Filter Upgrading


Mostly New Member
Apr 21, 2015
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Im not sure if this is in the correct spot. Move if needed please.

Im replacing the filter on my community tank. Its barely enough for whats in it.

The tank is 20 gallons. It has 4 peppered cories, 3 neon tetras, and 1 sumo loach. Live plants include 2 primrose, 1 anacharis and 1 aquatic combo.

Currently the filter is a aquaclear 20. Im eyeballing a Fluval C3 as a possiblw replacement unless a better one can be recommended. I dont have the extra funds for a canister unless i can be directed to a great deal on one.
I have the AquaClear 70 and works really well for the 29gal.  Amazon is where I get most of my aquarium items. This also depends on the dimensions of the tank. 
My tank measures 24" long, 12" wide and just under 17" tall. Google shows it to be a 20 gallon high tank.
The problem here is the mix of fish.  The Aquaclear 20 is rated for a 20g tank, so that should be adequate.  However, you have a sumo loach (presumably the species Schistura balteata, or perhaps a relative), and this fish inhabits clear fast-flowing water.  However, the neon tetra and the corys will not appreciate this, and a strong current will wear them down and out.
This is where another tank is in the works, or re-homing fish.  If you are OK with a stronger filter, please consider a larger tank (a 20g long at 30 inches would be better for the loach).
Just because no one else mentioned it, if you do change filters make sure to put your old media into your new filter for awhile or you will essentially be recycling your tank from day 1. 
Ya, mine is a 3 part filter. Foam, carbon and biomax baggies. I always rinse and reuse sponge and replace the other 2 once a month.

I clean the sponge weekly also when doing water change. Clean it off in the old water before i dump it.
well the carbon is less than useless unless you are trying to remove medication. I'd replace that with a normal sponge as it will give you extra useful media. I'm not sure what 'baggies' are - perhaps an American term I'm not familiar with - but if it's ceramics I wouldn't be disposing of them! They're full of good bacteria!
Never follow manufacturers instructions on media. Always follow for setting up the filter but never for the media. They want you to replace so that you make them more money. I only replace media if it's really falling to bits
I agree with Akasha.
I run several of the Aquaclear hobs. Two layers of sponge. A layer of quilt batting for polishing, and the ceramics.
I have several bags of the carbon unopened.
I usually run two filters a tank. Each cleaned about once a month. One every two weeks. As for the media. It doesn't need to be replaced unless it is falling apart. Or you steal some to seed another filter.
that's not a filter type I'm familiar with as it's not a type we see much of in the U.K. What I would do though is as I've already mentioned, replace the carbon for another normal sponge and when you get your new filter either remove the media from the existing filter and cram it in to the new filter or run the new and the old simutainously

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