Help Stocking My First Tank


Mostly New Member
May 17, 2014
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Hi everyone. Finally after 2 long months and one frustrating house move I am nearly ready for fish. I would really appreciate it if some of you could help impart your wisdom. This is the first time I've done this so all help is welcome.
So, the tank itself is 60cm x 45cm x 34cm and has 80L (21.1 us gal) of water in it. The substrate is gravel and I have 5 plants in the tank.
Water parameters:
pH 7.4 - 7.6
Ammonia 0ppm
nitrite       0ppm
nitrate     40ppm
GH          356ppm
KH          286.4ppm
The selection of fish at LFS is ok, and was thinking about things like platys and guppys. I would like colourful fish that are quite hardy and it would be nice to have different fish at different levels. I don't have a clue when it comes to the amount of fish, so some advice would be great.
If you like colors, you could look into a school of cardinals (maybe ten), a platy or two (preferably male) or a few guppies (again all male in order to avoid tons of fry), and for the bottom you could do some shrimp. Catfish such as smaller corydoras would e acceptable if you were willing to switch to sand. You'd have plenty of color with the fish and there any many colorful shrimp available.
EDIT: I'm not sure how fond shrimp are your water hardness, or the cardinals. Maybe someone else will be able to assist with that.
Any advice on numbers or know of a guide somewhere?
Well, small timid schoolers need at least eight or ten, though standard schooling minimum is six. Large, boisterous fish, such as tiger barbs, need to be in larger groups (around twelve or more). The more of a single species you can add to the school is best.

The best way to figure out numbers is to check reputable knowledge sites (planet catfish for cats, Seriouslyfish, etc) and to check with the forum so you can get experienced members' input.
I would recommend some small gouramis such as sunsets. Some platys would also be a nice easy to keep addition.

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