Search results

  1. matthewlee1959

    Help! What's Wrong With Zazu?

    This is a real learning experience.  After researching about ick it would seem that by the time we add another fish it will be gone from the tank.  Swimming has already done a 100% water change, vacuumed the substrate as much as possible and replanted some of the plants that had come loose.  I...
  2. matthewlee1959

    Help! What's Wrong With Zazu?

    I appreciate the information, but taken together illustrate the dilemma people new to this hobby face.  The information from one article to another completely differ about the use of salt and treatment for ick.  I realize that it has been over 40 years since I had an aquarium, but I do remember...
  3. matthewlee1959

    Help! What's Wrong With Zazu?

    We lost Zazu.  He went downhill pretty fast and even though I ordered Ick medication he passed before it was received.  We tried putting salt in the tank and water changes, but it didn't help.  In retrospect I'm wondering if he was sick when we got him and that was the reason for his odd...
  4. matthewlee1959

    Help! What's Wrong With Zazu?

    He's all by his lonesome in a 10 gallon.  It is entirely possible he tore his tail on something.  He loves to use his tail and dorsal like sails filling them with current and letting it push him along.  If it got wrapped around something such as the filter inflow it is entirely possible he could...
  5. matthewlee1959

    Help! What's Wrong With Zazu?

    Since the tank is a planted aquarium would the salt hurt the plants?  What should she do to either eradicate this parasite before it gets a foothold, or prevent it if this is a false alarm?  Her mom took a look when she got home and to her the tail looked injured rather than rotten.  Thank you...
  6. matthewlee1959

    Our New Arrival, Zazu

    We decided not to do a fishless cycle for the moment with all the plants in the tank.  What we are doing is keeping a close watch on the ammonia.  After 2 days it stands at zero.  As far as calm water, there seem to be plenty of places he can rest on the plants or just chill hidden among them...
  7. matthewlee1959

    Our New Arrival, Zazu

    I finally made it home and SwimminginMusic and I set up our first tank in anticipation of a new arrival.  It's a planted tank that we are going to have to redo at some point.  Swimming really wanted to get her new betta, so replanting and contouring of substrate will have to wait.  Off we went...
  8. matthewlee1959

    Fish Stock Advice, I Want Something That Looks Like A Betta.

    I have a question about the compatibility of the shrimp with a Betta.  I know one of the Betta's food is brine shrimp and they are carnivores.
  9. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    I agree about the profit motive, but see it from the opposite end.  To hire the person I'm talking about would be expensive and most stores see labor as a commodity.  What they don't understand is the customer loyalty they would build and the ongoing profit they would see once the customer is...
  10. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    I realize that if you want to go all out it can be very expensive, but you can start on the cheap and if it's something the family enjoys they can upgrade a little at a time.  I don't see the money as the big issue as much as the time required to cycle an unplanted tank.  A month with a tank and...
  11. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    I would love to see nothing more.  I would also like to see the people who sell fish have the same zeal for the hobby as most of the purebred dog breeders I have known.  I didn't know until I searched the internet and this forum that the original GloFish need at least a 30 gallon tank.  In the...
  12. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    I think it seems to be a universal sentiment among those who know anything about the subject that dyeing and tattooing fish is cruel and should be outlawed.  I am personally on the side of staying with natural colors.  I have a teenage daughter with a strong love of the arts and she seems to be...
  13. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    I think it would be interesting to know about the breakdown of those who like GloFish and those who think they are an abomination.  Since I know SwimminginMusic I know why she likes them.  I am also familiar with people who are opposed to any type of genetically modified plants, or animals.  I...
  14. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    As a small business person and former photographer I understand the purpose of patents, trademarks and copyrights.  I also agree with them since the person who does the work should be the one profiting from their ideas and efforts.  My point was that now these fish are out in the world where it...
  15. matthewlee1959

    Glow Fish

    Actually having those pictures is a great help to illustrate the difference for those just getting started and kids who pick fish based on visual appeal.  I agree that dyed and tattooed fish should come with a warning of what has been done to them and the damage this has caused to the fish, if...
  16. matthewlee1959

    Need Help Setting Up First Tank

    We're going with tetras for now with maybe a betta as a centerpoint.  Frankly I wasn't going to shell out the money for Glowfish, (glofish?) until we had a well established tank and maintenance down till it was second nature.  It's one thing to learn with a few inexpensive fish and another when...
  17. matthewlee1959

    Need Help Setting Up First Tank

    I remember purchasing a pair of blind cave tetras that were supposed to get along with other fish-they didn't.  That was a lesson learned over 40 years ago.  Even if 9 out of 10 get along with other fish, there is always the 1 that doesn't.   We've had to downsize our plans for the first...
  18. matthewlee1959

    Need Help Setting Up First Tank

    What I'm seeing is that a planted tank shouldn't be cycled the same way a non-planted tank is.  As I understand what I have been reading the plants and bacteria would compete for the same nutrients.  I have even seen people advocating not using a filter, just set up a balance between the plants...
  19. matthewlee1959

    Need Help Setting Up First Tank

    I have been doing a lot of research about setting up a new tank and frankly I’m seeing a lot of conflicting information so I’ll just set up our scenario and watch for advice from more experienced members.  First most of the maintenance will be done by Swimminginmusic who is in middle school all...
  20. matthewlee1959

    Juwel Protein Skimmer

    I am thinking about getting the Top Fin 29 gallon starter kit.  It includes the Top Fin 30 filter and was wondering if anyone knows anything about this starter kit or the filter.  The heater is only 100 watt so I assume I will eventually need something with more juice and a better thermometer.
  21. matthewlee1959

    Am I Seeing The Planet Jupiter?

    Last fall was my WOW moment in astronomy.  Jupiter goes from the night sky to the morning in the U.S. over the fall and winter.  I headed out with my 10x50 binoculars mounted on a camera tripod and trained it on Jupiter.  It was one of those rare mornings with a completely still and clear...
  22. matthewlee1959

    I Know I'm Probably The Only One Around Here With This Emotion...

        Unfortunately the Browns of yesteryear are the Ravens of today.  All that's left in Cleveland is a uniform.  It's sad because this was the team that got me interested in football to begin with.  I go back to the days of #44 Leroy Kelly.  My parents could have cared less and so I had to...
  23. matthewlee1959

    Real, (U.s.), Football

    I would love to see LSU do a number on the Tide and the entire SEC for no other reason than I am tired of Les Miles being treated as a second class coach.  I can't wait to see what happens with Ohio State this year, I'm afraid my Illini are just out of luck.
  24. matthewlee1959

    Real, (U.s.), Football

    I'm almost a Bronco's fan with Manning at the helm.  As a Brown's fan I still haven't gotten over "The Drive," or the "The Fumble."  Still opening the season with 7 TD passes is impressive.
  25. matthewlee1959

    Hello From The Somewhere On The Road

    My daughter loves Daddy/Daughter hobbies and also loves the Glofish she sees in the stores as well as Betas and other species and has been talking for some time about aquariums.  Astronomy is something we do when I can get home and we have clear skies and temperatures that don’t require dressing...