Filter Replacement Debate


Mostly New Member
Apr 21, 2015
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Im looking to replace the AquaClear 20 on my 20gallon tank. Im wanting to replace it since its at its capacity and the pump is wearing out. I will post a pic of the tank tonight after I get home from work.

The tank is stocked with neon tetra's(3) peppered cories(4) and 1 sumo loach. Yes i know the tetras and cories are schooling and need more buddies.

Plant wise it has water wisteria(9) amazon swords(2) 1 anubias, 3 bunches of hygrophilia, a couple floating anacharis. Plants dosed 1 time weekly with seachem flourish. 60% watdr changes weekly as well.

Ive been looking at the aquaclear 50, fluval C3, sunsun 302 and the eheim 2213/2215. I could use some input on which is best for my tank.
have you looked at JBL crystalprofi e701? I have two e901's on my 4ft tank and I wouldn't even look at another brand now. They're virtually silent, use very little power (13 watts) and really easy to maintain
I have the aquaclear 50 on my 35 gal tall hex tank.  In the filter compartment,  I use a aquaclear sponge,  then 1/2 of a sponge (cut sponge lenghwise),  two layers of floss (from a large roll from Big Al's),  and then the ceramic media bag that comes with the filter.  Every two weeks, I replace the dirtiest floss, rinse the other one, and just squeeze out the sponges in tank water.   I don't ever rinse the ceramic media.  Tank is always crystal clear.   One thing is notice is sometimes upon restarting the filter, it will not self prime.   You have to add water to the filter to get it to start.
Akasha, thats a nice looking filter. I cant seem to find it in the us though.

Fishmanic, the ac20 i have is the same way. I have always added some water when cleaning the filter to help with priming otherwise im worried of damaging the pump running dry.
it's a cracking filter. They are German made and are readily available in the U.K. It would make sense that if they can export to the U.K they should export to the U.S. If you go to their website  and then to 'service' there is a store locator there. I schrolled down to your country and it would seem they do export but whether there is a store near to you I can't tell as I don't know lol!
Hope you can find a good filter anyway, no matter which one you go with

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