Glow Fish

fluttermoth said:
I would like to know what good trademarking and patents are since any hobbyist can breed them?
AFAIK it's only if you sold home bred GloFish that you'd get into any trouble; patents and trademarks are there to protect the inventors investment, so if they just bred in your tank and you either kept them or gave them away, there wouldn't be any legal issues, as you wouldn't be profiting from someone else's research and development.
As a small business person and former photographer I understand the purpose of patents, trademarks and copyrights.  I also agree with them since the person who does the work should be the one profiting from their ideas and efforts.  My point was that now these fish are out in the world where it is almost impossible to enforce the trademarks and patents, much like music sharing and people who get their free 8x10 portrait take it home, scan it and then give it away to all their friends and relatives.  Photographers recognized they could no longer enforce their copyright so they just charge a very large upfront fee and allow people to do whatever they want with the digital files and photographs.  It's my understanding about the law that it is even illegal to give them away without paying compensation to the patent holder and and trademarking means we can only use the term GloFish to refer to actual AFAIK GloFish.  Granted I'm not a lawyer, but just ask any trucker and they'll tell you we are experts on just about any subject. (Kidding!)  
That dyed glass fish is going to give me nightmares (just kidding xD). I am personally a fan of Glofish. I am a fan of bright colors and tiny fish. Everyone has their opinion, and that's just mine. Tattooed fish, ugh, where do I begin? Personally, I feel like its form of abuse. I absolutely hate the fact that peope do that. I am a person who doesn't like to see fish dying, seeing as it breaks my heart. I would like to ask a quick question. How many colors of GloFish are there? I know about the pink, green, blue, orange, and yellow, but I want to know if there are more colors.
I think it's only the 5 colours, but they have now done the same job to Black Skirt Tetra and Tiger Barbs as well. You could always check on their website.
Personally, as the regulars on here will know, I hate Glofish(R), but each to their own.
The glo fish might be pretty colours...but I cannot understand who thinks of these things to encourage people to buy them...what on earth goes through someone's mind to event such a thing anyway? What's wrong with the natural state of any critter? But while some people out there buy them then there will always be a market. And as for the tattoo's on fish...I hadn't seen those, but really??? I fear for how life will evolve when people come up with these ideas, and personally I believe they have no regard for anything other than their own pocket....certainly no regard for the fish anyway....Where has all the respect gone?
Rant over
I think it would be interesting to know about the breakdown of those who like GloFish and those who think they are an abomination.  Since I know SwimminginMusic I know why she likes them.  I am also familiar with people who are opposed to any type of genetically modified plants, or animals.  I come down in the middle.  Man has been doing genetic manipulation for millenia before he knew there was such a thing as DNA or genes.  It was done through grafting of plants and selective breeding.  Let's face it all the purebred dog breeds started out by mixing different existing breeds.  On the other side there have also been consequences.  Many breeds are predisposed to certain ailments that can be traced back to the inbreeding within the breed.  Now that Pandora's Box has been opened and these fish are out in the public my approach is to make sure they are treated the way they should be and not as ornaments poorly cared for and dying a slow death.  In fact this lack of knowledge and what happened to Play Dough is what drove Swimming and myself to this forum and other sites.  Our next fish won't suffer from lack of proper care whether it's a GloFish, Betta, or any other type of fish.
I'm not a huge fan of inbreeding as it can cause deformities and genetic weaknesses that can ruin an animal, no matter what animal it is. However, animals like fish can be inbred quite a bit to strengthen the genetic line sometimes and Snakes(most reptiles actually) can be inbred once to improve a line. Any more than that though and I'd say it's taking it too far as it can cause kinks in the spine and such.
Genetically Modified fish(GloFish) I'm not a fan of. I will say that now as I don't like the unnatural colours to them. However, GM'ing a fish isn't on the same line of cruelty(in my eyes) as tattooing and dying a fish as they both cause pain as they are injected while swimming round a tank. GM'ing included injecting the eggs with jellyfish genes originally but now they breed true like that so it's not exactly on the same line of cruelty. I will forever remain on the "Not a fan" side though as the bright pinks and greens just makes them look too glaringly obvious to me lol.
I think it seems to be a universal sentiment among those who know anything about the subject that dyeing and tattooing fish is cruel and should be outlawed.  I am personally on the side of staying with natural colors.  I have a teenage daughter with a strong love of the arts and she seems to be viewing the idea of an aquarium as both art and science.  The artist in her loves the colors and that probably explains her love of Bettas also.
Francesjane said:
The glo fish might be pretty colours...but I cannot understand who thinks of these things to encourage people to buy them...what on earth goes through someone's mind to event such a thing anyway? What's wrong with the natural state of any critter? But while some people out there buy them then there will always be a market. And as for the tattoo's on fish...I hadn't seen those, but really??? I fear for how life will evolve when people come up with these ideas, and personally I believe they have no regard for anything other than their own pocket....certainly no regard for the fish anyway....Where has all the respect gone?
Rant over
Not sure if you already knew this or had been told on this thread but the GloFish were ORIGINALLY made for a pretty decent purpose in my opinion. I believe it was to detect pollution (someone will correct me if that's not right). My only real problem with GloFish is the marketing strategies used, bright fish attract alot of young and amateur keepers who don't know it's not ok to keep 10 of anything in a 1 gallon tank. The only thing I find "cruel" about GloFish are the greedy people taking advantage of ignorant buyers.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say if they become commercially available, it might help reduce the horrid painted fish industry, especially if they raise awareness of painting cruelty at the same time.
GetItSahn said:
The glo fish might be pretty colours...but I cannot understand who thinks of these things to encourage people to buy them...what on earth goes through someone's mind to event such a thing anyway? What's wrong with the natural state of any critter? But while some people out there buy them then there will always be a market. And as for the tattoo's on fish...I hadn't seen those, but really??? I fear for how life will evolve when people come up with these ideas, and personally I believe they have no regard for anything other than their own pocket....certainly no regard for the fish anyway....Where has all the respect gone?
Rant over
Not sure if you already knew this or had been told on this thread but the GloFish were ORIGINALLY made for a pretty decent purpose in my opinion. I believe it was to detect pollution (someone will correct me if that's not right). My only real problem with GloFish is the marketing strategies used, bright fish attract alot of young and amateur keepers who don't know it's not ok to keep 10 of anything in a 1 gallon tank. The only thing I find "cruel" about GloFish are the greedy people taking advantage of ignorant buyers.
i Totally agree, My views are that whats actually being done isnt cruel but the marketing is horrid itself.
tunagirll said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say if they become commercially available, it might help reduce the horrid painted fish industry, especially if they raise awareness of painting cruelty at the same time.
Arent GLOFISH[SIZE=7.777778148651123px]TM[/SIZE]  Already commercially available? i know they are here in the US, or are you talking about something else?
ncguppy830 said:

The glo fish might be pretty colours...but I cannot understand who thinks of these things to encourage people to buy them...what on earth goes through someone's mind to event such a thing anyway? What's wrong with the natural state of any critter? But while some people out there buy them then there will always be a market. And as for the tattoo's on fish...I hadn't seen those, but really??? I fear for how life will evolve when people come up with these ideas, and personally I believe they have no regard for anything other than their own pocket....certainly no regard for the fish anyway....Where has all the respect gone?
Rant over
Not sure if you already knew this or had been told on this thread but the GloFish were ORIGINALLY made for a pretty decent purpose in my opinion. I believe it was to detect pollution (someone will correct me if that's not right). My only real problem with GloFish is the marketing strategies used, bright fish attract alot of young and amateur keepers who don't know it's not ok to keep 10 of anything in a 1 gallon tank. The only thing I find "cruel" about GloFish are the greedy people taking advantage of ignorant buyers.
i Totally agree, My views are that whats actually being done isnt cruel but the marketing is horrid itself.

tunagirll said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say if they become commercially available, it might help reduce the horrid painted fish industry, especially if they raise awareness of painting cruelty at the same time.
Arent GLOFISH[SIZE=7.777778148651123px]TM[/SIZE]  Already commercially available? i know they are here in the US, or are you talking about something else?

I wasn't aware if they were, have to look it up
tunagirll said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say if they become commercially available, it might help reduce the horrid painted fish industry, especially if they raise awareness of painting cruelty at the same time.
I would love to see nothing more.  I would also like to see the people who sell fish have the same zeal for the hobby as most of the purebred dog breeders I have known.  I didn't know until I searched the internet and this forum that the original GloFish need at least a 30 gallon tank.  In the stores you see little round decorative tanks sold as GloFish Aquariums.  Informed floor people could promote the hobby and get families off to a successful start.
matthewlee1959 said:
I am going to go out on a limb here and say if they become commercially available, it might help reduce the horrid painted fish industry, especially if they raise awareness of painting cruelty at the same time.
I would love to see nothing more.  I would also like to see the people who sell fish have the same zeal for the hobby as most of the purebred dog breeders I have known.  I didn't know until I searched the internet and this forum that the original GloFish need at least a 30 gallon tank.  In the stores you see little round decorative tanks sold as GloFish Aquariums.  Informed floor people could promote the hobby and get families off to a successful start.
True, but what profit would they get? most people are accustomed to keeping a fish in a bowl, when people find out you have to pay 100 dollars plus to set up a 10 gallon tank, i dont think they will be appealed.I feel the only way that major pet stores sell fish is because of this, the inhumanity gets them profit otherwise selling fish is pretty much useless for them.
I realize that if you want to go all out it can be very expensive, but you can start on the cheap and if it's something the family enjoys they can upgrade a little at a time.  I don't see the money as the big issue as much as the time required to cycle an unplanted tank.  A month with a tank and no fish is hard especially when you have kids wanting to buy fish.  I realize opinion is divided on how soon to add fish to an planted aquarium, but what if every pet store, or pet department had a one of their 10 gallon kits set up as a planted aquarium with a Betta and a small school of another variety?  I have some sales experience and my instincts tell me that a knowledgeable person on staff who could tell people how to have a tank like the demonstration set up would have no trouble selling fish with all the trappings whether they were the tetra variety of GloFish or something else.
matthewlee1959 said:
I realize that if you want to go all out it can be very expensive, but you can start on the cheap and if it's something the family enjoys they can upgrade a little at a time.  I don't see the money as the big issue as much as the time required to cycle an unplanted tank.  A month with a tank and no fish is hard especially when you have kids wanting to buy fish.  I realize opinion is divided on how soon to add fish to an planted aquarium, but what if every pet store, or pet department had a one of their 10 gallon kits set up as a planted aquarium with a Betta and a small school of another variety?  I have some sales experience and my instincts tell me that a knowledgeable person on staff who could tell people how to have a tank like the demonstration set up would have no trouble selling fish with all the trappings whether they were the tetra variety of GloFish or something else.
Well look at it like this, people want things to be easy waiting a month to cycle a tank, and get fish. Im sure that many wont go through it,another thing is that the stores are able to sell alot of fish because they disregard tank size. An example of this would be all fish in general, most stores dont realize the correct tank sizes for fish, or do but know that they'd sell more if they tell the buyer "you could put anything in that tank",because of as i said Profit. Im not saying a small LFS store couldnt open up to be like that, But a major fish/pet store doing so, i couldnt see it.

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