past 24hrs. My cories are out more now. I watched them play for 2hrs this morning alone...
  14. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Im glad I kept the stakes for future reference now. Heres a picture of both of them. Im so glad i googled for help and found this page! Learning lots to better care for my fish.
  15. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    This is my bulb.
  16. Asmodaues

    Plant Lighting Question

    Im new to planted tanks and want to make sure i have the correct lighting. Tank is a 20gallon, play sand base. 2 primrose, 1 anacharis, and 1 aquatic combo from petco. Currently my flourescant light is a 8,000k full spectrum daylight. Will this be enough and how long does it need to be on a...
  17. Asmodaues

    Peppered Cory "panting"

    RCA,I have 4 peppered cories in my tank currently. Charlie is my oldest at 1.5yrs ive had her. The other 3 were added back in late june when i changed the base from gravel to sand. I want more and I have a 46gallon bowfront in storage for when I have room to set it up. Thats good to know i...
  18. Asmodaues

    Peppered Cory "panting"

    I did another change today and have been letting the tank "settle" since i was stirring up the sand and sucking as much debris out as i can. Im looking at the Fluval C3 power filter as a replacement. I also put in 4 love plants today. 2 primrose, 1 aquatic combo and 1 anacharis from petco. Not...
  19. Asmodaues

    Peppered Cory "panting"

    I moved in july and before that it was setup over a year. Im sure it went through a mini cycle after i moved. I plan on adding some live plants to help combat the nitrite issue. Ive got some extra air pumps and will put a stone in to help with more oxygen untill this issue is resolved...
  20. Asmodaues

    Peppered Cory "panting"

    Im wanting to see if Charlie, my big female is ok. The other night I was watching them and was able to get some pictures of her. When I did so i noticed she seemed like she was panting. She is active otherwise, eats good and swims all over without any problems it seems. She plays with the other...
  21. Asmodaues

    Hello All

    Hello everyone. Names Ben and i currently have 3 tanks setup. I have two, 5 gallons with a sponge filter setup. Each containing a male Betta, one is a Crowntail the other is a Halfmoon. They still have a gravel base and I plan to change it to sand so i can put in more live plants. I also have a...
  22. Asmodaues

    Tank Update After Info/advice

    I plan too. Plans are to get a 20 or 30 long as new tanks and seperate the loach and cories. Make them their own tanks with schooling groups of at least 5 as time/funds allow.
  23. Asmodaues

    Tank Update After Info/advice

    I will check into that Bryon! The only piece i have is upright in the corner for the cherry shrimp to hide/rest on.
  24. Asmodaues

    Tank Update After Info/advice

    I felt i needed to post this after several of you helped steer me in the right direction. I came seeking help in changing my tank to better suit my single cory Charlie and Zoom my loach. I learned alot about their needs and took both constructive critisizm and advice together. I had a gravel...
  25. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Its possible. I convinced her to let me buy 3 as im planning the bigger tank next month. I will move the cories to the big tank and leave the loach in the 20 with proper tank mates
  26. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Meet my new cory catfish. I was only able to get 3 of them since another party at the store wanted some as well. I also saw a 30gal long tank for $70 that i plan to buy with quarterly incentive bonus next month from work. They are checking into a 30gal long kit/stand combo for me.
  27. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Ya, i wish we had done more research from the beginning. I fell victim to the aquarium store saying they would get along just fine. Since then ive been doing research and improving all my tanks.   I wish i had another big tank to transfer my loach too and give it a better enviroment. My spares...
  28. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Welll, im still being shot down on adding 4 more cories due to concern of crowding the tank. She is still agreeing to 2 right now. Reading back, i failed to mention in the 20gal. I also have 5 neon tetras, 2 cherry shrimp, Charlie and one moody tri banded sumo loach. Charlie and Zoom(the loach)...
  29. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    The regular play sand is a great suggestion. Im making a stop at home depot tomm as well. I never fully wash my decor, swish it around whe doing changes as needed. For the gravel removal, i was planning at 40-50% water change and using a net to scoop and remove the gravel. I wondered about...
  30. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Oh i didnt mean laid back in a negligent way, thats my mistake. I meant she normally lets me do as i feel, decor, plants etc. She cares about them as much as i do. We are going as far as replacing gravel with sand and redoing the decor to better suit their habitat needs this weekend. I shold...
  31. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Well, i talked with my gf last night. She said no to getting 4+ more coryies, however she said i can get 2 more as long as i buy some driftwood or slate style rock for stacking and making caves. I was hoping for more, but will take what i get. Shes been very laid back with my fish hobby.
  32. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Thank you for that information Byron! The lack of others to school with does explain why charlie hids alot. Is there a particular type of formation they like to hide/rest in? All my previous tank experience lies with danios, tetras, small schooling fish. I take great pride in my tanks and...
  33. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Oh yes, sorry. Its a 20gal standard tank. Heated and stays around 76-78 degrees with filter setup. The tank base gravel is being replaced this weekend with sand after learning it could hurt their soft stomachs. Im currently trying to find more driftwood or a few rocks with holes for better...
  34. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Will 2-3 more work for now untill i get a bigger tank? In a tad hesitant to put that many more bigger fish into such a small tank.
  35. Asmodaues

    Need Help Identifying Corydoras

    Im wanting to add a few more corydoras to my tank. Charlie is a single cory in a 20gal tank with 5 neons, 2 shrimp and 1 tri-banded loach. My tank is currently gravel base and will be sand this weekend. This is Charlie,