Tank Update After Info/advice


Mostly New Member
Apr 21, 2015
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I felt i needed to post this after several of you helped steer me in the right direction.

I came seeking help in changing my tank to better suit my single cory Charlie and Zoom my loach.

I learned alot about their needs and took both constructive critisizm and advice together. I had a gravel base with poor decor for them. I spent $50 two weeks ago on new decor and 3 new cories to accompany charlie. I would of gotten more but myself and another party split the stores supply.

Here is my tank before the change.

This is after removing 95-98% of the gravel using a fishnet and placing new decor. All cories and zoom have been swimming all over and so active compared to before. I feel like a better fish parent now. Still more improvements to go....30gal long is next for a better home instead of current 20gal.
That looks much better now, and your cories will be very happy playing in the sand, well done :good:
Yes indeed, nice work.  If I may make a suggestion, I would get some wood.  A chunk of something like the Malaysian Driftwood you can get in some stores and online would be helpful; corys come from streams full of wood, and enjoy grazing its surfaces.
I will check into that Bryon! The only piece i have is upright in the corner for the cherry shrimp to hide/rest on.
I would still add more Corys. The loach probably needs to be in a group aswell, most do.

Ichthys said:
I would still add more Corys. The loach probably needs to be in a group aswell, most do.
I plan too. Plans are to get a 20 or 30 long as new tanks and seperate the loach and cories. Make them their own tanks with schooling groups of at least 5 as time/funds allow.

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