Ammonia Has Appeared


Mostly New Member
May 17, 2014
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Hi everyone, I'm in need of some help, the last few days my tank has registered 0.5ppm ammonia and I'm not sure why.
I have a 23gal tank with 8 platy and 2 guppies and quite a few plants, one on some wood. I used the guide on fishless cycle about 6 months ago and has had fish in for about 5 months. I do 25% water changes every week and once a month very lightly swish filter media in old tank water, last done 3 weeks ago. There are no dying plants I can see or and dead fish. There is no nitrite present, pH is 8.2 as usual and nitrate 20-40ppm same as tap.
The only thing that is new are two resin decorations. The fish don't seem any different to normal but I have not fed them for 2 days incase over feeding was the cause. I have done water changes the last 2 days running to reduce ammonia but seems to be the same. I have just this second just noticed a very small fry, but it won't be staying in the tank. I can't work out why there would be any ammonia in there.

I am at a bit of a loss and any help would be very greatly appreciated.

Sounds a little unsual.
Sorry if this is a lame question but you sure if doing the tests right?
Sometimes human error is a factor in these tests, I get them wrong sometimes.
Second opinion is, what type of test kit are you using?
And are these tests up to date, within expiry date?
Lastly, do a test with your tap water, see what your test kit says.
Are the fish showing any signs of distress at all?
Rapid breathing, red gills, swimming at surface of tank water etc etc
Thanks for the reply, I use the api master test kit, expires 2019. I have just tested the tap water and that shows 0 ammonia and the pH at 8. As to the fish they arnt at the surface any more than usual, they like the bubbles from the filter. There breathing looks normal, and gills are reddish, but as far as I can remember always have. I think I'll have a closer look for any old play roots. Thanks for the link, I'll have a read. Should I just keep up the daily water changes till ammonia is at 0?
So I tested again today still same ammonia reading. So I did a 50% water change and then retested after an hour. The reading was the same again? How can that be? I tested the tap water and the test shows no ammonia, surely the water change would have brought it down. Unless it is similar to the other topic previously linked.

So confused.
Usually you are correct, doing a 50% water change should result in approximately 50% less ammonia.
Is your API master test kit the liquid based kit or the test dip strip kind?
Am thinking false readings from your test kit but unsure.
It is the liquid kind. Would it be worth getting new ammonia test?
If you you read my post as Ch4lie suggested, I believe you ould have your answer. I do not mean to appear rude etc. but to understand what you are likely seeing requires you do read it. However, if you did read it and have questions, please post them and I will be happy to explain.
Thanks for the reply, I did read the other post as was suggested, however I was unsure if it applied to my situation as well. I apologise if I seemed ignorant to any advise given and appreciate all the advise.
No apology needed. I just wasn't sure if you read it or not. And new hobbyists are not ignorant, they just have not yet learned things they will as time passes. Never forget that the only stupid questions are the ones we do not ask. Its how we learn :)

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