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  1. Seandgoode

    Ammonia Has Appeared

    Thanks for the reply, I did read the other post as was suggested, however I was unsure if it applied to my situation as well. I apologise if I seemed ignorant to any advise given and appreciate all the advise.
  2. Seandgoode

    Ammonia Has Appeared

    It is the liquid kind. Would it be worth getting new ammonia test?
  3. Seandgoode

    Ammonia Has Appeared

    So I tested again today still same ammonia reading. So I did a 50% water change and then retested after an hour. The reading was the same again? How can that be? I tested the tap water and the test shows no ammonia, surely the water change would have brought it down. Unless it is similar to the...
  4. Seandgoode

    Ammonia Has Appeared

    Thanks for the reply, I use the api master test kit, expires 2019. I have just tested the tap water and that shows 0 ammonia and the pH at 8. As to the fish they arnt at the surface any more than usual, they like the bubbles from the filter. There breathing looks normal, and gills are reddish...
  5. Seandgoode

    Ammonia Has Appeared

    Hi everyone, I'm in need of some help, the last few days my tank has registered 0.5ppm ammonia and I'm not sure why. I have a 23gal tank with 8 platy and 2 guppies and quite a few plants, one on some wood. I used the guide on fishless cycle about 6 months ago and has had fish in for about 5...
  6. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Hey guys thanks for the replies, after a day and a bit of starving Eric happily is eating the original pellets. 2-3 soaked for 5 mins and there gone in seconds. Next time round I'll try the new life food as suggested. Thanks again.
  7. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Thanks for the advise. Is there a brand of pellets you can recommend? Are they supposed to be floating pellets? Will definitely ammend the feeding as per your instructions. I try to feed him in the floating log so if it sinks it lands on the log. Took a new picture today...
  8. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    OK great, really appreciate the help. I will also pay careful attention to quantity of food. He is on a starving day today which I plan to do once or twice a week.
  9. Seandgoode

    Fin Rot?

    Unfortunately Mr guppy died the other day. I don't think it was fin rot in the end and was a case of nipping. Water tested every day and readings remaind the same so I can only think he must have been bullied. :(
  10. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Thanks for the advise I have knocked the temp up to 27. Is that the optimum temperature?
  11. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    I have actually moved him over to the tetra beta flakes as he just didn't eat the other stuff. I took that picture the day after I bought him and have been careful only to feed him what I'd eaten within a couple of mins. The temperature of the tank is 26give or take half a degree depending on...
  12. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Great thanks for the advise, will definitely do that. He does have a name, my daughter thought Eric was a good name, so Eric it is.
  13. Seandgoode

    Fin Rot?

    Hi have been keeping an eye on him and doesn't look to be any worse. Red edges have subsided and seems social. Just waiting for Tail to heel, thanks for the advise.
  14. Seandgoode

    New Betta Owner, Pellet Question.

    Hi everyone, I bought my first betta today, he is in his own tank with live plants and cycled filter etc. I have read through the very good articles on betta here but he only thing I'm not sure on is the suitability of the pellets I have. Link below...
  15. Seandgoode

    Fin Rot?

    Thanks for the reply, I will keep an eye out. I am nearly finished cycling another tank so might pop him in there when it's ready. Thanks again
  16. Seandgoode

    Fin Rot?

    Hello everyone please could someone help. One of my male guppies is missing parts of his tail fin and red around the missing areas. I have looked online for other views but all opinions seem to vary. Any help will be greatly appreciated.   Tank size: 90L (23.7USG) pH:8.2 ammonia:0 nitrite:0...
  17. Seandgoode

    Help Stocking My First Tank

    Any advice on numbers or know of a guide somewhere?
  18. Seandgoode

    Help Stocking My First Tank

    Hi everyone. Finally after 2 long months and one frustrating house move I am nearly ready for fish. I would really appreciate it if some of you could help impart your wisdom. This is the first time I've done this so all help is welcome.   So, the tank itself is 60cm x 45cm x 34cm and has 80L...
  19. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    I personally wouldn't drop Stirling, he was by far mom against Italy, either Rooney or Welbeck benched for me. I would rather see a diamond in midfield with Stirling at the top Gerrard at base and Henderson and Wilshire either side. Then you could play Rooney or Lambert with Sturridge up top and...
  20. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    Haha, I did think when Marcelo went down they were gonna get another soft penalty. So we're only a day away from England's second game, predictions? I'm thinking England will take the lead and then fold under the pressure. Centre backs lack pace and Hodgson won't drop Rooney. Managers seem...
  21. Seandgoode

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    Just seen wolf of wall st, really good and I'm a sucker for scorsese. 8/10
  22. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    At least it was a positive performance in most parts, much more enjoyable than usual. It's been a funny world cup so you never know.
  23. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    Wow, Costa Rica. That makes things interesting. 15 mins to ko, come on!
  24. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    I just hope we give Stirling and Berkley and chance they look fearless great to watch.
  25. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    Great to see Holland get a bit of retribution. Spain's centre half's look awful couldn't defend anything over the top. I stayed up and watched Chile vs Australia which was a very open game too. I think England will maybe grind out a draw tomorrow 0-0 or 1-1 any predictions?
  26. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    Yeah they are, USA play Ghana on Monday. I tried watching baseball last year and really enjoyed it. Only issues for me were start times as I'm in UK and just sheer volume of games watered it down a bit.
  27. Seandgoode

    My Aquarium Wood Wont Sink

    I had trouble with wood in my tank. I put it in a bucket with rocks on and eventually was water logged after about 3 weeks.
  28. Seandgoode

    2014 World Cup

    I think the penalty was soft and that swung it Brazil's way. Brazil did'nt seem to be as good as everyone was expecting, I'm looking forward to Spain vs Holland tomorrow.
  29. Seandgoode

    Water Hardness

    As to stocking I hadn't really decided yet, I was going to choose as per the water parameters. Seeing as it's only a 90 litre or 23 Us gal I was going to look at smaller fish like guppy, molly or platy. I do like the look of cichlids but would o ly be able to have a few and was led to believe...
  30. Seandgoode

    Water Hardness

    Hi everyone, I have recently bought a Gh and Kh test kit and have found my water is really hard, 358 to be exact. Is this going to cause issues when I stock my tank?
  31. Seandgoode


    Hi Dempsey, welcome. I am relatively new here too and everyone has been great with all the questions I have had. 
  32. Seandgoode

    Filter Cleaning And Other Questions (Fluval U2)

    Thanks for the advice. I have just ordered some new filter sponges and carbon pads. I plan to remove the carbon from the filter and replace with the new sponges. When I add the new ones I will give it all a swich in old tank water to practice for regular monthly filter checks.
  33. Seandgoode

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    OK thanks, so no great call for water changes until I'm ready for fish then?
  34. Seandgoode

    Filter Cleaning And Other Questions (Fluval U2)

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this fish keeping business and have a few questions about filter cleaning and maintainence.   When I set up my tank I just followed the instructions as per the manufacturer (Fluval) to get it up and running. Since then I have read a lot of differing opinions on media...
  35. Seandgoode

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    I am currently cycling my tank (started on the 17th May) and have found out I have to move house on 26th July. After peoples advise decided not to stock before the move and keep adding a "snack" dose of ammonia every 2-3 days after cycling is complete. But because of the long period I will be...
  36. Seandgoode

    Cycling Tank And Moving House

    That sounds like a great idea! I haven't read up on any snails or shrimp yet, any particular I should look out for?
  37. Seandgoode

    Cycling Tank And Moving House

    It's a 90 litre tank or 23 us gal with gravel. I think I will wait till after the move to get fish. I had planned on transporting the tank with substrate in and an inch of water with the filter in a bucket of tank water too. The new house shouldn't be more than 15 mins away so hopefully can get...
  38. Seandgoode

    Cycling Tank And Moving House

    I think it's probably the most sensible option, it does mean another month of staring and an empty tank tho :(. Thanks for your opinion.
  39. Seandgoode

    Cycling Tank And Moving House

    Hi everyone,   I started cycling my first tank about 9 days ago, so far so good. Unfortunately I found out today I have to move house on the 26th July. I'm guessing my tank will finish cycling roughly in a months time (end of June) and wondered what you guys think I should do? Also I have 3...
  40. Seandgoode

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Thanks once again for the quick responses and the info. I have the plants in the tank already and dosed to 3ppm of ammonia before I asked so I think as two tank says I will just try to cycle as normal.      Today I tested the water (day 5) and ammonia looks the same maybe slightly less, hard to...